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Tony had told me before hand of the kids' plan so they wouldn't be home for a while. That was good because it gave us more time to look for the Spiderlings. I walked into the conference room at 3:55 to wait for the rest of the team. Soon everyone else came in with the exception of Tony. He walked in five minutes later. I smiled but rolled my eyes at his dramatics. Soon we began discussing what went wrong in our last encounter and where we can go right.

"Well for starters," Sam began "they managed to take down or distract all of our flyers. Being me, Rhodes, Stark and Vision." He wasn't wrong, and that meant that if they did that once they can do it again. 

"So what do we do about it? If they take us down it's basically game over for us. They'll just swing away if we're not able to follow them." Rhodey continued.

"For starters we can be more aware of what's happening. The only reason they were able to take the four of you out was because you weren't aware of what was happening. You were so focused on one that another was able to take you down." Nat pointed out.

"So there's a start." Clint added. "Keep em' in one group don't let them separate or get behind you."

"Perfect. Where else did we go wrong in the battle?" I asked and Clint spoke up.

"They were somehow able to dodge my arrows when I never miss. How the hell do you explain that Cap?"

"Language." I muttered.

"Well either you're out of shape and practice Legolas, or there's something warning them when something dangerous is coming." Tony concluded and Clint glared at him.

"So what do we do about that? If they can sense all of our attacks coming we'd never be able to land a hit on them." Wanda pointed out. I thought for second since she has a great point. 

"If I may, I believe I have a solution." Everyone looked at Vision. "You say that the Spiderlings have a warning system to tell them when danger is coming. Well the simple solution to the problem would be to distract and trap them. They would only sense the danger after they were pulled into the trap."

"So we trap them, then what?" Sam asked.

"We make take their masks off or we take them off for them." Nat concluded.

"Is this going to require a code green?" Bruce spoke up for the first time.

"Hopefully not. We'll only need help from Hulk if things get really out of hand." I explained.

"Well on that note, I think we have a plan. Let's go hunt some spiders." I finished.


We headed out to Queens where the Spiderlings were last seen stopping a bank robbery. We waited a few minutes before we saw red and black, red and blue, and blue and white figures swinging through the concrete jungle. We began to approach them. The plan was to try asking politely again and only go through with the trap if they refused to come quietly even though that was the most likely scenario. We dropped on top of the rooftop they had landed on. They looked back at us before standing up, but surprisingly not taking off.

"We'll try asking you politely again to please reveal your identities."

"Afraid we can't do that Captain." Spider-Woman spoke up. 

"Why not?" I asked calmly.

"You saw what happened with SHIELD and HYDRA a few years ago, tons of files were hacked and released. If we give our identities to SHIELD, the same thing could happen, and we can't risk HYDRA, or any of our enemies coming after us or our family because of that." Spider-Man spoke rather politely this time.

"Oh and Captain? I do believe we all owe you an apology, see we were kind of idiots and rude last time, while you were over here being polite and that wasn't very civil of us. So sorry about that. We were just having a rough day and it put us in a bad mood which resulted in us taking our anger and frustrations out on you guys." Spider-Boy said.

"I appreciate it." Natasha came up onto the building.

"I can see where you all are coming from with your worries about your identities being released." I looked at her confused. What was she doing? "I can assure you however, that ever since HYDRA infiltrated SHIELD, security has been increased massively. Your identities are safe with them and us."

"As much as we appreciate hearing that Ms. Romanoff, unless you can prove that statement I'm afraid we can't trust your word." Spider-Man explained. Nat nodded seeing his point. A scream was heard from a few blocks away and the Spiderlings looked worried. Well, as worried as you can look when your face is masked. They immediately swung off to deal with the crime and we let them. We had more information than we did before. The next best move was to return to the base and see what we could figure out from the information they had willingly given us.


We returned to the tower and thought about what they had told us. We went to a conference room and I looked outside the window. Sunset, they should be home soon. I sat down with the rest of the team and we discussed what we had been told. I looked at Wanda.

"Wanda, were they telling the truth?"

"From what I could get from my location they were. It appears that all their fears, are in fact true."

"OK that's a start. Tony did you get a chance to run voice recognition on them?" 

"Yeah but there were multiple possibilities that came up, no direct match." Tony put them up on the screen.

"Now, we're getting somewhere. Let's go through each of these and see if anything matches up." As we began to search I failed to notice two things. One, the little number in the top of the screen that said 'showing 6/9 possible candidates'. Two, the wink and look of recognition shared between Tony and Nat.

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