The Protector

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No One's POV

    (Y/N) and Ymir were sent into the woods, while they were training, to find some food to hunt. They both had a bow with a few arrows and wore some extra layers of clothing because it was a bit chilly. They walked on a path side by side as they were surrounded by trees. (Y/N) yawned as he looked around him, "How much longer until we find something to eat." Ymir smirked as she looked at him, "Is someone getting hungry?"
    "Of course I am. I haven't eaten in 12 hours." "Aren't you good at stealing food?" "They caught onto mine and Sasha's tricks so we haven't been able to grab anything." "Awe poor thing." Ymir said in sarcastic tone. As they walked further into the woods (Y/N) stopped, catching Ymir's attention after she walked a few steps ahead.
    She turned around with her hand on her hip, "(Y/N), you comin'?" She squinted one eye as she widened the other as (Y/N) looked at the ground with multiple footprints, "There are hoof prints leading into the woods." He then picked up some fur, "And there are wolves further up the trail."
    (Y/N) walked into the woods causing Ymir to follow him with a grunt. They soon found a large buck as they both crouched down, "Holy shit. That thing is big enough for our entire group. Great job on leading us here (Y/N)." "No problem." 
     The two killed the buck and started carrying it back to camp. They stopped when (Y/N) went to take a leak and Ymir saw something in the corner of her eye. She walked out of the forest to see a deer on the ground torn to shreds with barely anything left of it.
    She looked around her surroundings to notice something, "This is further down the path we were walking on before." She looked towards (Y/N)'s direction, "We never learned different animal prints and fur in training." She walked back as (Y/N) returned and they continued back to camp. On their way back Ymir asked about (Y/N)'s childhood.
    (Y/N) thought for a moment, "Well Hanji always brought food home and Toshi kept me company so it was pretty good." "What about before you met Hanji?" (Y/N) started thinking again, "Well I actually don't remember anything before then." "Really, you remember nothing at all?" "Well I have something like images of back then but I can't put them together." "What are they?" "Some kind of farm, a girl, a woman with her hand on my head, and being in a wagon riding down a street. And that's about it." "Do you ever try to figure out about your past?" "I did before but Hanji said there was no record of me so I just gave up. It's better if I don't think about it, other wise i'd just to crazy." 
    Ymir wanted to ask one more thing before they reached camp, "Where did you learn to hunt animals like that and learn their footprints. We never learned that during training." "I've always knew how to do that. It's like a natural talent of mine." They arrived at the camp and when Sasha saw the buck she jumped up into the air and ran towards them full speed, "This thing is huge! Which means so much meat!"
    Everyone came together to cook as they all had assigned roles. An hour later everyone was in small groups talking to each other as Ymir sat in a tree. She looked at (Y/N) as he gathered Christa's, Connie's, Eren's, and Mikasa's plates, "So you don't remember anything huh." She looked at some leaves, "How are you still alive?"

Present Day

    Ymir was killing multiple titans as everyone stayed on top of the tower. The tower shook causing Christa to go over the ledge, but (Y/N) grabbed her leg catching her, unfortunately he started to go over until Reiner grabbed his shoulder. "Hey thanks Reiner." He started to squeeze his shoulder to much causing (Y/N) pain, "Hey that's starting to hurt Reiner!"
    Connie grabbed Reiner's wrist, "Reiner, your squeezing to hard!" Reiner let go as Connie helped (Y/N) pull Christa up, "(Y/N), Christa, did you know that Ymir was a titan?" Christa looked down at Ymir, "I had no idea. I was always so close to her. How? How could this be?" "I didn't even think about it. She rarely even hangs out with me, she just talks to me every once and a while."

    They watched as Ymir fought the titans, but was losing because she didn't want to tear the tower down. Christa stood on the ledge and yelled at Ymir to not die by trying to protect them and do what it took to live. Ymir started tearing down the tower killing a few titans. Everyone on the tower started to panic as (Y/N) fell over the edge. Connie went to catch him but failed as he looked down to see him fall into a titan's mouth and swallow. It walked away as Ymir came up and let everyone grab onto her hair as she jumped down.

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