A Plan

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No One's POV

    At one of the military corps headquarters all the officers were lounging around until Hitch walked in with a survey corps soldier who had his hands tied behind his back, "Hey guys, look at what I found." Her superior just waved his hand at her while taking a sip of booze, "Just throw him in a cell and leave him." Hitch then pulled down the man's hood, "But it's the guy we were told to look out for."
    Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at (Y/N) as they were told by the king about his past. To them he could kill all of them any minute. Witch's superior spot his booze and wiped his mouth afterwards, "Put him in the cell next to my office and tell the chief." "He's sir.%
    Hitch brought (Y/N) to his cell and when they were in there Hitch looked out to see nobody. When the coast was clear she started to make a decoy of (Y/N) using a blanket and some pillows. (Y/N) got on one knee near the center of the room as he heard to voices under him, "Are you sure that this is where it is?" "I'm positive. I studied all of the blueprints of this place back in training."
    The ground in front of him then gave out letting (Y/N) to look down and see Marlowe and Annie. He jumped down to them to look up and see Hitch cover up the hole with some cardboard. He looked at the other two, "Well, lead the way." Marlowe took the lead as he led them through more tunnels until he stopped them, "This should be the chief's office." They then heard some footsteps above them until they heard Hitch's voice, "Sir, there is something you need to see."
    The two then left the room allowing Annie to cut the ground above them at a slant. (Y/N) helped Marlowe and Annie up into the office. Afterwards they helped him up and when they were all up Annie went to a filing cabinet and started looking through some files, "We need to hurry, chief doesn't like to take his sweet time."

  The three quickly started searching cabinets and drawers as they fumbled through folders and papers. They were stopped by Annie speaking up, "I found something that the chief wrote today." The other two stood next to her as she read the document quickly, "It says that they've found out that what is left of the Survey Corps are. They are heading towards the old abandoned church just a few miles south from here."
    They then heard footsteps coming towards them, so Annie quickly put the document back as Marlowe and (Y/N) jumped down. Annie grabbed the piece of floor and jumped down as she put the floor back like they were never there. The three walked through the tunnels some more until Marlowe led them up through a man hole leading them two buildings away from where they originally were.
    Hitch then pulled up on a horse driven carriage, "Did we find out where they are?" (Y/N) got in the carriage, "Yep." Annie followed in after him as Marlowe sat next to Hitch. Annie and (Y/N) kept their heads down as they were considered criminals to the people and government.
    As they were on their way (Y/N) laid down as he put his hands behind his head. Annie leaned against the door, "Why did you want my help in the first place?" "Because your very useful right now." "Why would you trust me to help you after I literally tried to kill." "Well i'm still alive right now and I never said I trusted you. Also I've thought about it and there were many times where you could of killed me in that forest."
    Annie seemed to flinch, "What are you getting at?" "I find it peculiar that I was pulled and thrown into the air when I was flying upwards. Meaning that it wouldn't take much to make me go flying tens of feet with little effort, just enough to where I wouldn't did from being thrown." "You got lucky." "I guess." (Y/N) Then sat up, "Why did you decide to help me?" "Because now finding have Reiner or Bertholdt missing me around anymore and I wish to have the current king to be dethroned." "Why?" "Personal reasons."
    The carriage then stopped confusing the two until Hitch opened the door, "We have a problem." The four walked to the edge of the trees to see many military brigade surrounding the church ready to go in. (Y/N) examined the situation, "The others must already be inside." Hitch looked at him, "How do we get to them?" The three then looked at Annie who raised an eyebrow, "Plan B?" (Y/N) nodded, "Plan B."
    Hitch, Marlowe, and (Y/N) went to the other side of the trees and waited until they saw lighting strike the ground. The female titan appeared and started to clear out the brigade who couldn't defend against her since they didn't have any swords. Throughout the chaos the other three snuck in to go and help the others.
    Inside the rest of the Survey Corps was fighting Kenny's squad of the military brigade. As they were fighting a man aimed his gun at Hanji as she was flying. Jean saw this and shouted her name making her look at the man as she couldn't do anything. The man was then cut in two making the two next to the man aim their guns at the mystery man. They were then shot down showing Hanji and Marlowe. The mystery man then retreated back allowing Hanji to see that it was (Y/N).
    The actions that took place allowed Levi to get through and head towards Eren. The Survey Corps were doing a good job at keeping the military brigade at bay and even pushed them back some. As they were chasing the rest of the military brigade the door started to crumble above them. All of the Survey Corps made it to Eren, after Historia's dad turned into a titan, who crystallized his titan form to protect them.
    As they were trapped and everyone was finally able to take a breather, (Y/N) was tackled by Hanji as he was barley able to stand up while Hanji hugged him tight, "You need to stop dying on me." "I'll try." As they were stuck Hitch noticed a hole in the roof, to which she shot a flare out of. A few seconds later the roof started to rumble as pieces above them started to move.
    The last piece of rubble above them was moved to show the female titan to which Hitch cheered, "Plan B!" Annie lowered her hand to which everyone jumps eat except for Hitch, Marlowe, and (Y/N) who walked onto her hand. (Y/N) looked at the others, "I'll explain in a bit, but we need to get out of here." Reluctantly everyone hopped on and was brought up to to ground level.
    As they were now so standing on some grass and Annie started to leave her titan form Jean looked at all the dead soldiers, "What happened here?" Annie jumped down as she looked around, "They were coming after you, "So they had to be dealt with." More Survey Corps then arrived, because Erwin disbanded the government and got rid of the king and made the Survey Corps legal again.
    Levi pointed his sword at Annie, "I will deal with you later, but right now-" he then pointed at the trail Historia's dad made, "We have even bigger problems."

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