Live Your Life

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Gunshots are heard, but not at me.

My eyes shoot open and I see the man in front of me, dead.

"We got you!" dad cuts the noose off me. "We got you" I hear his pre crying voice.

Alex gets the other side of me and they lead me out while shooting men.

"Dakota" Alex looks at me. "Talk..."

But I don't.

They continue shooting men right before I'm thrown into the jet and we're off.

I collapse of exhaustion.


Fingers are ran through my hair gently, but enough to help me wake up.

"You're awake!" Gracie gasps.

"Yeah..." I sit up, but hold my head in pain. "Do you ha-"

"Yes!" mom runs in with ibuprofen. "My baby" she frowns and hugs me. "I missed you"

I smile. "I missed you too, mama"

"And I love you!" she kisses my head repeatedly, crying.

"I love you too" I squeeze her.

"We were all worried sick" dad hugs me once mom pulls back.

I hug him. "I missed you, dad. I knew you had a plan... but I doubted myself-"

"I don't want want apologizes" he pulls back. "You're back and that's all that matters. You're my best friend, buddy"

"You're my best friend" I smile.

"Then what the fuck am I? A load of barnacles?" Alex puts his hands on his hips.

I laugh. "I didn't miss your annoying ass" I say quietly as my head is pounding.

"Lies" he laughs and hugs me. "Dude... I seriously thought we wouldn't make it in time and we'd walk in on you... uh..." he trails off.

I pat his back and he pulls away. "You came at the perfect moment. I can't thank you or the team enough" I turn to everyone and they smile. "Grace-"

"Please" she hugs me tightly. "Please don't leave me again. I don't know what I'd do if you did get executed. All this time I've been beating myself up for not kissing you. For not hugging you right before you got on that jet" she squeezes me before pulling back and passionately kissing me. "I love you. I really do! And I never knew that until I found out you were in death row"

"I love you too" I smile, rubbing her arm.

"I love you too!" Kailee jumps up, hugging me.

I laugh and stand up, picking her up. "Hey bird! I missed you. A lot" I hold her tightly.

"I missed you too, bubba" she says softly.

"I love you, please know that" I frown.

"I know. I love you too!" she smiles widely.

I smile, kissing her cheek.


"Whatcha guys doing?" Alex asks as Gracie and I are all cuddled up on the couch watching the new spongebob.

"Watching tv" Gracie says tiredly.

"Awww" Alex smiles. "Well I'm heading to go get food, I'll bring you guys back something" he says and we nod, telling him thank you before he leaves.

"You can go to sleep, babe" I say, running my fingers through her hair.

"No. You're suppose to go to sleep first" she says.

I chuckle. "You've been so paranoid these past few days. I'm not leaving you! I haven't even been on the team these few days"

"Only because your parents told you no" she sighs.

"Hey... I'm okay. I'm back to normal! You guys don't have to treat me like I'm fragile and will break at any minute. I'm fine" I smile, kissing her head.

She sighs and closes her eyes.

I rub her side with my thumb and turn the tv down.

Minutes pass and Alex quietly walks in with food. "Here man" he places it down.

I nod and just wait for Gracie to wake up, which is awhile.

We eat and head to bed since she's staying the night. Well, she's been staying the night ever since I got back from the hospital.

It's nice having her around, since honestly, I don't wanna leave her. I'm terrified it's gonna happen again.

And there's only one thing to prevent that...


"What?" dad looks at me, heartbroken.

"I need a break. A long one. I can't trust myself out there since I literally ran at those cops. I bought that shit upon myself" I sigh.

"Are you sure?" Zachary asks from far away.

I nod, placing my Red Hooders knife in dads hand before walking off.

I nod, placing my Red Hooders knife in dads hand before walking off

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I left.

I left The Red Hooders.

I honestly don't know when I'm gonna come back, but I need to protect anything from happening to Gracie.

Even Kailee.

I sigh and walk into the house, throwing myself on the couch.

"Hey bubba" Kailee jumps next to me.

"Hey bird" I smile.

"Did you leave the team?" she asks in a soft tone.

I let out a breath. "Yeah. Because I wanna be in your life as long as I can" I ruffle her hair and smile. Gracie rubs my shoulder and I kiss her hand. "I love you guys"

"We love you" they smile.

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