Back to Midtown School of Science and Technology

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Monday arrived and it was time for us to finally return to school. I got up at seven, with FRIDAY as my alarm clock.

"Good morning Harley. You requested me to wake you up at 07:00 AM in order for you to get ready for school. Mister Stark-Rogers has began making breakfast for the five of you, and Boss says he will drive you to school at 07:45 AM, allowing you to be on time for school which begins at 08:30 AM."  FRIDAY's voice ran through the room. I thanked her and got out of bed to get ready for the day. Tony and Steve took us shopping on the weekend so we had fresh sets of clothes since our previous clothes were basically destroyed in the, event, that occurred roughly a week prior. I pulled on a basic light blue t-shirt with a brown zip-up sweater over top. I put on a pair of jeans and finished the outfit with black converse. I grabbed my bag and walked out to the kitchen where I could smell breakfast. I walked in and sat down at the island along with Via. Steve was at the stove finishing making some pancakes, bacon and eggs. He served us our food and we thanked him and dug into the breakfast. Tony joined us eventually and sat beside me. Peter was the only one who wasn't up yet. I looked at the clock. 7:30 AM. I looked at Via and she nodded at me, thinking the same thing I was. We finished eating and placed our plates in the dishwasher. We separated into our rooms and grabbed our secret weapon against Peter. Air horns. We walked back out and walked into our rooms and sneaked into Peter's. There he was, still sleeping surprise, surprise. Via looked at me and placed her hand on the button, I did the same. She whispered.

"Three, two, one, go!" We blasted our air horns and began running around the room while continuously hitting the button. By the time we were done, Peter was on the ceiling trying to catch his breath, and we could hear Steve and Tony laughing in the kitchen. 

"What was that for?!" Peter asked, exasperated.

"We've got school knucklehead. We're leaving in ten minutes and breakfast is on the counter." Via responded nonchalantly. "Get moving or get left behind and be late." We walked out of his room. We heard him fall to the floor and shout "You couldn't have been more gentle about it?!" We laughed and fist bumped each other and went back to the living room. Tony and Steve looked at us and we smirked. They immediately broke down laughing. 

"Where did you two get air horns?" Steve said in between laughing and trying to breathe. 

"When we went to the mall, we secretly went and bought an air horn each without Peter knowing." I responded.

"And why in the name of hell did you need air horns if I may ask?" Tony asked laughing as well. 

"Because the only way to get Peter out of bed properly is by either threatening him or using a loud noise, and we didn't think it was necessary to threaten him." I laughed and looked at the clock. 7:40 AM. Peter came rushing out in a random t-shirt, jeans, and converse. He didn't even bother doing his hair or having a shower. Tony chuckled at the sight and shook his head. 

"Well now that we're all here, I think it's time we get going." Tony stated and walked towards the elevator with us in tow after saying our goodbyes to Steve. We got in a car and drove off to school.


We pulled up to the school and Via winked at us before asking Tony if we could hang out with our friends after school and Decathlon. He said yes as long as we were home before sundown. Via thanked him and winked at us. It finally clicked in what she had done. I smiled at her. 

"She just earned us patrol time."  We said goodbye and Tony drove off. We walked in and headed for our lockers, which coincidentally were side by side. We got to our lockers and were immediately pulled into hugs from Ned, MJ and Flash. Flash and Via shared a kiss and she hugged everyone. They began questioning if we were OK, where we were living now, and how we were feeling after the event. We answered them calmly.

"Guys everything's fine, we're OK!" Peter answered. "We uh, we got adopted." The hugs started again only this time accompanied by squeals.

"So wait, who adopted you? You guys never said." Ned inquired. I smirked as did my brother and sister. Flash was smirking too and I remembered that Via already told him. 

"Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers, AKA Iron Man and Captain America." Their faces were priceless.  


As I pulled away from the school I got a call from Nat.


"Agent Romanoff. Miss me?" Natasha rolled her eyes. 

"Not as much as Fury does apparently. He wants all of us out on the field tonight, looking for the Spiderlings again."

"Patchy's not gonna give up is he?" I said smirking. 

"Nope. How are the kids settling in?"

"It's been rough but we're getting there. First naturally you gotta earn their trust, which was actually kind of easy. Surprising considering the environment they grew up in."

"I guess that's just what happens when two well known heroes save a bunch of kids and take them in."

"Yeah, you're not wrong their Widow. Then came the nightmares and of course, Via's incident." I frowned remembering what the poor girl had to go through. Nat did the same.

"But other than that?" she said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Other than that, all's been good. Just dropped them off at school, they're gonna hang out with their friends after school so that works out. We can go spider hunting, and be back before dinner." Nat nodded. 

"I've gotta go. We're meeting on top of the Tower at 5:00 sharp to start looking but meeting in the conference room at 4:00 to discuss strategies to bring them in." I nodded.

"See you then Romanoff." The call cut out.

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