How's The Weather Down There? (Kaidou Shun)

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This one is gonna be another cutesy one. Hope ya like it!

Requested by HeavenlyKami-Sama

Kaidou was okay with his height.

Sure he wasn't the tallest guy in his class but he wasn't the shortest. It didn't really ever register that he was on the shorter side he guesses.

It also made it easier to run away and hide. But the others didn't need to know that.

But surprise, surprise, things didn't always turn out the way he ever wanted.

Not too long ago L/n Y/n hit a growth spurt and turned into the god damn green giant.


He was fucking 6'3.

For some reason that just seemed to grind Kaidou'a gears. Y/n knew it too, and that was one of the worst parts.

"Hiya Kaidou-kun!" Y/n the jolly green giant came strolling happily into the room, chirping a hello to Kaidou.

"L/n." Kaidou grumbled a response, not looking up from his journal. The other teen slid on top of the desk beside him and crossed his lanky legs.

"Sooooo...? How's the weather down there?"

"Tch." Kaidou clicked his tongue and buried his nose further in the pages of his journal.

"Is something wrong Kaidou?" Smugness oozed from the teens voice as he teased the shorter of the two, further setting him off.

However, this time Kaidou was determined not to bite.

"Nothing at all L/n. Just not feeling so well." Kaidou responded through pursed lips. He spared a glance up from his writing and caught a glimpse of a certain twinkle in the others eyes.

"Oh? Do you need me to help you walk down there?" L/n then leans forward slightly and with a teasing tone says "I don't think your tiny legs could carry you all the way there after all."

Kaidou has to fight the urge to not slam his pencil to the table. "No, no! I wouldn't want to," Kaidou grits his teeth "trouble you."

L/n blinked in slight surprise. And was that a....blush on his cheeks?

"O-oh no! You wouldn't be trouble at all!"


"It's really fine. I'm feeling better already." Kaidou rolls his eyes slightly, making L/n pout.

"Really? You don't want me to walk you?"

Now this is getting weird. Is he actually worried?

"No, L/n. Me and my short legs are fine." Kaidou let some bitter seep into his words, his confusion spurring on his anger.

Relative silence flits over the pair, leaving Kaidou fidgety and uncomfortable. The desk next to him creaks as the other wiggles down into the seat.

"Shun...?" Hn! D-did he just? "Did I make you angry?"

Kaidou whips his head up and blinks at the other teen whose own face is worried with concern. "A-angry-"

"I'm sorry if I upset you in any way! I-I just thought that if I could walk with you, I could get to know you better..."

"Why would you want to get to know me better...?"

Y/n's brows furrowed and his frown deepened, obviously perplexed. Suddenly, he slapped his palm to his forehead and let out a slightly hysterical laugh.

Kaidou slightly scowled. What's so funny?!

"I forgot how dense you could be!" Y/n gets out between giggles. Small tears gather in the corner of his eyes as he finally settles.

So he was calling him dense now?! What was this guys deal?!

"Shun! I like you!"

Excuse me?

"You short idiot!"

Embarrassment washed over Shun in waves as Y/n leaned forward to grasp his now trembling hands. "But you're my short idiot."

"Wha-but-y-you-huh?" Nonsense fell from the blue haired teens lips as he attempts to catch his brain up with the quickly changing situation, the pink in his cheeks darkening into red.

"You're lucky I'm into to short, blue haired, dense guys." Y/n snorted and pushed his face into the side Shun's, puffing a large breath of air next to his ear.

Shun groaned in embarrassment and shoved his face into the other teens shoulder in a hope to spare some of his pride. A small kiss above his ear and Shun was practically melting.

Who knew he was into annoyingly tall, annoyingly attractive guys?
So like I just finished Madoka Magica and Kakegurui and I'm really tempted to make a book for them....

Should I or should I stop myself before it's too late.

If you couldn't tell I'm in an anime mood lmao

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