The days went by and it was soon Saturday. It was cold outside, but the students didn't mind as today they were to be going to Hogsmead. But just before Y/n got to the front of the queue, Draco stopped her, a little red in the face.
"Y/n, are you doing anything today?" He asked, blushing slightly, but trying his best to hide it.
"Yeah, meeting up with the bro and a few others, why?"
"Oh, nothing, don't worry about it. Maybe next time." And before Y/n could answer, Draco had turned and left. Y/n shrugged and started to make her way down to Hogsmead with Dick.

Once they reached the Hogs Head, they where the only two Slytherin's in the bar. The were countless Gryffindor's, Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's, but not a single Slytherin.
"Yo bro!" Y/n called as she flagged down her brother.
"Hey! Glad you made it." Harry said as the two did their "secret" twin hand shake that they somehow remembered since they were five. "Take a seat you two." Harry gestures at the only two vacant seats that were in the front row, Y/n could only assume that Harry had saved them both for her and Dick. They sat down and as Harry started to address the room.
"Well, as I'm sure you all know, none of us are being prepared for what we face in the outside world when we leave Hogwarts. And judging by the amount of people here, I can only assume you all believe me when I told everyone that Voldemort is back." Harry was then interrupted by a rare, arrogant Hufflepuff.
"What proof do you have?" He asked rudely
"I saw him." Harry replies cooly
"And what good is your word to us?" The boy asked again. Y/n couldn't just stand by while her brother was being ridiculed like this. She got up and walked over to her brothers side.
"Alright! Let's get one thing straight here. Hands up if you DON'T believe my brother." A handful of students put their hand's up. "Ok, well then I have news for you. You seem to think that my brothers word is not enough for your stubborn minds to accept. So I'll give you a cold hard fact. I was there too." Y/n was interrupted by the same Hufflepuff.
"And why should we believe you? Your by far the most arrogant person in this school."
"Au contraire mon ami, I believe the word your looking for is "strikingly confident" or "awesome". But yes I can also think very highly of myself to come across as more confident, but it's more than you can say my dude." Y/n corrected
"Your point?" The Hifflepuff asked
"Unwilling death eater here folks." Y/n declared as she rolled up her left sleeve to reveal the pitch black mark. "Didn't asks for this, just sorta happened, ruining my life. That proof enough?" Y/n said defiantly to the Hufflepuff. He turned red and melted into his seat. "And this goes for all of those who still don't believe us... remind yourself that you are here on your own will, no one is forcing you. I've said my piece." Y/n sat back down next to Dick and re-gained her posture.

"Right, thank you Y/n." Harry went on with his speech and then he got to the end "finally" Y/n thought as she dragged herself up to stand next to him again.
"Right, So, we're going to need a name for this aren't we, any suggestions?" Harry asked the room at large. Y/n's face lit up with enthusiasm.
"Yo, you need a name for something bro, I'm your man!"
"Y/n, you have the worst band name I've ever heard of. I'm not trusting you to name a sophisticated organisation." Harry backhanded
"You sayen I ain't sophisticocated? I find that.... understandable." Y/n giggled to herself as she hung her head and looked at the cold floor, fiddling with the hilt of her sword.
"Why not Dumbledore's army?" Luna piped up in her airy, dreamy voice.
"All for it?" Hermione asked the group at large. The majority of the room put their hand's up, Y/n included.
"Right, everyone who wishes to be a part of Dumbledore's army shall sign over their loyalty and elegance to this hidden society. So please everyone line up in an ordinary fashion." Hermione ordered and the room got into a line, Fred and George at the front. Y/n snapped her fingers and a quill flew out of her bag and signed her name at the top after Fred and George signed it. Dick did the same afterwards and the two slid away from the crowd and went over to the golden trio.

"So, what's the catch Hermione?" Y/n asked suspiciously but still with a mischievous grin on her face.
"Don't know what your talking about Y/n." Hermione replied, smiling mischievously herself. And with that, Y/n and Dick skipped arm in arm out of the pub and out into the streets.

They went over to the three broomsticks and ordered themselves two butterbeer's. Soon, they caught the eye of Draco Malfoy, without his goons around him, and he strolled over to them.
"So, where have the two of you been?" He asked as he took Y/n's Butterbeer and took a sip.
"First of all, don't take my food. Second, your buying me another. Third, working on some new music, you'll be able to hear it soon." Draco flagged down a waitress and got Y/n another Butterbeer to replace the one he stole. The three talked on until the sun started to set and they had to go back to the school.

They were in the Slytherin common room and Y/n was half asleep on the sofa. Draco looked at Dick and motioned with his eyes for him to follow him. Dick obliged and followed Draco down towards the boy's dorm like and obedient dog on a lead. However, they didn't go in the boy's dorm, instead, Draco led Dick to a bookshelf at the end of the narrow corridor. Draco ran his finger along the spines of the books until he came across a dark, green leather book which Dick saw had the title of "the key" on the cover, but nothing on the spine. The floor beneath them began to rotate and they ended up on the other side of the wall in a lavish bedroom. There was a four poster bed at the back centre with black pillows and dark green sheets, which stood on the softest rug Dick had ever felt with the most elegant shade of green. There was no lighting on the ceiling, but instead, green flames where put in jars on surfaces around the room. There was a family portrait of the current Malfoy family on the right wall, a full family tree was etched into the stone of the wall opposite. In the right corner, there was an open door that let in a calming light into the rest of the room.
"Woah. Am I in some sort of Bond movie right now?" Dick asked both shocked and amazed.
"No this is my room. Didn't like sharing anymore so father paid the school to give me this." Draco replied nonchalantly.

"Draco, is this your way of coming on to me?" Dick teased
"No. And even if I was gay, your not my type." Draco teased back with a slight smirk.
"Are you leaning towards Y/n's Drarry fantasy?"
"Well, I suppose it's the closest I can get." Draco said, shrugging the question off
"Yo... wat? You have a crush on Harry?!" Dick asked, started by the turnaround of his teasing
"No! I have a crush on Y/n! I thought I made that clear? She practically is her brother, except for her personality, looks, eyes..." Draco started to go off into a dazed daydream. Dick snapped his fingers in front of his face to bring him back to earth.
"Hellooooo! Loverboy! Anybody home?" Draco shook his head suddenly as if waking from a trance.
"Sorry. I just really like her." He started to blush slightly.
"What do you need me for?" Dick asked as he took his eyepatch off and whipped his scarred eye lid.

"You know Y/n best. How should I go about asking her out?" Dick put his eyepatch back on and ruffled his own hair, he stroked his chin in thought.
"Sing to her."
"I can't."
"Piano?" Draco three his arms up in protest
"Yeah, I can play piano. Who can't?" Duck blinked at him with the most vacant expression
"Still, I can't sing, and I don't have a piano and the only songs I can play are ballads." Dick thought for a moment or two, surveying the room.
"Can you dance?"
"Ballroom, Yes. My mother made me learn it when I was three." Dick considered this new information for a moment.
"Alright. I have a plan. Here's what your gonna do..."

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