Humans Win This Round

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A/N Most of what happens in this chapter is simplified as I don't want to type everything that everyone says.

No One's POV

All of the Survey Corps were currently in the forest as they had their hoods up, lead their horses, and stayed quiet as they moved through the night. (Y/N) was walking next to Hanji as he was still in her squad and he was her best soldier besides her right hand man. Annie wasn't with them as it was decided that she would stay in a jail cell underground until they got back. Some people were against the idea as they thought that Annie would be a great asset, but they were over ruled. 

Everyone talked as little as possible so that they didn't give away there position and have no titans come after them. Everyone was on edge as the titans could wake up come after them any second and the silence just added more to the tension. Hours passed for the sun to rise as they reached wall Maria. They all hopped onto their horses and rode towards the wall they passed by the rubble of houses.

When they got close enough captain Erwin told everyone to switch to their ODM gear and went up the wall as they put their hoods up hiding all of their faces, to see that no titans were around as many green flares were shot up into the air. (Y/N) followed Hanji as they were above the hole and they were all back to back to scout the area. (Y/N) looked around, "There isn't a titan in sight." Levi looked around to, "We have to keep going." Hanji pulled out a flare gun, "here is no reason to call this operation off." She then shot up a green flare signaling that it was safe. Eren got close enough to the wall to transform into a titan and land in front of the hole that let the titans in before. He started to crystalize his body but disconnected himself before he crystalized his human body and left through the nape as his body finished crystalizing sealing the hole.

When Eren came back up as he joined his group while Armin told Erwin that Bertholdt and Reiner were close as there was a campfire put out with three cups of coffee, which meant that there were three of them. Erwin told everyone that they would listen to Armin and he ordered everyone to search around the edges of the walls and any buildings that could potentially hide someone. Eren, Mikasa, and a few other scouts were heading towards the outer wall as Hanji and Levi's group followed them.

Armin was confused as he didn't know why there was no titans to be seen, until he thought of something. Everyone under his jurisdiction gathered around him as he told everyone to check the walls. Someone told him that they did but he said to look inside the walls. Erwin enforced this plan for Armin to order everyone to split into two groups and search the surface of each side of the wall especially above the gate. They did as they were ordered as everyone was now hitting the wall with their swords to see if they could find a spot that was hollow. One soldier shot up a red flare as he found a cavity, but he was quickly killed by Reiner who stabbed him and came out of the hole. Before he knew it Reiner was stabbed in the gut by Levi who sent another sword through his neck. Levi let him fall as Reiner hit the ground to turn into the armored titan and when he did a bunch of titans appeared around the entrance where they came from along with the beast titan.

The beast titan picked up a boulder to throw it at the entrance plugging it preventing the horses to get through and trapping them. All of the small titans charged towards the horses as Reiner started to climb the wall. Erwin ordered for the Dirk and Marlene squad to protect the horses at the gate with Klaus squad. Next he ordered for Levi's and Hanji's squad to take down the armored titan, except for Levi as he was the only one he entrusted to take down the beast titan. Hanji's squad and Levi's squad went down into the city as Eren turned into a titan and led Reiner into the city with him as they started fighting. Eren was winning until Reiner grabbed his ankle and pinned him down. Eren seemed in danger, but he managed to get Reiner into a chokehold and threw him off to where he was on his knees.

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