Contest #56

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In light of the promise I've made to you, I've (somewhat unsuccessfully) attempted to return to my histrionic roots; I, quite literally, have a degree (with distinction, whoop!) in dramatic arts, so perhaps that explains my current aversion to the fanfare we've established back in Contest 35.

Regardless, I am now presenting my attempt to recreate this natural dramatic tendency of mine while also maintaining some semblance of indagation:

We haven't known each other for a long time, and, yet, I feel it's fully appropriate to make this proposal. I know you, as you know me, who you are and what you do, what I am and all my faults – we know these things. It's how we've come to learn each other.

Somehow, I feel, like we could learn so much more, that there is a world of unknowns behind your eyes, a universe expanding in the darkest depths of your mind. If you were to speak the things there, would you breathe fire? Would the passage of time slow down to listen? What would that voice feel like?

I wonder about it often, and I'm certain that you've wondered too. What would your mind look like laid bare on the autopsy table? Will they look at the synapses in your brain, tracing the paths that neurons fired along and exclaim, "Eureka!"? Would they reconstruct the matter of your emotions and your thoughts like a puzzle of the Maker? Would they even understand?

Still, I wonder. I know you. I know your name, I know your frame and I know your voice, but these things are not you. Do you communicate your deepest desires when you breathe, or do you share kingdoms of wistfulness when your lips form words? Does your pen reflect the glittered colours of the cosmos in your clouds of thought?

I know the sound of your voice, but not the sound of your mind. I've seen you speak about the things that form your passions. You've been concise, sharp. You've made me smile, and made me frown in consideration. Your eyes must be the trick – I wonder what the world looks like to them. I wonder what specters you see that I do not. I wonder how they shape your opinions, and your voice.

Perhaps your observations have been quick quips about the nature of mankind, or perhaps they've been philosophical musings about the puzzle pieces of art and existence.

"Come closer," they said, and you said, "That doesn't inspire trust at all."

They spoke of hunger and desire, and you spoke of the ideological fathers of India.

I speak of listening, and you will speak your thoughts.

You will speak your thoughts in your voice. Your will share your desire, or fear, or the universe in your head in a voice that belongs to you. You will create a vision for me to know you more than the form of your frame or the sound of your voice. You will allow me to know the contents of your heart, and the tracks of your thoughts.

And I will listen.

"If my arrogance leads me to believe this notion is good enough to make into a short story and I act further upon my self-importance, please don't call me out on it." - @TheDrunkenChipmunk, considering her caprice upon scientifically contemplating the 'glass half full' philosophy.

I think that's what we all should do this week: act upon our self-importance and share our ideals.

Write in a voice that is yours uniquely, and write with a tone that embodies your thoughts. Write the words that build your imagination, and share that with us this week.

Is this one a contest, per se? How does one judge a self-portrait?

I don't know, and I do recall that I told you all to knock me out and stage a revolution when I do this again. I look forward to some sleep.

The contest criteria are:

Beauty of language, imagery and symbols.

Quality and Clarity of thought and content (i.e. exactly the opposite of my writing).

Shorter pieces with powerful messages will take preference over longer pieces detailing intricate thoughts.

So, what of it? Do you think I'm delivering on my promise to make these contests interesting again, or should I build a wall and hope somebody stages a revolution?

Due Date is 4th August


In order to ensure that your submission for this week's chapter of Weekly Wattpad Contests is valid, please follow the steps below:

(1) Write your entry and make sure that it meet the guidelines or requirements for the contest.

(2) Publish it in a book under your Wattpad account. It can be a book dedicated to your entries, a chapter in one of your existing books or just a book with that single entry.

(3) Add "This is my entry for Weekly Wattpad Contest #56" before you write your entry. Make sure Contests is tagged and the contest #number is correct. Note that this does not have to be the title of your published chapter or work, simply just a text input before the introduction of your contest entry as an additional safety measure.

(4) Comment in the comment section of this chapter and state where your entry was published in your profile and the title of it book it is in.

(5) Share the love by voting, commenting and encouraging friends and fellow competitors!

What does the winner get?

Apart from the fact that as a writer you can brag about winning a freaking Weekly Wattpad Contest, the winner will also get a follow from as well as a shoutout in the next chapter, in addition to that, a detailed review as to why your entry was successful will also be published and if you have any works of your own, that will also be read and commented on.

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