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No one's POV

    There were rows of teens wearing Survey Corps training uniforms waiting for the man in front of them to speak, "You are now officially members of the training unit no. 104! Unfortunately for you, I Keith Shardis, will be in charge! I am not here to give you a warm welcome! All of you are now merely livestock, waiting to be eaten by the Titans! Your even worse than livestock! For the next three years I'll train you useless shits! I'll teach you how to fight the titans! When you face a Titan in three years, will you be just food?! Or will you be a glorious wall to protect these walls!? Or a mighty champion of mankind who will destroy the Titans!? The choice lies in your hands!"
    He then went up to separate trainees, the first being Armin, "Hey kid!" "Sir!" "Who the hell are you?!" "I'm Armin Alert from Shiganshina. Sir!" "A name for for a retard! Your parents name you that?" "It was my grandfather sir!" "Alert, why are you here?!" "To contribute to humanity's victory sir!" "How very admirable. You should make first rate Titan food."
    Afterwards he kept going to individual trainees until he heard munching. He had the blankest look when he turned toward a girl eating a potato. "Hey you. What the hell are you doing?" The girl just looked around like she wasn't eating a potato and took another bite. He was then in her face, "You! I'm talking to you! Who the hell are?!" She swallowed and calmly said, "I'm Sausha Blouse from Dauper, in wall Rose's Southern District, sir!" "Sausha Blouse. What are you holding in your right hand?" "A steamed potato sir! I came across it in the kitchen, so I picked it up!" "You mean you stole it. Why? Why are you eating it right now?" "I wanted to eat it while it was warm. So I figured it was now or never."
    He was still confused, "No... I don't get it. Why are you eating a potato?" Now it was Sasha's turn to be confused, "Are you asking why people eat potatoes in general sir?" Everyone was staring at her like she was crazy. She then split it in half and try to give it to him, "Take half yourself sir." He just stared at her, "Half..." He just kept standing there without saying a word.
    When he didn't take it, the person next to Sasha took it. Now everyone looked at him, "What? He wasn't gonna take it." He then gave the half to his dog, who happily accepted it. The man went to the boy, "What is your name?" "(F/N), Zoe sir!" "What is that mutt doing here?" "He is my dog and his name is Toshi. He goes everywhere I go. Sir!" The dog then asked for more. The boy pulled out little pieces of meat and started to give some to Toshi. "You stole meat." (Y/N) handed the rest to the man "You want the rest?" The man just stared at (Y/N) and then Sasha. Armin face palmed, "(Y/N) you idiot."


    (Y/N) and Sasha were running around camp all day and are still going, while nearly out of breath. They were told that they were getting nothing to eat. "I blame you for this." (Y/N) told Sasha. "Wha- Why?" "If you didn't eat that potato Toshi wouldn't want some." " But I was hungry." (Y/N) looked around and pulled a bag out of his pocket. He pulled more chunks of cooked meat out, "Want some sausage?" Sasha's eyes widened and ate what he offered. "How do you get all this meat?" "I have my ways." He ate some and gave some more to Sasha who gobbled it up quickly.

Somewhere else

    There were 5 Survey Corps in a wagon heading to training ground no. 104. They were heading to meet the new trainees. "Hey Erwin. Do you think he will be there?" "I feel like he will be. Don't worry Hanji, he probably wants to be like his big sister." "I hope so."


    It was now nighttime and Sasha along with (Y/N) were done running. Their legs could no longer function and they collapsed. (Y/N) opened his eyes and saw someone coming towards them. They both took a sniff and widen their eyes and grabbed the food out of the person's hands. They split it and realized it was bread. "That's all I could save for you guys." They looked and saw Christa, "But... you guys should drink water first." They looked at her and she looked like an angel. They went up to her and grabbed her shoulders and simultaneously asked "God, are you god?! " Ymir then came out of no where, "What are you doing?" The two started devouring the bread and Christa defended them, "Well, they've been running all day long." "It looks like your just trying to do a good deed." After (Y/N) and Sasha finished the bread they collapsed into Christa's lap. "Was it just for the sake of potato girl and meat boy? Were your efforts worthwhile?" Ymir asked.
    They then just stared at each other. "Whatever. Let's just carry them back to their beds. Christa picked (Y/N) up while Ymir picked up Sasha, "Are you trying to do a good deed as well?" "I'm just doing them a favor so they are in debt to me. Their stupidity could come in handy later." They separated so Christa could take (Y/N) to his cabin and Ymir could take Sasha to hers.
    Christa was halfway there until (Y/N) spoke, "Thank you for your kindness Christa." "It's no problem (Y/N). It was just the right thing to do." "You know you look very familiar. Have we met before?" "I don't think so, maybe I look like someone you know." "That's probably it."


    It was the next day and the trainees are suppose to balance themselves on 3D Maneuver Gear. It was (Y/N)'s turn to try one and he was next to Mikasa. They were lifted up and he had no trouble with it. He instantly balanced himself and barely wobbled. He looked over to see Mikasa doing the same, "This isn't so hard?" She looked at him and shrugged, "Not really."
    The five Survey Corps soldiers arrived at the training ground. They started walking around while Hanji and Erwin were having a conversation, "So what are the trainees doing today sir?" "Today they are learning how to use the 3D Maneuver Gear." They made it to where the trainees were. "Looks like those two are naturals." Hanji looked to where Erwin was pointing. She saw (Y/N) and Mikasa having a conversation while being completely still and not once falling down.
    The two then got off and as soon as they did (Y/N) was tackled to the ground and hugged. "(Y/N) it's so good to see you again!" He recognized that voice. Hanji pulled away and he saw who it was, "Hanji!" Toshi came by and started licking Hanji, "I'm glad to see you too boy." Then Keith cleared his throat, "I hate to ruin this reunion, but your in the way!" Erwin apologized while Hanji took (Y/N) away from the crowd. They once again embraced in a hug, "I missed you so much." "I missed you too. How did you get out?" "I was helping the injured from the scouting mission until the Titans started coming in. I was ordered to kill any Titans getting close and then I had to transport food to the evacuation. I tried to find you, but I never had the chance." She started to cry. "I'm so sorry." "Its alright Hanji. What matters is that were both here and alive."
    They continued their reunion until it was time for dinner at the camp. Sadly the 5 Survey Corps soldiers could only stay for a couple of hours, they just came to see what the trainees were like. Hanji and (Y/N) were saying their goodbyes, "Good luck on becoming a soldier little buddy." "Yeah, and you focus on not dying until then." "I promise." Toshi barked, so she started petting him, "I'll miss you too boy." She went into the wagon and they started heading back to help with wall Maria. Hanji and (Y/N) waved one final goodbye.


    Today the trainees were killing practice dummy titans. Keith was writing down everything the trainees were good at, what they could do, and their weaknesses. He then saw Ymir, Christa, and (Y/N) heading towards a couple of dummies, there was three. They separated and (Y/N) killed the one on the right while Ymir killed the one on the left and Christa killed the one in the middle. 'Ymir is good at cutting the nape quickly, but doesn't socialize with anybody except for Christa and (Y/N). She is a lone wolf most of the time. (Y/N) is excellent at adapting to the environment and can turn to relaxed and calm, to alert and ready to fight. He likes to fight with others and look out for his companions, he is a team player. But his need to help others will be his downfall later on I imagine. Christa is not that good at killing titans but she likes to help her teammates. I suppose she will die on her first mission.'


    Today the trainees were practicing hand-to-hand combat. Sasha was paired up with (Y/N) while Connie was paired up with Ymir. "Good luck Connie, your gonna need it." "I'm gonna die, aren't I?" (Y/N) just nodded. Connie looked over to Christa who wasn't far away and she just gave him a Sympathetic look and also nodded. Connie gulped and walked up to Ymir, "Please don't hurt me."
    With (Y/N) and Sasha, "Alright so I'll be the attacker first." Sasha said. "Alright, so I'm gonna hold back a little bit." She charged at him with the wooden knife, "You won't need to." (Y/N) dodged her stab causing him to be on her left side. He turned his back on her and elbowed her nose, enough to stun her, causing her to grab her nose. He turned behind her, grabbed the back of her head and shoved her to the ground while twisting her wrist making her drop the knife. "I guess I held back quite a bit." "That was you holding back!?" "I did train with a survey corps after all."
    He helped her up, "Now I'll be the attacker." Sasha got up and took a some what defensive stance. He went for a stab and she dodged, but he side stepped and grabbed her. He threw her over his shoulder, sending her to fly a few feet. While she was on the ground (Y/N) jumped into the air and landed on her. He forced the knife down to her chest but she grabbed his hands forcing upwards. (Y/N) smacked her left hand away causing the wooden knife to hit her chest, "And your dead." "Wh-what just happened?" "You lost is what happened." He helped her up again, "You have to teach me how to do that." "I'll tell ya how someday."


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