Press Conference

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Today was the day that we would introduce our kids to the world. I had Pepper schedule a press conference for 1:00, giving us plenty of time to get ready. We got to the press venue and snuck backstage. All three of the kids were sweating bullets. I looked at Steve and a silent conversation went through our heads. We took Via, Harley and Peter to the side to try and calm them down. I made Harley look at me.

"Everything's gonna be fine, alright bud? You got nothing to worry about. All you gotta do is go up there with the twins and answer anything they ask you that you're comfortable answering."

"But wha-what if they ask about why you two adopted us? Or if they ask about-about our time at the orphanage?"

"That won't happen. Before you guys go on I'm gonna go up and make sure they know that they aren't allowed to ask those sort of questions unless they want my lawyers on their as- butt. Alright?" Harley slowly nodded.

"Come here bud." I pulled Harley into a tight hug and kissed his forehead in reassurance. Steve had managed to calm down the twins, and just in time too. Next thing we knew Pepper came backstage telling me it was time to go on. I walked up to the podium, Steve would walk up with the kids when I called them up. I rose my hand up waiting for silence.

"Thank you. As you all should already know, I've called a press conference today to discuss a very important matter to me. Well not just me, but my husband as well. Now recently you may have heard of the incident surrounding Ms. Levy's Queens Home for Kids. You may have also heard that Steve and I were there to put a stop to it. What I know for a fact you don't know is the reason we were there in the first place. The truth is, after Steve and I got married we planned to start a family. This incident gave us the exact family we were looking for, by we I mean us, and the kids. They are here with us today to answer some questions. My only request is that no extremely personal questions are asked. They've had a rough past that doesn't deserve to be shared with the world. Without further ado, please welcome the newest members to our family, Olivia Grace Stark-Rogers, Peter Benjamin Stark-Rogers, and Harley Stark-Rogers."
The press began clapping and taking photos as Steve and the kids walked up to the podium and stood with me.

"You, green jacket, red ponytail."

"Mary Jane Watson, Daily Bugle. What are your hobbies, any sports or clubs?"
Via took to the mic first.
"Well we're all pretty big science fans. I focus more on technologies, Peter here focuses more on chemistry and physics, while Harley focuses on earth and space sciences."
I pointed to another reporter.

"Blue sweater, short brown hair."

"Damian Fitz, New York Times. This is a question for all of you. Recently workers reported constantly hearing an annoying tune throughout the tower for two weeks straight. Can you establish what that was all about?" I smirked at Via as Steve walked up to the mic.

"I'll answer this. Three weeks ago somebody thought it would be a great idea to hack into the tower from her friends house. Not only that but she made it so that the gummy bear song was nonstop playing throughout the tower, including the labs, bedrooms and bathrooms for two weeks. The only place you couldn't hear it was Via's bedroom. And the only to turn it off was to have Via turn it off herself." Via began to blush in embarrassment. The press asked a few more questions before we wrapped up the conference and went home to the tower.

"Now was that so bad?" I smirked at them. They shook there heads saying 'no'. I laughed as we went to bed for the night.

I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened but at one in the morning I felt like I was gonna puke so I got up to go inside to the bathroom (I was sleeping in a tent in the backyard). The minute I got up I puked immediately, and didn't get to bed again till four in the morning. Anyways...I've decided that I'll do three more of these before moving on to the main story. One focused on Steve, Peter and Harley respectively. Then we move on to the main plot.

Orphan SpiderlingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora