Family Brought Together

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My eyes opened and I was blinded by a white roof and an annoying beep. I groaned.

"Did we die?" I questioned. I heard two, maybe three men laugh from across the room.

"Almost. But you three managed to hold on just long enough for Bruce here to get you all hooked up to IV's." the first male voice said.

"Have the other two knuckleheads woken up yet? They were out before me. At least, I think they were." I heard the first man chuckle again.

"No, not yet." the second voice said. One advantage of enhanced hearing, we can distinguish the difference in voices. "They should wake up in a bit though. Could be a few hours to a few minutes. We'll just have to wait and see." I nodded my head in understanding.

"How do you feel?" the third voice finally spoke up.

"Could be worse, I'm just glad we didn't lose our lives to that psychopath. Wait," my vision finally cleared "where are we?"

"You three are in the medbay of the Avengers Tower, and you've also just been adopted by Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers." My eyes widened as my brain processed what had been said. I finally sat up and looked around at my surroundings. Peter and Harley were still unconscious on two beds next to mine. I saw the IV connected to my arm. I looked around and saw the three men I heard standing off to the side. Sure enough, two of the men were Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers. A third man was standing off to the side, I recognized him as Bruce Banner, Harley's idol. He'll get a kick out of this when he wakes up.

"Whoa." The three chuckled and walked up to my bed. Bruce began checking IV's and prepping to give me some needles. Tony and Steve walked up and sat in two chairs next to the hospital bed. They began to ask me questions about myself.

"So, Olivia right?" Tony started.

"Yeah, but most people, with the exception of one, call me Via."

"With the exception of one huh?" I nodded. "What does this one person call you?"

"Uh, Oli. He calls me Oli." Steve and Tony smiled as they pieced together who the one most likely was.

"So, Via." Steve continued "What do you three do for fun? We saw you two playing guitar at the park, so you can't say that." he said jokingly.

"Well, we're all big science nerds. Peter's always been good with chemicals, Harley's really good when it comes to earth and space sciences, and I've been good at the technological side of it."

"Really?" Tony added "What school are you guys at?"

"Midtown Science and Technology. Peter and I got in through a scholarship program when we graduated, and Harley got moved up a year early because he was simply too smart for his grade. He graduated early and got in through the scholarship program as well."

"I was gonna say, Harley shouldn't be in high school yet!" Steve laughed. I followed suit and soon Tony joined in. Bruce gave me the needles I needed while we were laughing so I didn't feel a thing. Soon enough my brothers woke up from their 'nap'. They asked the exact same questions I did and I couldn't help but laugh. Bruce went and gave them their needles. Harley was a little hesitant though. He's had a bit of a rough past with needles.

"Harley look at me." he looked at me nervously "You won't feel a thing, I promise." I spoke gently. He nodded slowly and stuck his arm out with Steve and Tony comforting him through the process. I had to admit, for their first day being parents, they were doing a pretty good job. Soon enough Bruce explained that we needed rest and that we should sleep. I couldn't be happier to voluntarily sleep. The minute he said that I laid my head on the pillow and said goodnight causing everyone to laugh. Tony and Steve came and wished each of us goodnight. As the light of the medbay flickered off, we drifted off into a much needed, hopefully safe sleep.

Peter, Olivia and Harley are in a completely black room. Without warning, screams fill the room, bursting their eardrums and making them scream in anguish. Next thing they know, relatives are popping up and screaming "Why didn't you three save us? You're all so worthless, stupid, nobody wants you! Tony and Steve only took you in as a charity case!"

"Boss, it appears that the children are in distress."

More and more people they love pop up. Other orphans, MJ, Ned, Flash. All screaming the same thing. Then the worst came. Ms. Levy appeared and the floor turned red, covered with blood. Ms. Levy screamed.

"You insolent, stupid fools! You are nothing! You will always be nothing! You sneak out at night and during day doing hell knows what, you disobey me every time I punish you, and worst of all you got me and all these others killed! You all deserve to die!" Giant knives appeared and were flying down to stab them. The three braced themselves for the worst.

"Peter, Pete, Peter!"

Screams of terror filled the medbay as Tony and Steve walked in to comfort them.


I sat up immediately, sweat dripping down my forehead. I looked around and remembered where I was. I took deep breaths, and seeing Harley awake I encouraged him to come to me. He sat with me as we held each other close, trying to get Via to wake up. Steve and Tony came in, we looked at them in fear of the fact that we couldn't get her to wake up. Tony came over to us and sat us down and calmed us down, while Steve went to try and wake up Via.

Olivia was suddenly alone. A large shadow appeared over her and one of Ms. Levy's old boyfriends appeared. The next thing she knew, her clothes were being ripped off her body and two giant hands were heading for her body just like last time.

"Via, Via, Via!"

Via woke up and by instinct saying she's in danger, punches Steve in the jaw. Once she realized what she had done, she backed into the corner and curled into a ball muttering apology after apology. Steve moved towards her and rubbed her back saying it was an accident and that she had quite the punch. She giggled and Steve brought her over to Harley, Tony and I. We snuggled into each other and the adults as we fell back asleep with our new family.

Or rather, our new superfamily.

Orphan SpiderlingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora