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No one's POV

    It was another boring day within the walls. There was a young boy, by the name of (Y/N), who lived in the South district protected by wall Maria. He was making breakfast for him and one other person, her name is Hanji, Zoe. They aren't related in any way, but when he was younger she took him in when he had no one to call family or anywhere to call home. He didn't remember his past from before Hanji took him in. She acted more of a big sister towards him for three years, and he doesn't mind it. They also got a dog, whose name is Toshi, not to long ago that loved bacon, so (Y/N) made extra just for him.
    Hanji got up when (Y/N) got done cooking breakfast, so he fixed each of them a plate and put some bacon into Toshi's bowl. He came running in when he did that. "Thanks for the food." "You need a good breakfast before you help all the people who come back from outside the wall."
    The two ate up there breakfast and got ready for the day. Hanji had to go where the Survey Corps prepare to help the people who come back from another mission outside the wall, so (Y/N) just walked around town with Toshi seeing if something interesting would happen. He was minding his own business until he heard yelling. He turned the corner and saw Eren trying to fight bullies a year older than him, who were (Y/N)'s age, picking on Armin with Mikasa by his side. Armin saw him and mouthed, "Help". He pondered if he should and decided to give them a hand. (Y/N) went up to the bullies and gave a high pitch whistle signaling Toshi to get in defensive stance and start growling. This scared the bullies causing them to run away.
    He looked at the three,"Your welcome." "I didn't need your help!" Eren shouted. Mikasa said nothing but gave a death glare his way.


   You see him and Eren didn't have a great past. He was never friends with Eren, but last time they met, (Y/N) gave Eren a black eye. Hanji just got back from another scouting mission and she was craving a cookie. So (Y/N) went out to the bakery that sold sweets for a cheap price. When he got there there was only one cookie left. It wasn't small, but not that big either. He went to get it, but Eren also reached for it, he was by himself at the time. They started arguing about who should get it and they were not splitting it. (Y/N)'s big sister wanted a cookie, so she was getting a cookie. Eren threw a punch, (Y/N) dodged and hit him in the eye making Eren fall to the ground making (Y/N) the winner of the cookie. He bought it, took it home, and it was worth it seeing Hanji smile that she got what she craved.

End of Flashback

    "Really? Because it looked like you did." (Y/N) said. This annoyed Eren more, but Armin stepped in, "Thank you for your help (Y/N)." Armin looked at Toshi and was frightened. "Oh, don't worry about Toshi. He may look scary, but he's really a sweat heart. Go on pet him." Armin was hesitant, but proceeded to pet Toshi. Toshi waged his tail signaling that he liked being pet. After a while Eren joined in, then Mikasa, and Toshi was loving all the attention he was getting.
    "Do you wanna hang out with us (Y/N)." Armin offered." "Why would we wanna hang out with him?" Eren asked. "Because if those bullies come back then Toshi can scare them off again." They thought about this, "Alright fine."
    For the rest of the day they hung out and did what kids do. It was near sunset and the children were sitting by a man made river, talking about the outside and the sea, until a crowd started forming behind them. They looked to see what was going on and they saw a giant titan peering over the wall. (Y/N) was the first to say something, "Your kidding, that wall is 50 meters tall." The titan created a hole in the wall letting titans in. "He made a hole in the wall." Armin pointed out. That's when chaos started. Eren started running towards his house which was towards the titans. Mikasa followed suit and Armin almost followed, but stopped himself. (Y/N) grabbed Armin and brought him back to reality, "Come on! We need to go safety!" Armin, (Y/N), and Toshi started running towards the inner gates.
    Trough all of the chaos they managed to make it. They sat near the entrance and (Y/N) was waiting for Hanji, while Armin was waiting for his friends. "You two, get on the boat." A man came and put the two kids and dog on the boat. "Wait were waiting for someone!" Armin explained. The man ignored them as the boat started moving separating the four children. The two found Armin's Grandpa, "You two sit down." He ordered the boys. "But I don't see Eren or Mikasa." "I don't see Hanji." They then spotted Eren and Mikasa walking onto the boat behind them with Eren looking traumatized. "You probably shouldn't talk to them now. God knows what they've been through. And you with the dog, you might find who your looking for when we land." The old man suggested. The boys sat down thinking about what just happened.


    The boat boarded and everyone got off. Armin and (Y/N) went and got some rations. They managed to get 4 loafs of bread. (Y/N) pointed toward Eren and Mikasa, "Hey. I see Eren and Mikasa." "Lets go meet up with them then." They called out there names and walked up to them. "Hey guys. Grandpa got these for us kids." He handed the two their share.
    A soldier then just looked at them in disgust. "What's the matter with him?" Eren asked. "That's the way it is. There's probably not enough food for everyone. This is an entire day's worth and there are just to many refugees. There's always been a food shortage, and you know how people always look down on those who live in the outskirts."

    The guy from before was talking to another military officer, "Why do we have to give our food to outsiders?" This caught all of their attention. "I mean the titans already broke through the wall anyway, they should of eaten all of them." This made Eren angry and started walking towards him. "This will just make the food shortage worse." Eren kicked him in the leg. "What the hell are you doing you brat?!" He punched Eren while the other guy kicked him down.
    "Mikasa hold this." (Y/N) handed her his bread. Before the guy could see him, (Y/N) ran towards him and hit him in the gut. Before his friend could do anything Toshi bit his leg. "Ow! What is wrong with you brats?!" The guy kneed (Y/N) in the face making him fall down next to Eren. "Control your dog, before I put it down!" The officer threatened. "Down boy!" Toshi let go and walked away before he got kicked. The guy's friend was now limping.
    "You don't know what your talking about!" Eren shouted. "You've never seen it happen with you own eyes! How the titans eat people!" The guy started walking towards the two boys, "Shut up!" Before he could reach them Armin got in the way, "They're just ticked off because they're hungry. That's why they're acting like brats. We're really sorry." Armin bowed. "Whatever, you guys would of died without us. You kids should learn how to be more grateful." The guys then walked of.
    "Dammit, I'd rather die than leech off of people like him." Eren stated. The kids found a place to the side to talk. (Y/N) broke off half his bread and gave it to Toshi. "Hey (Y/N). Why did you help Eren?" Mikasa asked. This startled (Y/N) a bit because he never heard her talk before. "My big sister is in the Survey Corps, so I hate anyone who makes them look bad or disrespect them." "What's your sister's name?" "Hanji Zoe. I really hope she made it out."
    The two were talking until they heard Armin and Eren arguing with each other. "Just continue living like livestock you weak piece of shit!" Eren shouted at Armin. Mikasa then punched Eren making him fall to the ground, "If Armin's weak, then so are you, (Y/N), and me. We couldn't even escape the titans or leave the city by ourselves. Even the food we eat is from somewhere else. There's absolutely no chance one of us weaklings taking down even one titan. What's important is staying alive just as our mother said." Mikasa then gave him a loaf of bread, "Eat. Eat and stay alive. I won't let you starve to death." No one said anything after that.
    After a while they sent 500,000 refugees to fight the titans. Only a hundred came back. Armin's grandpa was one of the people who died. The children were trying to comfort Armin. "It's the titan's fault. If only we could defeat them. We would regain Maria or have a place in this world. Armin, I'm applying for military training next year. I'll become strong enough to kill them." Eren stated. "Me too." Armin said. "I'll join you too." Mikasa added. "You three are crazy. But what the hell. I'm gonna join you too, just to make sure you don't get yourself killed Eren." (Y/N) exclaimed. "Alright, we'll all join." Eren finished.


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