Ending Rod Reiss

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No One's POV

Everyone was riding on horse back as they were on their way to beat Rod to the walls. Annie was cuffed as she rode on a horse who's rope was being held by Levi as he rode in front of her. They all saw Rod in the distance as they got closer until they were now right next to them. Levi ordered a few of the survey corps to ride next to Rod to see if he does anything as the rest of them went to the wall so that they could come up with a plan to stop the enormous titan.

Minutes passed to have them all on top of the wall as they were trying to figure out what to do. The group discussed that Rod was to big to cut his hair having the group try to figure out how to kill him. Hanji put her fore finger and thumb on her chin, "How long will it be before he gets here?" (Y/N) was squatted down, " It'll be a few hours." Everyone looked at him as he gave an explanation, "He may be big, but is very slow. It would take him longer but he is cutting through the terrain. So yeah, we have an hour to come up with a plan." Everyone stared at him until Levi broke the silence, "We have an hour. Let's go see what we can do to kill Rod."

Levi walked towards the cannons as everyone followed. (Y/N) got up to follow to have Hanji grab his arm as she had a serious face, "Who are you?" (Y/N) simply smiled, "I'm (Y/N) Zoe. I'm just smarter, a better hunter, and fighter." Hanji adjusted her glasses, "Sorry, it's just that I've heard a lot about you over the last few days. But it seems like you haven't changed." "Yep." He was then smacked in the back of the head by Hanji, "But you couldn't of been like this when you needed to come home and showed up late!" "I'm sorry." Hanji laughed, "Ok, now let's go help come up with a plan."

It took a while but the group came up with a plan. After a few hoursRod got close enough and stood at the top of the wall. With this the plan commenced as they put explosive barrels of gunpowder together with grapples next to them. They attached the grapples to his wrists, so when they made impact they would explode separating his hands from his body making him lose balance. Afterwards Eren ran towards his mouth as he was in his titan form, carrying a net of explosives. When he Eren got close enough he jumped up to Rod's mouth and threw the net into his throat. The heat inside Rod's mouth caused the barrles to explode making his enire implode seding chunks of Rod's titan body everywhere as it all flew over the walls.

Erwin raised his sword as everyone waited for his command, "Finish it off with the ODM gear!"every soldier went off into the sky as they cut up every piece of flesh that they saw. Every piece was hot, but if they didn't finish him off now Rod would regenerate causing another heat field. (Y/N) cut up a piece of flesh as the heat made him cover his face and tear up a bit "Hot, that's hot!" A piece flew above him to be cut up with Hanji coming through the other side as she flew next to him, "Any luck?!" "Nope I haven't seen any sign of the nape!" "Then continue searching and cut up every piece you see!" "Yes ma'am!"

After half an hour everyone found out that Historia had cut the male killing her father as she also proclaimed to the people that she was the rightful queen. After seeing how the old king was corrupt and Historia finishing off Rod saving them the people accepted her as their queen. All of the survey corps cleaned up all of the mess and started to take care of all the mess from the recent events.

The next day Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Eren, (Y/N), Connie, and Sasha were hyping Historia up to punch Levi in the arm. A few seconds later Levi appeared in front of them. He went to speak but was interrupted by Historia run up to him and lunch him in the arm. She smiled  as she told him that she was his queen meaning that he couldn't do anything. Levi simply giggled as he smiled leaving everyone confused.

A while has passed since Historia has become queen and Hanji was on her way to see Historia. What was weird was that no one asked or stopped her to check as if she had the jurisdiction and why. She asked a guard and what he said surprised her, "(Y/N) Reiss is Queen Historia's cousin and you are his legal guardian, or as he says sister. So technically you are royalty. You can go nearly anywhere." She walked through a door, "O h I didn't know." When then took a few steps forward to jump into the air, "Alright!"

A minute later she made it Historia's chambers as she was looking out the window. Historia turned around, "Do you need something Hanji?" Hanji pulled a chair out from a table and say down, "I just have one question that has been on my mind." "What is it?" "Did you remember (Y/N) throughout the years?" "Yes I did." "Why didn't you ever say anything?" Historia took a breathe, "Because when he left the farm Frieda told me that he was dangerous and to never look for him as he would hurt me. So when I saw him at training I thought he was up to something and then I remembered one thing my father told me when I first saw him." "And what was that?" "Well he found out that (Y/N) was still alive. So he told me what Frieda told except he added one more thing." "Which was?" Historia stayed silent until she walked to the table in the middle of the room an d sat across from Hanji. She looked at Hanji, "He told me to kill him. For my protection."

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