The Prankmaster

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These are just some one shots until I get to the main plot. May be less than 1000 words but oh well.
It been about a month since we had been adopted and we had finally started calling Tony 'Dad' and Steve 'Pops'. I was at MJ's apartment after school. We had a really important English essay we had to finish so we decided to team up and work together. I had finished my essay and was bored until I got an idea. I smirked, and grabbed my laptop from my bag. MJ watched me with curiosity in her eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Well it's been a while since I've pulled a good prank, and I just got a great idea for one." I opened my computer and began to hack into the tower. Dad and Pops were gonna kill me for this but it would be worth it. I finally got into the tower undetected and gained access to the music system for the tower that played everywhere from the lobby, to the labs and even the penthouse. I smirked at MJ and set the music to play for the next two weeks everywhere with the exception of my bedroom. nonstop unless someone *cough* Dad *cough* manages to turn it off. I then went on to YouTube and searched up the gummy bear song and set it to play.
Let the prank commence.

Play this while you're reading any character other than Via!

I was working on improving the suit with the boys when my rock music stopped out of nowhere. I was about to ask FRIDAY what happened when the most retched song ever turned on instead.

Oh I'm a gummy bear. Yes I'm a gummy bear. Oh I'm a yummy, chummy, funny lucky gummy bear.

And the song continued on. I tried to figure out the source but couldn't find any proof of someone hacking the tower.

The songs been playing for an hour now.

The rest of the Avengers are home. The songs been playing for two hours straight on repeat and is beginning to get on everyone's nerves.

Via just got home. The song has been playing for three hours straight and I still can't figure out how to make it stop.

The song played all through dinner. It's been playing for four hours.

The songs still playing while we're trying to sleep. It's been playing for eight hours.

We all came out the next morning pissed off with little to no rest with the exception of Clint who had wisely taken his hearing aids out. It's been playing for 20 hours. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

I looked over as Via came out into the kitchen looking 'tired'. I already knew it was her and I had to admit, I was impressed. I knew from yesterday she was the culprit. When she came in she had an almost invisible smirk. I confirmed my theory this morning.
Via was wearing makeup to make it look as though she got no sleep. She walked out after breakfast to go get changed and I followed her to her room. Nat came as well which told me she also knew what Via did. We walked into Via's room which was, surprise surprise, quiet.

"I have to admit Via, it was a good prank." She looked up in shock. We smirked and promised to keep quiet and played along if she always joined our side in future prank wars.

The music's been going on for almost 3 days now. Nat and I have been sleeping in Via's room in order to get some proper rest. So far Tony and Bruce haven't figured who did it or how to turn it off.

The music finally stopped at 4:30 PM today. Tony immediately went to his lab to work in peace to try and figure out who did this and how. We decided to give a little nudge this morning. While the music was still playing, Via went out into the kitchen without makeup on, that would signify she got a good sleep. The first to notice was Sam.

"I knew it. Via's been wearing makeup." The chase began to get Via back for the prank.

No one ever did. From that day on Via was dubbed the Prankmaster.

Btw I wrote this on my phone so the editing might not be as good compared to when I write on my computer.
Imma probably do maybe three or four more of these before I get to the main plot!

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