New Enemies and Allies

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No One's POV

    (Y/N) was currently in a small room with a chair and some tools as their were two military officers laying on the ground. One had blood coming from his head as the other had hand prints on his neck. (Y/N) was panting as he stood in the middle, "What the hell is going on?" A minute ago (Y/N) was riding in on a horse to have the two men try to interrogate him to find out where Eren and them were.
    (Y/N) opened the door as he walked towards the city, "When did we become the enemy, why aren't we worried about the titans anymore?" (Y/N) walked into the town with his scout uniform off and his swords to trade them for a coat covering his face. He continued walking around to hear some military officers start talking about the survey corps.
    He stayed close as he listened closely, "Our job is to hunt down every one in the survey corps. Something about the king wanting them destroyed or something like that." One of them crossed his arms as he seemed bored, "Aren't the only ones left that Levi guy and his squad?" "Yeah, it's stupid that were all having to search for one group. It's just a waist of everybody's time."
   (Y/N) walked near them as he bumped his arm into one of the men causing him to get angry, "Hey, watch it!" (Y/N) turned his head, but not enough to show his face, "Sorry, i'm a little tired. To worried about the survey corps." The man calmed down a bit, "Tch. Whatever, if you see any of them tell somebody." "Will do." (Y/N) continued walking as he thought of one place to try and find answers.

   Mina was walking home with a bag of bread and vegetables as she had a frown on her face. She then made it home and walked in to set the food on the counter. She didn't hear anything as Kira was taken to live in an orphanage. She then jumped as she saw a dark figure sitting at her table causing her to lean against the counter, "Who are you and what do you want?" (Y/N) got up to walk closer as he took off his hood and turned on a lamp.
    Mina lost her voice as she saw (Y/N) as he smiled, "Hey Mina." Mina then hugged (Y/N) tightly as she let out a few tears, "Your alive!" (Y/N) hugged her back as they stayed silent for a while. Mina then backed away, "Where have you been? How are you not dead? Connie said that you fell into a titan's mouth. And why does the government keep saying that you were dangerous.
    (Y/N) took a deep breathe as he told Mina to take a seat. He then sat across from her as he explained everything to Mina. Afterwards Mina thought for a bit, "So your Christa's, who's real name is Historia, cousin. Your mother killed many people because she was poisoned, and she had the power to do it because she was something called the protector. And the protector is a long line of ancestors that are great swordsman, medic, and hunters. And you don't remember any of it?"
    (Y/N) rubbed his head, "I'm starting to remember little by little since that man gave me a strange pill." Everything was silent until Mina looked at (Y/N), "I need to tell you something too. The king has ordered that the Survey Corps need to be disbanded." Mina told (Y/N) everything that has happened since he has been away, and that nobody knows where Eren and the rest of the group were. Not even her.
    (Y/N) thought for a while until he stood up, "I need to find them. They're gonna need all the help they can get." (Y/N) walked towards the door until he was stopped by Mina grabbing his hand. She then kissed his cheek, "Be safe." (Y/N) smiled a little as he kissed her cheek and he opened the door, "I'll do the best I can."
    (Y/N) walked through the streets some more trying to figure out how to find Eren. As he was walking he heard two people talking in an alley way. He turned the corner to see the girl who have Kira to him, and a tall man with a black bowl-cut hairstyle.
    The man had his hand on his forehead, "What are we gonna do? Do we tell our higher ups about what happened in the woods?" Hitch was leaning up against the wall, "I don't know what to do." Marlowe started pacing back and fourth, "It's our job to take down the Survey Corps. But they didn't kill us. And if we take down the Survey Corps, then humanity can't fight against the titans."
   Hitch rubbed her temple as she tried to think, "Calm down Marlowe. Let's just pretend that we don't know anything and make sure that we saw nothing. Because if we do, then we are dead." A noise was heard coming towards them causing them to skip a beat in fear that they might be killed for what they said. A figure walked up to them as he took off his hoodie.
    (Y/N) showed him self, "You know where the rest of the Survey Corps are?" Hitch pointed at him as she remembered something, "Your the guy that I gave that little girl to." She then snapped her fingers, "Your Hanji's brother." Marlowe was a bit defensive, "Your the one that they said could kill a group of soldiers of he wanted to." (Y/N)  crossed his arms, "I would never do something like that." He then pointed at Marlowe, "But I will break your legs if you run away." "What?"
    (Y/N) turned around as he looked at the two, "Your gonna help me find my friends. Now come on." "What if we don't?" "Then I guess we're all gonna be arrested by the military police then." He stated walking away as Hitch soon followed (Y/N) causing Marlowe to look at her confused, "What are you doing?" Hitch shrugged, "Were being blackmailed. Might as well play along."
    Marlowe watched as the two began to walk away until he put his hands on his head as he grunted. He then soon followed as he kept looking around cautiously. The three walked through the streets as (Y/N) was leading them to an abandoned building.
    They arrived to a run down building with very little foot traffic. Once they got in (Y/N) got straight to the point, "So where is the rest of the Survey Corps?" Hitch smirked as she put her hands on her hips, "And we couldn't talk in the alley way because, why exactly?" "Well if I was able to hear you, then who else do you think could hear us talking?"  Hitch shrugged, "Fair enough." "So where are they?"
    Marlowe put his fore finger and thumb on his chin, "They were far out into the woods, but it looked like they were about to start moving further in." "Did they tell you where they were going?" "No, they just told us the truth about everything and let us go." (Y/N) paced back and fourth, "So they're going to go even further away from us and I have no idea where they are going."
    Hitch snapped as she pointed at (Y/N), "What if we go into the military department to see if they know where they are going?" "We could do that, but we need a plan in case things don't go right. A code red of sorts." (Y/N) thought for a few seconds until he looked at the other two, "All of the military officers are using guns, right?" "Yeah." "Which means that they're not using swords anymore." "We dumped them." "Which means that it would be basically impossible to kill a titan." "I guess so."
    Marlowe butted in, "So your plan is to what, bring in multiple titans into the wall; which would be impossible. Also Eren is hiding so we can't use him. So what do titans have to do with this." (Y/N) held up his fore finger, "There is one titan that we could use." Hitch pointed at (Y/N) with a concerned look, "No no no no, no. She killed hundreds of people." "And our military has killed more, desperate times call for desperate measures." Marlowe got between the two, "Sorry, but is there something that i'm missing here?"


    Marlowe put his hands on his head as he started panic, "No way! Not her! We just snuck into a secret facility and knocked out so many guards, so we could try and talk to her!" He turned around, "Nope, i'm not gonna be apart of this anymore." (Y/N) grabbed his collar, "You don't think that those guards didn't recognize your face as we knocked them out. Your in to deep to quit."
    Hitch just shook her head, "This isn't gonna work." (Y/N) walked forward until he put his foot on a crystal like substance, "Hello again Annie." He kicked the crystal a little bit, "Hey can you hear me in there!" Nothing but silence until he looked towards Hitch, "Did she ever tell you anything personal when she was your roommate?" "Not really."
    He looked back at Annie's dead like face, "In case you didn't know Reiner and Bertholdt's cover was blown, so if you had a plan it's ruined now." (Y/N) sighed as he put his hands in his pockets, "I don't know why you did what you did, but I can't help but feel that you needed to have a reason to do it. I mean the years that everyone knew you during training you weren't the most social person, but you gave people advice and tried to help them.  
    "I'm gonna be frank with ya. The Survey Corps is being hunted down and killed with only a few of us left. And ironically enough I need your help to save them. If you for some reason do decide to help me I can't promise you that you'll be safe. But I am giving you a chance for redemption." Nothing but silence filled the room as (Y/N) turned around, "We tried but it's no use. Let's try to find Eren."
    The two followed as they walked down the long halls of the underground tunnel they infiltrated. Hitch had her head down, "You know, I was kinda hoping that it would work. She was the best roommate I had." Marlowe looked at her, "Yeah, she used to stand up for me when I was down." (Y/N) smirked, "She saved my life three times. I just don't understand why she would attack us."
    They then heard something behind, so they turned around to see a military officer holding a gun up to them, "Nobody move! Or I swear to god i'll shoot!" Hitch went for her gun as the man aimed his gun at her, "What did I say-" A loud thud was then heard as the man fell to the ground unconscious. Annie stood above him with her military officer uniform on, while her hair was a mess, and her legs were wobbly. She had a plank of wood in her hands as she used it to support herself, "So, what do you need me to do?"

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