Family Game Night

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It was that time of the week again. Friday night, otherwise known as Family Game Night in the Stark-Rogers household. Pops loves doing these since we can talk about our weeks and spend time together as a family. We always make homemade pizzas, then settle into the living room and eating our pizzas before playing some card games or board games. Via, Harley and I walked into the Tower and into the common area to see Dad getting out cards and board games, while Pops was prepping the pizza dough.

"Hey kiddos. How was school?" Dad greeted us with a fond smile.

"Boring but easy per usual." Harley answered. "I have some homework but then I'll be right down to make pizzas!"

"Sounds good buddy. Why don't you three get your homework done and then come back down and we'll get started alright?" Pops suggested. We all nodded in agreement and went upstairs to our bedrooms to do our homework. I have some chemistry, Spanish and English. I don't know what Via or Harley had but I know with their brains, they'll get it done quickly as will I. I walked into my room and plopped my bag beside my desk and got to work.

I finished the work in about half an hour and put it away in my bag. I walked out of my room to see Harley walk down the hall with Via following him, heading for the elevator. I rushed in just before the door closed and they laughed at my clumsiness. We chatted for a bit about what games we would be playing tonight as well as what we would each be putting on our pizzas. We rushed out of the elevator and headed straight for the kitchen. We quickly sat down at the island and waited for our dads to notice us. They turned around and immediately jumped when they saw us sitting there. We began laughing as they tried to catch their breath.

"That was not nice!" Pops said laughing and trying but failing to catch his breath.

"I'm surprised you two didn't hear us, we were fairly loud." Via responded.

"Maybe we were too busy trying to set up pizzas to notice." Dad said with his trademark smirk.

We all just laughed and got to work as the ingredients and dough were placed in front of us. Harley immediately went for the lactose-free cheese, as we had discovered a few weeks prior that he had developed a lactose intolerance. I added sauce, cheese, pepperoni, and pineapple. Dad gave me a strange look.

"Why the hell are you putting fruit on your pizza Pete? Fruit does not belong on pizza!"

"Language Tony." Pops said with a fond grin.

"Tomatoes are fruit. People put tomato sauce on pizza. Is that not the same thing?"

"No, but also yeah, but also no?" I had him there. Dad went quiet for a bit, probably trying to figure out how to explain what I had said. I chuckled and put my pizza in the oven, Pops and my siblings following suit. After the pizzas had cooked we went to the living room, where I suggested that we play the game that ends friendships. UNO. Dad shuffled the deck and dealt out seven cards to each of us.

"So what rules are we playing with tonight? Stacks, 7-0, challenges?" Dad asked. Harley smirked.

"Can we do all of them?" The entire family, myself included, looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do that son?" Pops gave him a questioning glare. Harley simply nodded with confidence in his eyes.

"Well then, on that note, game on." We played for about half and hour before Via and Pops were down to their last two cards.

"UNO." Via placed down a skip card. Harley's turn was skipped and it went to Dad. He placed down a skip card on Pops and it went to me.

"Pete please stop her."

"Via, I'm sorry but I don't like how little cards you have."

"Don't you da-" She didn't finish her sentence as I placed down a wild draw four and changing the colour to yellow. Via looked at me betrayed.

"But why?" she whined. She got a look in her eyes that said trouble.

"I'm going to challenge that." Via smirked.

I looked at Dad with sadness in my eyes.

"I can't stop her. I'm sorry!" I said, drawing four cards. Via placed down her last card. And wouldn't you believe it. It was a wild card. We all groaned and set our cards down. Via got up from her seat and began doing a victory dance. Needless to say we didn't play that anymore and ended the night with a relaxing game of Scrabble.

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