Thinking Like a Villain

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It's been a month since I last updated. Excuse? School. ALWAYS BLAME SCHOOL.
Play the song when you see this emoji -----> 🎤


1. Spider-Woman and Spider-Boy will infiltrate the Raft, set free the Sinister Six and convince them to help save Peter.

2. Tony, Natasha, Wanda and Clint will begin tracking down Peter and Liz's location.

3. Once the location has been confirmed, everyone will head there and and take down Peter together.


It's the middle of the night. Two figures are swinging through the Upper East Side of Manhattan, heading for a max security prison known as the Raft. Via and Harley Stark-Rogers landed on the ground. Directly across the water laid the jail. The two nodded before running up the nearest tall building and standing on top. Via put her hand up to comm on her ear and spoke.

"Alright, let's get this party started Clint."

"Copy that. Nat and I are watching all the security cameras on your route. We'll let you know if anything comes up."

The two spiders jumped off the roof and activated their web wings, silently gliding over to the Raft. They landed on top of the building and crawled inside the vents.

"Alright, to get to the boy band's cell, heading straight past three vent covers. You two should come to an intersection, go left."

They did as Clint told them to, making a left at the crossing.

"Alright, keep heading straight till you pass the warden's office. There should be another clearing, take a right, then two lefts."

"Got it." Via and Harley followed Clint's orders, passing the warden's office and take a right, then a left before coming to another crossing.

"Clint. Repeat the third direction please." Harley asked.

"Umm...go right?"

"Are you sure?" Via asked sensing his unsureness.

"Lemme double check, hang tight."

"I swear Legolas, if we get lost or caught because you're directionally challenged you're cut from the team. Auntie Nat take over please."

"What-" Clint's voice was cut off and replaced with Natasha's.

"Copy that Via. Go left."

"Got it."


While Natasha, Clint, Harley and Via were locating the villains, Wanda and Tony were attempting to locate Peter and Liz.

"Peter, or whatever the hell is controlling Pete, must've ripped out his tracker. I can't find him anywhere."

"I can't find him telekinetically either. He must be in some sort of coma. Normally I can read his thoughts no matter where he is."

"Can't find who?" A new voice entered the lab. Wanda and Tony looked over, startled, to see Steve standing by the entrance. Wanda came up with a quick half-lie.

"We're trying to find the girl that went missing yesterday. You must have heard."

"I did. What's the problem?" Tony joined in on the lie.

"We can't find her. I can't track her phone and Wanda can't find her with her powers."

"Then maybe you need to track her old school style."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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