Kusuo Saiki x M!Bullied!Reader

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Requested by I_Give_Zero_Fucks (great name btw)

I walk into the classroom, head bent down to avoid eye contact...

With her...

I kept forward until I reached my seat, eyes wandering anywhere but near where she could be. I suddenly hear footsteps approaching me, louder and louder as they echo through my head. My hands begin to tremble and shake, awaiting my doom. A large hand claps on my shoulder. I slowly turn my head, not to be met with my doom, but instead a very enthusiastic Takashi trying to brag about how a girl just touched his elbow.

"...And then she touched me! Right here!" He points at the joint of his elbow. I nod and smile weakly, mind drifting from the conversation.

"Y/n?! Are you even listening!?" Takashi shouts. I snap from my daze. "Y-Yeah! A girl touched you right?" He scoffs a bit. "Well duh!"  I breath through my nose, miffed at being snatched from my daydream. I then noticed Saiki walk into the room with his friends trailing behind him, happily chatting amongst themselves. I wave a bit, causing a rare smile to grace his emotionless features. He walks to his seat and sits down, eyes coming to fall on me. Good morning Y/n he says with a small hint of emotion. "Good morning Saiki~" I say warmly. He blushes a bit and turns away, orbs going elsewhere. I then see the door open again. But this time, it's not a warm feeling that floods through me...

It's pure fear.

I watch as Ermengarde Null saunters into the room, her platinum locks bouncing with every step. Her head turns around the room, gaze judging.

She then lands on me and a devious, hungry smile etched its way on to her perfect pointed features. She switches her glance to the clock then back to me, the whole time mouthing the words 'Tick, tock, tick, tock'. She then carefully placed herself in her seat and waits...

Waits for the hunt...



The school bell sounds the ending of class. The students pack up their things and scurry to lunch, itching to get with their friends. I lethargically pack my bag, hoping, just hoping, she would forget.

I do this a lot.

Wishing and praying she would forget.

But she never does.

Who could forget their meal?

I sigh and throw my bag over my shoulder, mind clouding with thoughts. I trudge our of the room into the empty hall, my shoes against the floor the only sound being heard.


I hear another set of steps.

The clacking of heels

"Oooh Y/n!~" I hear Ermengarde call out. I halt. I turn my face towards the noise, only to have it whipped back to the front. "Now, now! It's very rude not to make eye contact." She tuts. "Why don't we teach you a lesson?" She grinds her heel into my feet, catching me off guard. She shoved me down to the ground and sits on my chest. She then punches me.

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant