The Calm Before The Storm

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No One's POV

Historia was at training camp as she stood in line with everyone else as the officer walked from trainee to trainee as he yelled at them to scare them. The man then yelled at one and his name gained her attention, "I'm (F/N) Zoe sir!" She looked over at him to somewhat recognize the boy as he also had a dog with him. Ymir caught her attention by snapping her fingers in front of her, "Hey you ok?" "Huh yeah, I'm fine." She looked over at him as the officer gave (Y/N) a death glare.

A few days went by as it was night out and everyone was in the dining hall eating dinner. Historia stared at (Y/N) who was sitting at a table in front of her as he was with Sasha, Eren, and Connie. She took a bite of her bread, 'That's definitely him. What is his plan. Dad said that he was dangerous and to end him to make sure he didn't end me.' He looked over at her to have her look down as she continued eating. A day later she came up with a plan and waited for everyone to go to sleep. When the coast was clear she snuck out of her cabin with a wooden shiv that she made.

She snuck over too one of the boy cabins to try and get in through the window. But before she got there she bumped into someone making her land on her back and drop her shiv. She looked up to see (Y/N) above her as he grabbed her shiv making her had her hand up as she shook in fear as she closed her eyes. "You alright?" She opened them to see (Y/N) holding out his hand to her as he smiled, "Sorry for not looking where I was going." When she was younger Historia was running through the cornfield on her farm. As she was running (Y/N) came through a wall of corn making her bump into him and fall. Historia rubbed the temple of her head as (Y/N) held his hand out to her as he smiled, "Sorry for not looking where I was going."

Historia took his hand as he helped her up, "Its ok. I should of watched where I was going as well." (Y/N) examined the wooden shiv to toss it to Historia, "So is this a hobby of yours?" Historia caught it, "Uh, yeah I wanted to make start making wooden animals and a knife is a good start. What are you doing out here?" "Oh Armin needed some water, why are you out this late?" "Oh, I uh, just needed to go for walk. It's to help me sleep." "Alright, well I gotta get this water to Armin, goodnight Christa." "Goodnight (Y/N)." She watched him walk away as she turned around to go back to her cabin. More and more days passed as Historia noticed (Y/N) acting the way he used to on the farm as he helped out his friends and was all out nice.

Present Day

Historia kept eye contact with Hanji, "Through the years I have had many opportunities to do what my father told me to do. I never did though and I never knew why until when I met my father again. I realized that he was just trying to use me to cut off loose ends and keep him safe from the government hoping that they would never discover that (Y/N) was still alive. I am sorry for never telling you." Hanji just simply adjusted her glasses, "So you had an order from your father and you never completed it because you knew that (Y/N) was good." She then stood up, "Well you put my mind at ease with this information. I'm sure you have a lot of work with being the ne quenn, so I will let you be. Good day Historia." "Good day Hanji."

Hanji then left the room as Historia was left alone with her thoughts. Hanji walked through the castle and left as she was in thought until she noticed (Y/N) and Mina walking together as they went into the city making her smile a little. Mina walked next to (Y/N) as he was escorting her home and held her groceries, "Thank you for helping me home (Y/N)." "It's no problem. I had nothing to do and I wanted to see you anyways."

Mina blushed a little as she brushed her hair behind he ears, "I've wanted to see you too." (Y/N) blushed a little as well until he thought of something, "How is Kira and Toshi doing and where are they?" "Oh Kira is doing fine. I visited her through the past months of the Survey Corps being hunted down. She can actually move back in with me starting today. She can live anywhere, but she said that she wants to live with me." "Well that's great. Should we go get her?" "If you want to. She actually misses you." "And what about Toshi?" "Well the soldiers took him away one day, but yesterday I saw him on my doorstep. I guess he found his way back home." "That is great to hear. I have missed the two. Now let's go get Kira. Lead the way."

Kira was picked up by Jean, Sasha, and Connie as Mina said that she was going to go get groceries and would pick her up when she was done. They were outside as Sasha and Connie played with Kira while Jean just leaned up against a pillar and watched. After a few minutes Mina and (Y/N) arrived. Mina smiled as she saw Kira while Kira also smiled seeing her as she ran towards her, "Mina!" Mina bent down to hug her, "Oh Kira I have missed you sooo much. How have you been?" "I made a few friends as I was in the orphanage." "Well that's great" "Can we go home now?" "Yes, but there is someone else here."

Kira looked behind Mina to see (Y/N) who set down the groceries, "Hey Kira." Kira ran to him to have (Y/N) pick her up, "(Y/N) i've missed you!" "I've missed you too. I have many new stories to tell you." "Yay, what kind of stories are they?" "They are action stories starring Annie, Hitch, and Marlowe." He set her down as Mina grabbed her hand as (Y/N) picked up the groceries. Mina waved goodbye at the other three, "Thank you for watching her." Sasha waved back, "No problem."

After a while the three made it to Mina's house to have Kira go into her old room while (Y/N) set the groceries on the counter. Toshi soon woke up and ran towards (Y/N) to be petted from his master as rubbed up against his legs. Mina grabbed a few thigs as she started to make dinner as (Y/N) headed for the door until Mina stopped him, "Your leaving already?" "Well we are about to go reclaim Wall Maria in two days and they want everyone accounted for." "Are you going to eat?" "They have gruel." "What about a bed?" "We have blankets." "That's not good enough. You will stay here, have a nice meal, and have a good nights rest." "But I need to-" "If someone has a problem they can talk to me." "But I-" Kira then grabbed his hand, "Come on (Y/N), I want to show you my toys." "Wha-" Mina went back to cooking, "Dinner will be ready in half an hour." A few minutes later (Y/N) was sitting on the floor with Kira as she explained the rules in her made up game while Toshi laid next to them as (Y/N) listened closely as he had a thought, 'How did I get here?'

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