Three Know

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As Cap was finishing up the meeting, I looked over at Nat and saw she had noticed the little 6/9 at the top. She gave me a knowing look. Guess she figured it out too. I winked at her for as a signal to keep quiet. After the meeting finished everyone walked out of the conference room with the exception of Natasha and myself. She got up a revealed the last three possibilities once we were sure that the room was secure. 

Peter Benjamin Stark-Rogers

Olivia Grace Stark-Rogers

Harley Stark-Rogers

"So, your kids are the Spiderlings huh?" she looked at me questionably.

"They are. I ran a voice recognition when we encountered them last."

"Why didn't you put it up when everyone else was here? I'm sure this would've put us a lot closer to finding out their identities Stark."

"They've been trying to hide their identities for a while now. If they're not ready to reveal it I won't force them. Plus I wanna help them."

"How so?"

"Simple. Give them all upgraded suits, add more safety features like trackers and what not."

"I guess I could also help them improve on their fighting skills. They're all fairly skilled but can definitely improve in some areas. For now it seems we're the only ones who know their identities. I say we keep it that way." I nodded in agreement.

"You aren't the only ones who know actually." A new voice entered the room.

"You know too?" I inquired.

"Of course, did you not think I would look inside their heads to try and find their identities?" Wanda Maximoff smirked at the two.

"Fair enough. The plan is to keep the whole 'the Spiderlings are our kids' deal under wraps and help them when no one's around." I explained.

"I'll help. I'll make sure anyone who may be on to their secret is thrown off. Whether that be by magic or simply talking. I'll make sure no one else knows their little secret."

"We're gonna need to confront them at some point, Stark." Natasha pointed out.

"Yeah, and I'd rather do that sooner rather than later so I can start upgrading their suits to be safer." With that plan in mind, we exited the room and went up to the common room. 

"Boss, Peter, Olivia and Harley have arrived at the tower." We looked at each other and knew it was now or never to confront them.

"FRIDAY ask the three of them to meet in Harley's room." Nat requested.

"Of course." We walked out of the elevator and towards Harley's bedroom. We walked in and the kids were sitting around waiting for us. Wanda closed the door as we sat down.

"I'm just gonna get straight to the point with you three. We know you're the Spiderlings." They immediately began panicking and started to deny it.

"Spiderlings? Us? No no no! Where did-where did you get that idea from?" Harley spoke nervously.

"Guys." Nat spoke calmly. "We're not mad."

"You aren't?" Peter spoke next.

"And we're definitely not going to make you all stop." Wanda chuckled after looking in their heads. The three of them to a breathe of relief.

"We want to help you stay safe." I said.

"How so?" Via asked curiously.

"Simple. We upgrade your suits, teach you better fighting skills and make sure your secret remains a secret." I explained. Via nodded cautiously. 

"Don't worry you three. We just want to see you safe and happy." By this point they looked reassured. 

"So for suit upgrades, I was thinking making the suits a little more durable than what you have now, no offense those suits are amazing. By the way who made the original suits?" Harley meekly raised his hand. My eyes widened.

"Impressive. You got talent kid." I complimented him. "Where'd you learn to sew?"

"Well when we were in the orphanage, often our clothes would get ripped and we wouldn't have enough money to replace them, so sewing became a valuable skill."

We talked about how the suits should look, what they should be made of and what they should withstand. Harley once again became an interesting topic.

"They should be able to withstand everything from fire, lightning, to bullets and punches."

"But not electricity for mine? And maybe something to help with camouflage?" I looked at him questionably. He then made a small ball of lightning appear in his hands before touching Peter. Peter suddenly became stiff as a board and fell over, temporarily paralyzed. I looked back to Harley shocked, only for him to turn invisible. I almost fell off the seat, shocked at what I was seeing. Harley reappeared and explained.

"I was bitten by a different radioactive spider. After Via and Peter were bit on their trip, my class ended up going to Oscorp as well where I was bit by a different spider."

"So you two can't do that?" I asked looking at the twins. Via spoke for both of them when she shook her head no.

"I'll add it to the list." I said smirking. "Is Pete gonna be OK?" 

"Yeah. The venom will wear off in an hour or two, but you might wanna create an antidote just in case." I chuckled and mentally noted to try and create an antidote for Harley's venom.

"My question is, if you had access to these, abilities, when you were fighting us, why didn't you use them against us?" Natasha pointed out.

"Well we did use the camouflage against you guys once before. The first time we met that was how we escaped. But as for the venom, I need a lot of cover and time before I can use it. So we try not to use it unless we have an extremely large enemy or it's some type of emergency." Harley explained. Nat nodded seeing the point he was making. We spent the rest of the time talking about the upgrades we wanted to make until Steve called us for dinner. We reminded them to not worry and that we would keep their secret safe. With that in mind, we rushed out to enjoy Steve's dinner.

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