Heavy Losses

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No One's POV

    The titan threw (Y/N) into the air making him pass out for a few seconds. His body flew through the air and landed in the trees hitting branch after branch and his lines caught a couple of branches. (Y/N) slowly woke up and even rubbed his head, "I hurt, everything hurts." "Hey are you alright?!" He looked to his right and saw a couple of cadets standing on a tree branch.
     "I don't know, but please get me out of here." A titan started walking towards (Y/N). One of the cadets started fiddling with (Y/N)'s maneuver gear as the other cadets killed the titan. They ended up having to leave (Y/N)'s maneuver gear behind and the four landed on a tree. One asked for (Y/N) to take off his upper clothes, making the only girl blush a little, showing the three the bruises and scratches he had all over his body.
    They touched multiple spots and asked if it hurt and (Y/N) always responded with a nod. "Ok so we should just lay low until we head back to make sure that uh, what's your name?" "(Y/N) Zoe." "To make sure (Y/N) doesn't get hurt anymore." "Yeah, I think I'm just gonna take a nap." One of them smacked (Y/N)'s head, "Don't close your eyes." "Alright jeez."
    All of a sudden they heard a loud scream and the titans started ignoring the scouts while running towards the female titan. "What's happening!" "How should I know?!"


    Everyone was preparing to go back home and Eren was put onto a wagon all bandaged up. Before they left Hanji walked up to Erwin, "Hey Erwin I talked to the right flank and they haven't seen (Y/N). Do you know where he is?" Erwin stared into Hanji's eyes with a sympathetic look. "No, don't you give me that look." "(Y/N) Zoe was the last scout in the reinforcements. He distracted the female titan as long as he could buying the Levi squad enough time. He fought till the very end."
    Hanji fell to her knees with her hands over her mouth, "No no no no no no." "Um excuse me." A scout walked up to the two, "You said (Y/N) Zoe right?" "Yes." "While the left flank was killing titans a boy fell from the top of trees and a couple of cadets freed him from some branches. He is alive but a bit busted up." Hanji jumped onto her feet and grabbed the scout's shoulders, "Where is he?!"
    The scout lead her to a wagon with (Y/N) laying down with his torso bandaged up, "Hey Hanji, what's up?" Hanji gave her brother a bear hug, "Hey you ok Hanji?" "I thought I lost you (Y/N), I was so scared." (Y/N) didn't respond so she backed up and saw him going to sleep. The scout from before climbed up into the wagon, "His body needs to rest due to all of his injuries." Hanji was about to leave until (Y/N) grabbed her hand, "Company."

Before the first titan attack

    Hanji was lying on her bed as she currently had a bad fever. (Y/N) made her a bowl of soup and a wet washcloth. "Thanks (Y/N)." "Get better soon Hanji. We're going to see that play this weekend." "Yeah and I paid for the tickets, so we're definitely going." (Y/N) was about to leave until he heard Hanji say one thing, "Company."
    Whenever one of the two got very sick or hurt and became immobilized for a while they would say "Company" if they wanted the other to stay with them for a while.

End of Flashback

    Hanji sat down next to (Y/N), "I'll stick with the entire way back, does that sound good?" "Yeah, that sounds nice." (Y/N) said as he fell asleep.
    During the trip they had to take a break to feed all the horses. During that time (Y/N) woke up again and sat up, "Man I feel like I was just hit with 100 bricks all of a sudden." "Good to see your up and well." Hanji said as she jumped to the ground.
    (Y/N) decided to walk around a little bit, but not to much. He saw Levi, "Hey Levi, where's Eren?" Levi pointed towards a wagon, "He's over there asleep." "Well at least he's alive. Where is Gunsher by the way, when we get back were gonna continue that game of chess we started." "Gunsher didn't make it." "What? Is Petra-" "Everyone but Eren and I in the Levi squad died." "I-i'm sorry sir." "Don't be, none of us knew what was gonna happen." Levi then walked away leaving (Y/N) by himself.
    (Y/N continued to walk around until he he met up with Jean and Sasha. They both turned towards him and Jean gave him a bro hug, "Look who came back from the dead!" "Yeah you had us worried." Sasha said giving him a normal hug. "Yeah, I'm surprised I'm alive myself. It's good to see you two made it as well." "Yeah Connie, Christa, Reiner Bereholdt, Ymir, and Mikasa also made it." That's good to hear." "Yeah, but a lot of others weren't so lucky." Sasha said as she looked around. "Yeah, we were pretty lucky."
    After the three caught up it was now time for the trip to continue. As they were riding a couple of abnormal titans started running towards them. To out run the titans they dumped the corpses to lessen the weight. (Y/N) watched as the corpses fell and tumbled on the ground as they rode away, "Not many of us made it back, huh." He asked. Hanji sighed, "Yeah, a lot of us aren't going back home."

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