Let's Eat

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No One's POV

    It's been two days since Annie was captured and (Y/N) and Hanji were staying in their temporary small house for the time being. Hanji was taking a long shower as (Y/N) was sitting in the dining room until he heard a knock on the door.
    He answered and Hitch was standing there with some papers, "Hello again (Y/N)." "Hi what do you want?" "Well remember that girl, Kira?" Yeah." "Well we found her parent's corpses and checked her background and apparently she has no family." "Your telling me this why?" "Well I talked to my superiors and since you were the first person to greet her after her parents death, they said your in charge of her." "Wait what."
    She then shoved the papers into his chest, "Here is everything you need to know about her. Good luck." She then walked away and Kira was sitting on a bench. She was still in the same attire from before, "They didn't even bother to give you new clothes." She didn't say anything. "Well come on in I guess."
    The two walked in and sat at the table, "Are you hungry?" She shook her head. "Are you thirsty?" She once again shook her head. Hanji then came into the room wearing a t-shirt and shorts, "Hey (Y/N) do we-" she stopped herself as she saw Kira and picked her up, "Well who is this lil cutie?" "Her name is Kira and her parents died when we tried to capture Annie. Also the Military Brigade said that she's now my responsibility." "How are you going to do that when we go on expeditions and what not?" "I don't know."
     Hanji then examined Kira's clothes, "I guess you need some new clothes. I think I might have something in my room from the people who stayed here before. Come on Kira lets clean you up and find you some clothes." Hanji then took her to the bathroom to clean her up.
     After a while their was another knock on the door so (Y/N) went to answer it. He opened the door and Christa was standing in front of him, "Christa what are you doing here?" "I came to check up on your injuries." "Well come on in then." The two walked in, "You hungry I was about to start dinner." "I could eat." (Y/N) then started cutting up some vegetables for curry until he cut his hand with a knife making him wince in pain.
    Christa stood up walking towards him, "(Y/N) are you ok?" "No I accidentally cut myself." "Sit down i'll bandage it up." (Y/N) sat down as Christa bandaged up his hand. (Y/N) stared at Christa, 'This feels very familiar.'


    There was small boy with *** hair and *** eyes currently sitting down as a ****** girl bandaged his wounded hand. "What did I tell you about trying to do tricks with that pocket knife?" "But it looks cool." "If you weren't my ****** I would never hang out with you." "Thats harsh *******. " "Oh quit whining ****." A women then called the two, " *******, *****, time for dinner! " "Coming!" "Be right there!"

End of Flashback

    'What the hell was that?' "There all done, change your bandages every week." "Yeah I know." Hanji then came out with Kira wearing some new clothes. "Who is that?" Christa asked. (Y/N) then explained what happened to Kira and her situation to her. "Well that's just terrible." Another knock was then heard.
    (Y/N) went to answer it, 'Who is it now?' He opened the door to reveal Jean, Connie, and Sasha. "What do you three want?" "We wanted to hang out before we go on the next expedition next week." "Well come in, dinner will be ready in half an hour." "I'll help you cook." Sasha offered.
     Before the door closed Toshi came and tackled (Y/N) licking his face, "Toshi what are you doing her?" "I thought I would bring him over to see his owners." Mina said as she walked in. "Mina it is good to see you again." Jean greeted. "It's good to see all again too."
    The four entered the house meeting Hanji, Christa, and Kira. "Who's the kid?" "Hanji will explain, Sasha time to cook." "Right behind ya."
    For the next half an hour (Y/N) and Sasha were cooking as Sasha tried to eat the ingredients, but (Y/N) would always smack her hand, "We can't make dinner if you keep eating all the ingredients." "Sorry." He then dropped a steamed potato on the floor and immediately picked it up, "Oops, looks like I dropped this. We can't use it for ingredients, might as well throw it away." He teasingly attempted to throw it away until Sasha grabbed it, "I'll eat it!"  
    The others hanged out and talked in other rooms. Jean, Connie, and Hanji were in the dinning room playing poker with Hanji having the most tokens and Connie barely having any. "I quit, I don't want to play anymore." Connie pouted.
    Christa and Mina were in the living room trying to entertain Kira and soon figured out that she was 4. She barely spoke but they managed to make her laugh and smile. Toshi just went from room to room getting pet by everyone.
    It was time for dinner so everyone gathered at the table each with a bowl of curry in front of them. They said thanks for the meal and started eating. During the meal Hanji talked about (Y/N) when he was younger and told them about how he once drank a week old expired milk and ended up being sick for the next week.
     As everyone was eating Kira managed to get some food on her cheek and Mina seemed to notice. She grabbed her napkin and wiped it off for her, "Thank you Mina." "No problem Kira." Sasha was the first to finish her food and then tried to sneakily eat other people's food, but (Y/N) once again slapped her hand and said, "There is more in the kitchen you can go get you some."
    An hour passed and the sun set so everyone finished their food and had to leave for the day. (Y/N), Hanji, and Kira got ready for bed, "Where is Kira gonna sleep?" Hanji asked. "Well since you always move a lot in your sleep she will sleep with me I guess." "Works for me see you in the morning." "Goodnight, come on Kira."
    Kira followed him to his room and he started to make a make shift bed her using blankets and pillows. Kira then jumped into (Y/N)'s bed, "Hey that's my bed." Kira just got under the covers and got comfy. "I guess I'll sleep on the floor then." He went to pay down but Kira grabbed his sleeve and started tugging on it. "You want me to sleep with you." She nodded in response. "Why?" "I use to sleep with my parents." He then signed standing up, "Fine."
    (Y/N) laid down in the bed and started going to sleep until he felt something clinging on to him. He saw that Kira was hugging him, "What am I going to do with you?" "Can you tell me a bed time story. My dad would tell me one every night." "Sure."

A/N: I can't think of a fairy tail so just pretend (Y/N) told Kira the story of Rapunzel. Good? Good.

    Kira rubbed her eyes, "I like that story." She then flickered her eyes closed as she soon fell asleep. (Y/N) stared at her as he said under his breathe, "I will make sure that the rest of your childhood will be normal. I promise."


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