Toritsuka x Hairo x M!Reader! (Polyamorous Pt 2)

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Second one up! This one will focus on moving into together! Also sorry for weird spelling errors, I am currently on a very shaky train 😑. Enjoy!
So Many Boxes

Y/N's POV~

"Hey Tori?" I call out to my purple-haired boyfriend, confused. "Yeah?" "Why do you still have these magazines?" I quirk an eyebrow while holding the inappropriate magazine between two fingers. "Those? Well-I...." My eyebrow raises higher. He flushed a bright pink and snatched the magazine out of my hand. "I have it for memory purposes!" I smirk. "Have I ever told you how loyal and forgiving you are?" He flutters his eyelashes at me. I roll my eyes playfully and throw another magazine at him. I open another box only to come face to face with an unbelievable stench. "Blagh!?" I drop the box to the floor, hand covering my nose. I take another cautious peek into the box, hand still clenched over my nose. I see a pile of dirty socks, all covers in muck and dirt. "Uh Tori? Is this yours?" He walks over with a puzzled face that turns to disgust when he smells the air. "I know I tend to be gross,  but that is NOT mine!" Then it hits me. "Kineshi! What the heck are these!?" I call out to my athletic partner who comes high stepping into the room. "What do you mean?" "Why do have a whole box of stinky socks?!" "There my lucky socks! Haven't ever washed them once!" "Once?!" Me and Reita say in unison. "Yeah! I can't wash the mojo off em!" "Oh my god! You guys have the weirdest things ever!" "Says you!" "What do you mean?" "Look what we found~" They hold up a well worn box, one I know all to well. "H-how did you find that!?" "We found it hidden behind all your other boxes." Hairo replies with a shrug. They slowly open the box, me getting redder by the second. "Oh my god...." their eyes widen at the sight of the content of the box. "What are these!?"!Inside the box were deformed stuffed animals, all with an extreme drastic flaw. "Those would be my stuffed animals..." "What happened to them?!" "That's how they were made. I saw them and felt bad. So I bought them with my allowance to 'save' them from being thrown away..." I felt the eyes of my two boyfriends eyes linger on me, making me flustered. Then, I feel a hand lift my head up and two things touched my lips. My eyes fly open only to see the closed ones of my partners. They were kissing me. I kiss back, not knowing what it's for. "How did I ever end up the such a caring boyfriend?" Hairo says into my hair. "What about me!?" Reita pinches his side, drawing out a laugh. "Okay! Two caring boyfriends!" "That's better~!" Tineshi kisses the once pouting Toritsuka, hugging us closer. "Come on! We have more to unpack!"

Dinner Together

Toritsuka's POV~

I sat alone in our new house, boxes scattered along the floor. My two partners were currently at work, leaving me alone in the house. I had already read my magazines, gone through their underwear, and conversed with the weird ghosts we have. There was nothing to do! Then an epiphany came. I could cook! I hurriedly grabbed my wallet and dashed out the door, locking it behind me. I made a dash to the market. I grabbed all the things I needed for the dinner I was planning to make (pasta. Why not?) and some candy that I had to fight with a kid to get. I waltzed out of the market, candy proudly in hand.

I push open the door to our apartment. Only to be met with silence. I sigh as I plop the bags onto our table. I pull out the noodles, veggies and meat, rubbing my hands together. I (do a bunch of cooking shit that ya girl don't know how to do.). I had just finished placing the food on the plate when I heard the doorknob turn. "Welcome to-Aah!" I begin to welcome them with a flourish, only to slip on some dropped sauce. "Tori!" I hear my frightened partners call my name before blacking out.

I wake up on the couch with my legs and head in two individuals laps. I open my eyes to see Hairo softly brushing my hair and Y/n rubbing my sore legs and feet. "Hey sleepy head. Did you sleep well?" I groan in response, getting a soft rub for my head. "How're you feeling?" Y/n asks, rubbing up and down my leg. "I'm fine...did you like dinner?" They laugh. "Yes it was very delicious." "Best I've ever had I think!" I smile tiredly. "Alright chef, I think it's time for bed." I feel Hairo lift me up. He sets me down on our bed and walks to the bathroom. I feel Y/n climb in next to me, pulling me to his chest and lightly kissing my sore head. Tineshi comes back with some pain medication and a glass of water. I took the medicine and snuggled back into Y/N's arms. I feel the bed dip and another set of arms wrap around my torso. "Night little chef~"

Almost Getting Robbed

Hairo's POV~

I was currently in the middle of a midnight workout session, when I heard a thump. I stopped mid push-up and listened. I heard another thump, but more distinguishable. It was near the window. I crept through the door to our bedroom. Y/n was reading a book with Reita snuggled into his lap. They both looked scared and confused. "Stay here. There are weights under the bed, use them if necessary." They nod and clamber to get them. They hand one to me as I tip toe to the window. I see a shadowy figure prying at the window. I gently place my hand in the door handle, grasping it. I hear the window creak at the effort of the hooded stranger. I fling the door open, weight at the ready. "Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" I yell, startling them. I swing the weight only for them to dodge. They run off, leaving me behind. I let out a sigh of relief, closing the door. I set the weight on the ground as I walk into the bedroom. "Coast is-" "HIYAH!" A set of weights comes hard on my back, knocking me to the ground. "Oh god! Sorry Tineshi!" I feel myself being lifted to sit up. Two pairs of lips touch my cheeks in apology. "It's alright. At least I know you can protect yourselves." I breath out. They lift me up and set me on the bed. They both begin to massage my back, trying to ease away the pain. How could I ever let a robber take this away?


Y/N's POV~

"Why are there so many posters of women on the wall?!" I question to my partners. "I thought it brought a nice womanly charm to the place...?" I let out an exasperated sigh, that quickly turns to a smirk as I rip the poster down. "Gasp! My posters!" "Did you just say gasp?" "Yes. Yes I did. And if you can take down my posters of women then I am taking down Hairo's motivational posters!" His head whips up. "Not my motivation!" "Oh you mean this?" Reita rips down one, only to earn a gasp. "Not the motivational kitten!" I laugh. "Oh yeah!? Well say goodbye to (weird/ favorite posters) Y/n!" (Nuuu! Not Steven Universe T^T) "Not my babies!" He rips down the biggest one, almost as big as the rip in my heart. We start to bicker until I have finally had enough. "Enough!" I yell, stoping their own yells. "Here's the deal. Tori gets that corner, I get this one, and Kineshi gets the other one!" They nod in agreement and go to their respective corners.

~Small Time Skipu~

"You seriously put that back up?" Tori asks me as he stares at the ripped poster. "It's still looks good okay!?" He puts his hands up in surrender. "Alright guys calm down. Now we can all be happy!" Hairo pats our backs. "Yeah yeah..." I lean on his shoulder, looking around the room. Reita cuddles into the embrace, laying his head in my chest. I guess opposites really do attract~
This train is really bumpy y'all. There isn't even any seatbelts! I need Jesus. Anyway, hope you liked it. Next is Koboyasu and Metori! See you on the flip side! Luv you ❤️

Y'all I almost had a heart attack. My mom almost got Wattpad and was gonna read my story. I like legitimately almost had a panic attack on a train. Well there's a first for everything. Just thought I tell y'all for the lolz

(I need help)

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now