Metori Saiko X M!Host!Reader (Ouran Host Club Crossover)

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Hey guys! This story recently got over 100 reads *throws confetti*! So I thought as thank you I would do a longer one! I think every time we reach a certain point, I will do a special one shot! But I am gonna need y'all to request! I think maybe the next one will be two different scenarios of polyamorous relationships. What do you think? This is all thanks to you guys, so it's up to you!
Title: Money Can't Buy Love (original right?)
You are Kyoya Ootori's twin! On behalf of your father, you go to the Saiko's estates to work out some business plans. Although you were expecting a more relaxed, controlled meeting, what you get is different. What you get is Metori Saiko attempting to wow you at every minute! But what can he get the boy he seems to have everything?
Third Person POV
"Y/n! Do you want to have cake with me?" "Y/n! Let's play the 'Which One Is Hikaru' game!"
Y/n! Stop moving! I can't put you in my manga if you keep moving when I'm drawing you!" You frown and take Renge's (who insisted she come to see new characters for her 'manga') pencil and chuck it across the plane. "Oops!Now you can't do anything." You say with an overly sweet smile. She stomps retrieve her discarded pencil, steam coming out of her ear. You glance over at Kyoya, currently occupied with a sleeping Tamaki in his lap. You watch as he lovingly pets his head, smiling all the while (yeah I made them dating. No regrets.).

You and your host club friends were currently on your way to the Saiko estate to work out a business deal. Why send a bunch of teenagers to do it?


You and Kyoya.

You both separately are almost unstoppable. But together? Basically a super weapon. You both have drastically different personalities. He tended to be cold and emotionless, while you tended to be warm-hearted and showed a lot of your emotions. When you joined the host club, you were pegged as the 'sweet' type. So while you sweet talk the group with good facts about their company, Kyoya would bring them into reality with the bad ones. You two were the literal embodiment of ying and yang, yet worked together like no others.You even took it a step further to make your looks different. You dyed your hair light pastel colors, to give off a sweet, innocent aura, while his stayed the dark black.

Your friends simply just wanted to tag along. Not like Kyoya complained though, he got to spend time with Tamaki while you had to deal with everyone else.

Only 2 more hours to go.

~Time Skip~
Y/N's POV~
I stepped of the jet, lazily stretching my arms. I turn a do a head count. Everyone's here. I see Mori point to a man holding up a sign that said 'Ootori'. Our group made its way over to said man, following him m to the large limo. We take a 30 minute drive to a large mansion. The man escorts us to our rooms then bring us to a conference room.

"Ah! Your he-" the large voice cuts off when he sees us. "Hello! I'm y/n Ootori! And this is my brother Kyoya!" I say sweetly with my hands behind my back. Plan Ying and Yang activated. My brother simply nods in response, still holding Tamaki hand. "Where is your father?" The man I assume is Mr. Saiko is. Although I can't be sure because of the blinding light surrounding him. Kyoya gives Tamaki a chaste kiss before coming next to me. "Our father sent us in place of himself. He wants us to have more experience with dealing with the making the deals side of the company." I nod my head in agreement. "So he sent his two teenage sons?" He says with a hint of suspicion. "Yup!" Small flowers surround me " Let's start shall we?"

We do our usual 'act'. I bring them up and Kyoya brings them down. It ends up with a huge win for our company. "Thank you for your time Mr. Saiko! I hope this agreement benefits the both of us!" "Yes, as do I y/n. Please feel free to stay with us for the next few days since we finished so quickly." We nod, and make our way to our rooms.

As we walk down the hallway, our group makes mild chat. We were just about to make plans to explore, when someone ran into me. "Would you watch where you walk you little-" said Person then turns to reveal the silver-haired face of Metori Saiko. "I apologize Mr. Saiko. I had no intention of hitting you." I look at him with big eyes. "I-uh- it's f-fine." I don't fail to notice the blush in his face. "Well, we'll be on our way then." Kyoya says coldly, grabbing my wrist and beginning to walk away. "W-wait!" I hear Metori call out. I turn. "I was-ah wondering if you wanted to do something later?" I smile lightly "You seem unsure." "I am not!" I giggle at his outburst. I glance back at Kyo. He sighs but nods. "That sounds fun! We were planning on going to the carnival ina few days, would you like to come?" "The carnival?" He snickers "That's so low class." I frown. "I'll have you know I actually enjoy the carnival. I will look over this rude act because I want you to experience it." I start to walk off, but turn once more " By the way. The names y/n. Y/n Ootori." His jaw drops. This should be fun.

Third Person POV~
Throughout your stay at the estate, Metori attempts to woo you. Keyword being attempt.
He gives you expensive gifts, dinners only to be touched by the wealthy, finely made clothing, only for you to turn it down each time. With the day of the carnival quickly coming, Metori is in a state of panic. That is until he gets some helpful advice.

Metori's POV~
I pace my room, holding my head in my hands. I just can't seem to impress him no matter how hard I try! What am I doing wrong?! Suddenly, I hear a knock at my door. I walk over and open it, only to be met with the face of Kyoya Ootori. Although he still holds his cold face, I can see his eyes have much more emotion than he lets on. "Hello Kyoya." "Greetings." He says while walking in. " I have noticed that you have an attraction to my brother." He gets right to the point, staring at my with understanding. "Y-yeah So?" "So, you're doing it all wrong!" "Wrong?" "Wrong." I sigh. "What you need to do is be yourself! He wants someone who is true. He's been getting fake smiles his whole life. He wants you to be true." I nod with a glimmer in my eyes, finally understanding. I was ready to win him over!

Third Person POV~
And so he followed his advice. He showed his true self at the carnival, and managed to have fun too. It was also convenient when the rest of the Host Club made plans for other things. And you managed to see the true Metori. You were finally able to except the feelings you had gained for him.

Y/N's POV~
"Come on! Try it!" "Are you sure?" "Yes!" Reluctantly, Metori took a bite of the deep fried  Oreo (those are the bomb btw). His eyes widen and he takes another huge bite. I giggle as he gobbles down the fried treat, effectively making a mess. I decide to take a risk. I start to kiss all the places that he had Oreo residue. He sat there in mild shock, a smile slowly growing in his face. "Haha! All clean!" He blushes and leans against me, burying his now clean face in my neck. "Let's go on the Ferris Wheel! It has a great view at night." "Sounds like a-woah!" He gets cut off as I pull him towards the giant wheel.

We clamber into the seat, gripping each other's hands in excitement. We slowly make our way to the top. "I'm really proud of you." "For what?" He tilts his head to the side. "For being yourself. I have had to deal with people being fake and trying to impress my whole life, it made me happy when you came as yourself." I finish looking into his eyes. "I'm just happy you excepted who I am, and didn't turn me away." "How could I when you're so adorable?!" I giggle for what seems like the hundredth time. He blushes as his lips descend towards mine. He finally reaches his destination, giving a kiss full of true emotions.
Done! Hope y'all enjoyed!

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt