A/N and tagged twice!!!

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First off I wanna apologize for not being frequent with chapters. School has been busy and my English has an addiction to homework. 😖 Secondly I was tagged by @RuneWrights and @marvelgeek1245 so here we go!

1. I am Canadian! Not gonna say where for privacy reasons but I am from Canada!

2. I'm a MASSIVE nerd. Whether it's Marvel, Harry Potter or any sort of fandom, I love it!!!

3. I am a Hufflepuff! 🦡 I took 10 different tests and they all came out Hufflepuff 😂

4. I am 15 and in the tenth grade!

5. My boyfriend and I(whom I will not name obviously 😂) have been dating for almost 11 months. Turns out we both had a crush on each other but didn't know it 😂

6. I actually love canoeing. I do canoe and camping trips with my school and went on one a few weeks ago!

7. I like to rp as Deadpool's roommate wherever I can! I find it hilarious to see people's reactions.

8. I cried three or four times during Endgame. Morgan Stark(cuteness overload), Natasha's death, Tony's death, and Tony's funeral 😭

9. I am HORRIBLE at math. I barely passed with 55% last year 😖

10. I am fluent in English and French(we are required to learn it in school). I would also like to learn a few more languages like ASL, Spanish and maybe even Russian!

I'm not good at telling jokes so maybe this will work?

I'm not good at telling jokes so maybe this will work?

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Don't have a spoiler yet...

Now 28 people to tag...oh wait...I don't follow 28 people...umm...lemme just tag everyone I know on here lol;
RuneWrights (tag back!)

1. Mention who tagged you(sorry lol)
2. Say ten things about you
3. Title it
4. Tell a joke
5. Write a spoiler(if you've got one)
6. Tag 28 people
7. Put these rules in your tag.

Depending on how much time I have this weekend, imma try and get another chapter or two up🤞🏻
All depends on when I gotta work and when I have free time. I am still writing this story though and I won't quit until its done.

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