Koboyasu Aren x M!Delinquent!Reader

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Requested by gamernoodle2_! Enjoy! Sorry this took so long to update

school be a bitch

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" I heard the screech of a teacher, signaling my retreat. "Deuces!" I throw the can of spray can in his direction and make a beeline for my bike. I climb on and pedal with fury (lmao I don't know why that's so funny to me), escaping the teacher with a now sore shin. "Ah, fuck! My teacher shin!" He crumbles to the ground, gripping his leg. I ride my bike down the street and around the corner, panting. I brake and jump off my bike, setting it against the wall and chaining it. I open the side door of the abandoned building next to me and climb up the slick stairs. I walk up to the second to top floor and walk to the end of the hall. I put my hand on the rusty handle of the last door, and with some force, push it open. "Ma? I'm home!" I hear a grunt come from the 'living room'. I walk towards the noise as my eyes water with smoke. I walk in to find an ash tray with two lit cigarettes and clothes thrown around the room. I look at the couch to see my mother making out with an unknown man, half naked. I roll my eyes. "Is he staying for dinner?" I grumble, not even phased. She parts from the mans lips, looking annoyed. "Nah. Your Pa's comin home from work early, I'm just tryin to get my fill 'for he comes." She speaks in a raspy voice, obviously high. "Kay." She takes a drag of her cigarette and slams her lips back against the stranger, moans slipping out between their lips. I trudge into our kitchen, which is nothing more than a sink, rusty stove and an ice cooler. I open the cooler and pull out a probably expired bottle of juice and take a swig. I cringe and throw it into the trash. I trudge past my 'parents' room and into my own. I fall onto the dirty mattress I have on the floor and look out the window, shivering from the lack of warmth.

This is my life.

I watch my mother sleep with other men, sometimes not even sober, while my father acts oblivious, working as hard as he can to keep us alive. I'm pretty sure he still loves her.

I sure as hell don't.

She broke my father, one of the happiest men I know, to shattered, lost pieces of himself. The only time I see him happy anymore is when I'm with him. Not trying to sound conceited here, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only reason he still tries.

I am carrying my family.

I blink back my tears and sniff, trying my best to stay strong. I hear the creak of our front door and sit up, putting on a face. I walk out of the room, carefully avoiding the rotting parts of the floor. I walk into the room to see my father absently staring at my mother, mid fuck. He heaved a shuddering sigh and turns, eyes catching mine. His eyes light up.

I could never understand how my mother could take advantage of him. He was a smart, good looking man who never deserved any of this. "H-Hi Y/n! How was your day?" I smile weakly and pull him into a hug. "We're gonna leave soon. We will leave her and all this behind, I know it." He pulls back and nods, eyes holding hope for once. He holds up a plastic bag. "I got us food!" I smile. "Then let's dig in!" I pull him to the fold up table we have and pull out the food. We start to eat when we here footsteps enter the room. We look to see my disheveled mother pulling on a pair of expensive red heels.

Bought with money she stole from my father.

"I'm going out with my friends. Be back later." She stumbles out with the man on her arm. "Okay. We'll just eat your leftovers." My father calls out quietly.

Funny thing is...

He didn't even buy any food for her...

"Y/n! Come'n sit with us!" I hear a loud rambunctious voice call out to me. I look over to see Nendou waving his hands in an exaggerated manor. I sigh and plop down on the bench next to Koboyasu Aren, former delinquent.

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now