Oscorp and Spiders Don't Mix

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It was a Tuesday afternoon, Harley, Via, Flash, Ned, MJ and I were in the library with decathlon. We were chatting about the big homecoming dance coming up in a few weeks time, and who we were going with or planning to ask. Naturally Via and Flash were going together. MJ didn't want to go but agreed to go with Ned and Harley as friends.

"So what about you Pete? Who you taking to homecoming?" Flash asked.

"Umm I-I don-don't really know yet." I lied. In truth I was planning to ask out Liz, the leader of the decathlon team. 

"Well if you can't get a date you can always join us two Peter." Ned invited. I nodded in thanks.

"Everyone listen up!" Liz, my hopefully homecoming date, stood at the front of the table. 

"I've got an announcement to make. You all know of our success at nationals last year. Well turns out a certain big company heard it too. Oscorp has invited us to enjoy a tour as a way of saying congrats. The tours on Monday, get your permission slips signed and in to Mr. Harrington by Monday or no trip. Now lets run some drills." We spent about an hour doing decathlon drills before agreeing to adjourn the meeting. As everyone except Liz and I left the library, I knew it was time to make my move. 

"Umm, Liz hey!" 

"Hey Peter. What's up?"

"Umm well, you see, there's been something I've been meaning to ask you."

"Which is?" I could tell she was getting impatient.

"Iwaswonderingifyouwouldgotohomecomingwithme?" I spoke quickly.

"As much as I want to go Peter, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say no. The most popular senior in school can't be seen with a nerdy sophomore. My reputation would disappear into thin air. See you on Monday." And with that said, she walked off.

"Well that hurt." I said to no one in particular before walking out to meet Via and Harley for patrol, making sure to pick up a permission form on the way out. 


The day of the field trip had finally arrived. To say we were nervous about going to Oscorp would be a massive understatement. We arrived at school and got on the stereotypical yellow school bus that would take us to Oscorp. We hopped on and sat down with MJ, Flash and Ned. Liz hopped on and sat at the front to do roll call, I didn't dare look her in eyes. Once roll call was complete, she sat down and we were off. The bus ride was about an hour so we had time to chat and theorize about what might happen on the trip. We discussed the possibility of seeing different experiments or new forms of tech. We were about to get specific with the types of experiments when the bus pulled up. We were each given an ID before a tour guide came out and took us inside the building.

??? POV

It's so dark in here, so cramped. I want, no need, to get out of here. I start moving around as much as I can, banging myself against surfaces over and over again till I felt myself float before crashing. I opened my eyes to see white and grey everywhere, a sharp contrast from the black I'm used to. I try moving only to feel something dig into me. I look down seeing what I assume to have been my cage scattered around me. I ignore it and keep pushing forward. I need out of here, I need food. A part of the cage opens and what I've learned to call a human comes through. I make my move and escape the larger cage before it can close again. Time to find some food.


The tour so far has actually gone pretty well. We saw some of the tech and experiments as suspected. We were now in lunch. I pulled out the sandwiches Pops made us and dug in. I must've grabbed the wrong sandwich, because the minute I bite into sandwich, all I taste is tuna and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I throw Harley's sandwich over to him and quickly ask Mr. Harrington if I can go to the bathroom, I rush off and try to find the bathroom before I throw up. I find the nearest public bathroom and run into the first stall and throw the sandwich back up into the toilet. I wipe my mouth and walk to sink and wash mouth out with water before washing my face off as well. As I got to exit the bathroom I feel like someone is watching me. I stop walking for a bit and look around me carefully. I then realize that I actually have to go the bathroom.

??? POV

I slither around looking for two things, food and a host. As I'm moving around I see a small thing, another human I think, run into another cage. What is it with humans and cages? I decide to follow it into the cage and watch as it puts its head into a large white block. It's a small thing, not good for food but a host on the other hand...

I watch as it goes up to another white block and turns a rounded, metal thing. Wet stuff starts coming out and it uses the wet stuff to wash out its mouth and face. It turns to leave then stops. I freeze, thinking it has caught me. It didn't thankfully, it turns around and goes back to the white block then closes a smaller cage door. I make my move, heading up to the round white block with the round metal thing. I sit on the side and make myself as inconspicuous as possible. It comes back out of the smaller cage and comes towards me unknowingly. I attack.


I walk up to the sink to wash my hands and head back to the group. Before I know what's happening, black covers my vision and I feel immobilized.

"Hello tiny human." A voice said from nowhere.

"Who are you, what's going on, let me go!" I screamed.

"You are my host now tiny human. I can not let you go for I need you to help me survive and find food."

"Who are you?!" I screamed trying to break free.

"I am Venom."

Everything went black.

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