To Save a Spider-Man

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Harley came bursting into the room, panting and looking like he had seen the ghost. 

"You will not believe what I just saw." He said after catching his breath. I lead him back to the couch as Via and I sat on either side of him. We let him calm down before getting him to explain what happened.

"So I went to get Peter like you said. I knocked on his door, but it was already open. I went into his room and he wasn't there. His bathroom light was on, so I opened the bathroom door. But instead of Peter, there was this giant black sludge, thing with sharp, white teeth and big white, eyes I guess? Peter wasn't in there so I'm guessing that thing was Peter." Harley spoke nervously. We all looked at him in disbelief.

"FRIDAY?" Nat suddenly spoke.

"Yes Agent Romanoff?"  My AI's monotone voice came through the ceiling.

"Bring up all security footage in Peter's bedroom and bathroom from the past 30 minutes." FRIDAY did as told. We watched as Harley entered Peter's bedroom and slightly pushed open his bathroom door, the camera switched to the bathroom. All of us gasped as we saw what Harley was saying was true. 

"What the hell is that?!" Came a new voice from the vents. Via smirked.


"Yes Ms. Stark-Rogers?"

"Lock all vents within a ten-mile radius please." She said with a playful smirk. Small clicks were heard throughout the room.

"Dammit Via!"

"Language, Legolas there are children here." I teased. Without warning the vent above Wanda exploded and Clint dropped down beside her, bow in hand.

"Barton! What did I say about blowing up the vents when you get trapped in them?" I exclaimed. annoyed at my teammate. Clint simply rolled his eyes before looking at the screen. 

" one answered my question. What the hell is that?"

"We're not sure" Wanda responded "but whatever it is, it's controlling Peter." 

"That explains his behavior. So what do we do about it?" 

"Well, if you are gonna help Clint, you need to able to keep a secret or two." Explained Harley.


"Well firstly, this whole mission needs to stay on the down low. No one but us can know about it." Nat said.

"OK, so that's one secret. What's the other?" Via and Harley nodded at each other before jumping on to the roof. Clint gaped. 

"You're- you're the Spiderlings. Awesome. I'm going to go with the assumption that Peter is Spider-Man right?" We all nodded.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, let's figure out a plan of action."

This is Jeff -----> *,___,* What is Jeff's story?

A large, black sludge runs and swings over Manhattan roofs. It's heading for Midtown School of Science and Technology or rather, it's heading for someone. It lands on top of the school and waits. A senior girl walks out of the school, talking with her friends about something called a decathlon tournament. She says goodbye to her friends before walking off the school property. The sludge follows her stealthily as she takes her usual route home. It follows the girl for about an half an hour before she turns into an alleyway that will cut across to her street. The sludge makes its move. 

Liz Toomes' screams were the last thing heard before her disappearance. 

*,___,* This Jeff's friend, Stephanie (^o___o^) What is their story?


We spent an hour or two trying to come up with a plan to save Peter. So far, any plan we had come up with was shut down due to loose ends, or things that would block the plan from working. We ran into problems like the kids identities, or plans being too dangerous. What? We may be Avengers, but our safety, and more importantly our kids safety comes first. We struggle like this for another hour before FRIDAY's voice fills the room.

"Boss, your husband requests your presences at dinner."  We all abandoned our thoughts for now and decide to come back to it later. We headed up to dinner, which like usual, was amazing. I mean it's Steve and cooking of course it's amazing. We returned to the girls' only room after dinner to think of more plans.

*,___,*          (^o___o^)

A bag ripped off a girl's head and she immediately wished it was still on. Standing in front of her was the monster parents tell their children about. 

"Hello, Liz."

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" She spoke panicked. 

"You already know me silly." The sludge unfolded to reveal a small body inside it.

"Peter?" She was astonished. Why would he do this? All she did was say no when he asked her to homecoming. Did it really upset him that much? The body folded back.

"Why did you kidnap me?" 

"Simple. You upset my host, and thanks to you, I can use his negative emotions to make me stronger. So really I should be saying thank you. My host now considers you an enemy, meaning every time he sees you, his negativity gets stronger, in turn making me stronger." The sludge grinned a menacing smile. 

"Goodnight." It said before knocking her out.

*___*          (^o___o^)


"Hey, hey, hey turn it up!" Wanda spoke up suddenly. Clint grabbed the remote and turned up the volume on the TV.

"Breaking news: Liz Toomes confirmed missing. 18 year old Liz Toomes was on her way home from school on a normal day. However, according to her mother, she did not come home. Witnesses say they heard her scream as a black sludge covered her body. This is being investigated as we speak. Recently, Liz's father Adrian Toomes, otherwise known as the Vulture, was sent to the Raft after it was discovered he was ravaging alien tech to create weaponry. If you have any information on Liz Toomes location, call the police immediately."

Via and Harley looked stunned.

"Liz?" Via almost whispered. 

"You guys, know her?" I asked slowly. 

"Yeah. She's the leader of the decathlon team at school. Why would Peter kidnap her?" Harley answered. 

"I don't know, but that news cast gave me an idea." Via responded.

"Spill." Nat spoke next. Via looked at Harley.

"You remember beating Vulture I assume?"

"Yeah, why?"

"How many tries did it take us to beat him, Doc Ock, Electro, Scorpion, Mr. Negative, or Rhino separately?" Harley's eyes widened as he realized what Via was saying.

"At least two times."

"And why did they beat us the first time around?" Via spoke with a smirk.

"Because they outsmarted us!" 

"So if we wanna save Peter..."

"We need to get help from those who've beaten us before."

"Whoa, whoa whoa. What's the plan here?" I jumped in. Via and Harley nodded at each other.

"We need to break in and out of the Raft."

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