Kusuo Saiki x Jealous!M!Reader

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My voice has left the chat

So I'm currently sick and have a pile of homework and my sister is hogging the computer so I'm just gonna do this instead

this was requested by

"Saiki? Where are you?!"

I cringe as the 'sweet' ring of Teruhashi's voice fills our classroom (anyone else see the new episodes on Netflix yet? Cause I have and that one episode where Saiki did the thing is making me skeptical ). I watch as her sparkling aura waltz's into the room, long blue hair flowing behind her. All the boys in the room bend over backwards to get a glimpse at her beauty. And me....

Well I just sit there devoid of any emotions.

She walks past them all and stands in front of my desk, hip propped out to the side. "Hiya Y/n-Kun!" I grimace and look away. I hear her give a sound of annoyance but she walks off regardless. My eyes trail behind her as I watch her bend down in front of Saiki's desk. "Hiya Saiki!" Like me, he avoids her eyes and keeps up his emotionless facade. "Saiki!!" She whines, determined to get his attention. His eyes gives her a quick glance but return to wall as quickly as it has been there.

But oh...

She notices.

"Saiki~ I know you saw me!" She drawls out, eyelashes fluttering sweetly. I watch as Saiki goes as stiff as a rod and furrows his brows. He shakes his head as she lays a hand softly on his shoulder.

I feel anger begin to bubble in my chest as she slides her small hand up and down his arm. She suddenly glances over at me and sends me a small, victorious smirk. I growl a bit and cross my arms across my chest, watching with anger as her other hand goes to lay on his shoulder as she perched herself atop his desk.

Saiki seems to cringe away from the touch with annoyance, fingers digging deeper and deeper into the desk.

Although I know he dislikes the touch, I can't help but feel jealous as she drags her fingers up and down his clothed arms. My fists begin to tremble in my lap, readying themselves to swing. Saiki then looks over and widens his eyes, obviously for help. I tilt my head to the side puzzled. Saiki never shows this much emotion! But as I watch him cringe more and more I can't help but step in.

"Teruhashi! Leave him alone!" The girl starts at hearing her name being called in such a way. "H-huh!?" She draws her hands back as I come stomping over. I wrap my arms around his shoulders without a second thought, hugging his head closer to the crook of my neck. I feel the fan of his breath against my throat, relief flooding through his lips. "Leave him alone! Do I have to tell you twice?!" She huffs and stomps away, bottom lip pouting out with annoyance.

I let out a sigh of relief and look down at Saiki, only to have my face irrupt into red. Saiki's face was snuggled against my neck, eyes boring up into my own with a knowing look. I panic and let go of his shoulders in a rush, hurriedly walking back to my seat after. I feel his eyes follow me across the room as I take my seat.


Let's hope I can survive.


The final bell signals the end of school and I'm scurrying to get out. I quickly hide myself in the hoard of students and begin my walk to the front doors.

Just as I pull my shoes on I'm pushed against my locker. I gasp and look into the eyes of the one and only Saiki Kusuo. "S-Saiki!?" He stares at me unamused. Why were you jealous? I sputter and widen my eyes. "I-I wasn't jealous!" I retort, blood rushing to my face. Saiki tilts his head. You have no need to be. I don't like Teruhashi. I nod my head, trying to keep along with the conversation. In fact, the person I like is right in front of me. My jaw drops. "M-Me!?" He nods You. I tentatively bring my arms around his neck. He gives me a small smile and begins to rock us back and forth. You're the only one I like no one else. I smile and notice the blue-haired girl herself peeking around the corner. I smirk and flip her off.

"Eat your heart out Teruhashi!"

I push my lips against Saiki's and push my arm out father towards her.

Maybe I should get jealous more often~


There we go

Woo that took a lot to not fall asleep

Next one has the roles reversed!

Peace out party people! ✌🏻

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat