A New Mission and a New Start

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I am SO SORRY for the long wait! School has been a hassle, I got grounded from my phone 😖 and my family went on vacation so I had no time to write. I'll probably be updating slow until I can get school back on track. Thank you everyone for your patience. It's greatly appreciated. ~FantasyGalGirl/Avery

The Avengers sat at a table listening(or in a certain genius, billionaires case, trying to) to the debriefing of their next mission. Nick Fury stood at the table's end, looking at each of the Avengers, including Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers, who had been married recently and were planning on starting a family in the foreseeable future. Fury clicked to the next slide, showing a silent video of Queens' new superheroes, the Spiderlings. The video ended and Fury spoke.
"While the actions of these so called Spiderlings are indeed noble, their identities and goals remain unknown.
I need you to find these vigilantes and bring them in. We need to know whether they're on our side or not. The last thing New York needs is loyalties changing. Dismissed."
The Avengers walked out of the conference room to suit up. Tony and Steve however, held back for a moment.
"I thought we were gonna look into places to adopt today!" whined Tony.
"Well it'll have to wait till tomorrow. This mission comes first Tony." replied Steve sombrely, just as upset as his husband.
"Ugh fine."
The couple walked out to suit up and set off with the rest of the team.

Time Skip
This part takes place during the patrol in the last chapter! Also I'm terrible at writing fight scenes so bare with me here...

Spider-Man(Peter), Spider-Boy(Harley) and I were sitting on the edge of a building eat some churros a nice old lady got us, which was great considering we barely ate yesterday, when we all heard the sound of repulsers thanks to our enhanced senses. We quickly rushed to pack up, but by the time we were done, it was too late. The Iron Man suit landed on the building alone with Captain America. We all could hear the sounds of a gun loading and someone notching an arrow. We turned to run when Cap called out to us.
"Wait please! We just wanna talk."
At this Harley turned around.
"Sure you do."
"You don't believe me?"
"No shit Captain." responded Pete.
"Language. Also why?"
I turned around annoyed with him.
"Because if you were truly here to 'just talk'" I stated using the quote fingers, "you wouldn't have brought the entire Avengers team, armed no less."
Cap's eyes widened, probably wondering how we knew that, when Tony finally spoke up.
"Look we just need to know whether you're a threat or not and who you guys are so we can go home. So why don't you just take off your masks and we'll be on our way."
Peter countered. "Yeah no. We have a reason to keep our identities secret, and that's for us to know, and us only. Later!" he said before we all jumped off the building and swung on a web trying to escape Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Time slowed as I heard the sound of two Iron Man suits and a set of wings starting up. I saw Hawkeye come out of an alley and take aim at Harley. I prayed that his Spider-Sense would go off so he wouldn't be hit. Thankfully it did. Falcon took off after me. I quickly webbed away and looked back to see Peter web up Falcon's wingsuit, bringing him down to the ground. I agilely webbed around a corner as Iron Man began to pursue me. I heard the sounds of someone being webbed up and the repulsers struggling. I looked back to see Pete and Harley with the Iron Man suit arms webbed up. I got an idea. I ran up the side of a building and stood at the top. I jumped off the building, webbed Iron Man's chest and pulled myself down, hard. As I hit his chest the arc reactor smashed, sending him tumbling to the ground and The Vision soaring after him. I nodded to my brothers and we repeated the same process with War Machine, sending him too to the ground. Hawkeye continues to send arrows and Black Widow shoots at Peter and I as we continuously dodge them. I glance over to check on Harley knowing my Spider-Sense will keep me safe, only to see him throw Cap's shield at Cap himself. It knocks Cap backwards and sends him flying of the building, with Vision once again rushing after him. I kinda feel bad for making him fly everywhere to catch everyone. As the Scarlet Witch uses her magic to throw full cars at us, we web some and throw them back, putting all three out of battle. With the Avengers either out of commission or tending to someone's wounds, we took our leave.

The Avengers and I watched, stunned as the Spiderlings left. I heard Tony groaning and quickly ran over to him to make sure he was ok. That's when I noticed the light in his suit was gone. The arc reactor smashed. Thankfully he got a surgery that took the reactor out so it was only powering the suit. I looked over and saw Rhodey's suit the exact same. I heard cries for help and saw Nat, Clint, and Wanda trapped under debris. I ran over and carefully lifted the debris off of them.


I sat on our bed as Tony went to take a shower. I got JARVIS to bring up the orphanages Tony and I were planning to look into tomorrow.

Sunny Manhattan Home For Kids

Brooklyn House for Children

Ms. Levy's Queens Home for Kids

We figured we were gonna take our time and make sure they were the right kid, so we were only checking out three orphanages tomorrow. One in Tony's birth town, one in mine, and one in Queens just to mix it up. Tony came out of the shower and we settled into bed to prepare for the exciting day we had tomorrow. As I fell asleep, one last thought crossed my mind;

Fury's gonna be pissed.

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