Metori Saiko x M!Reader

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Edit: So here's the jist. This was, as some of you saw, a Takashi one shot. I changed to it Metori because I felt the story line didn't match his character, so I changed it. Don't worry though! Another shorter Takashi one shot will be out after my Nendou one. Sorry for the change! Love you guys!

Y/N's POV~

"Yo! Silver spoon!" I call out to my wealthy friend. "D-don't call me that!" He flushes a light pink, turning away from me. "Alright Prince Perfect..." "Not that either!"  "Yeah Yeah. Anyway! What do you want to do today?" "I Uh... can't hang out today!" "O-oh really?" He nods, not making eye contact. "Okay I guess. See you later..." I softly wave goodbye and make my way home.

Metori's POV~

I watch as Y/n sadly walks home, his beautiful e/c eyes filled with disappointment. Bet you think I'm mean huh? Well I'm not! It's not that I don't like him! It's the complete opposite!


Did I say that...?

Alright! You caught me! I Metori Saiko have a crush on the most desirable Y/n L/n! Now you know why I can't hang out with him! If I do, my crush on him might slip! And I'm not willing to let the risk effect me! I can still attempt to hang out with that Koboyasu kid though. I then begin my walk to the park.

~Back to Y/n~

"Y/n! Come over here!" I hear my name being called. I turn to see a bundled up Nendou and Kaidou, each holding snowballs in hand. "Do you want to join the snowball fight? You can be on our team!" Nendou says in a singsong voice. I've got nothing better to do. I smile back at them. "Sure. I have some concealed anger I need to release anyway." I drop my bags next to theirs. "Let's pummel some kids~"

~Small Time Skip~


I fill my arms full of snowballs


I grab one, ready to throw


I aim and throw my snowball at the nearest kid, hitting him in the stomach. My team begins to quickly chuck balls at the opposing team, hitting one every time. "Y/n! Try to sneak past their lines! We'll cover you!" My teammates yell the instructions at me. I give a thumbs up and weave in and out of teens. I hide behind a tree. I peek around to be met with surprise. What I see is the one and only silver spoon Metori. Metori? What's he doing here? I quietly listen in on he and his friends conversation.

"So tell me again why you didn't hang out with Y/n?" Koboyasu asks while forming a snowball. "Simple. He's not high enough in statice to even be seen with me." My heart breaks a bit, my snowball crunching in my hand. "I think he's pretty cool. I don't know why you think he isn't." Aren defends me, glancing at Metori. "Yeah. He's one of the only other guys that puts up with your shit." Another one of his teammates says. "Does that change his statice? I think not." My heart finally shatters. I step out from behind the tree. I chuck the snowball right at his chest. "Hugh!" "G-got you..." he stares up at me with regret in his eyes, clutching his chest. "Know t-that pain in your chest from t-the snowball? That's the s-same pain I feel in m-mine!" I sniff as tears fall down my face. "A-and to think I actually h-had a crush on you..." "Y-y/n! W-wait-" I run off before he can say anything else, ending back in my teams territory.

Metori's POV~

Tears begin to prick my eyes. My plan completely backfired! What have I done!? My tears fall on to the snowball in my hand, melting it a bit. I look at my friends faces, both wearing an expression disappointment. "Well what are you waiting for?"Aren asks. "H-huh...?" "You clearly regret what you've done. So why not try to fix it?" I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes and stand up. I look at the footprints Y/n left with determination. I take a deep breath. "Wish me luck."

~Third Person POV~

Metori jogs over to the winning teams territory, head swiveling back in forth in search of his crush. "Hey! What do you think you're doing here?!" His eyes meet up with an aggravated Nendou and Kaidou. "You gotta a lot of nerve comin over here after what you said!" Nendou says, stepping closer to the frightened Metori. "P-please! Hear me out!" They look at each other. "Fine. But if it's stupid you'll face my powers wrath!" Metori breaths out his nose. "Thing is... I've had a crush on Y/n ever since I first met him, but didn't want to ruin my reputation and our friendship, so I hid it." He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "Admittedly I didn't do very well
at keeping it." He looks back up at the pair, waiting for a response. "He's at the fountain." "What?" "Y/n. He's at the fountain." "Really!? Thank you!" Metori quickly runs in the direction of the fountain, determined to win back Y/N's heart.

Y/N's POV~

I sat behind a tree near the fountain, face buried in my hands, sobbing out any tears I had left to give. I suddenly hear the crunch of snow under boots, getting closer by the second. "Y/n? Are you here?" I hear the timid voice of Saiko ring throughout the nearly empty park. My hand grips the snow underneath my hand, grabbing a chunk and beginning to form it between my hands. I take my newly formed sphere and throw it at his open stomach. I then run behind another tree. I hear a grunt come from his direction. "O-okay.. I deserved that." I giggle softly into my hand, sniffling a bit. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry." I throw another snowball, this time hitting his shin. He grunts again, but continues nonetheless. "I meant none of the things I said." Another ball, at his feet this time. "I actually have the biggest crush on you." The snowball I was about the throw drops to the ground, along with my jaw. "I was just afraid it was gonna ruin our friendship if you didn't like me back." I hear him take a shuttering breath, sounding like he's about to cry. "I u-understand if you don't like m-me anymore." He sniffs. "And if you don't want to even look at me." Another sniffle, this time coming from me. "I just wanted you to know that I still have the biggest crush on you. Even if you'll never like me back." His voice cracks a few times before I hear a shuddering sob. It bounces off my heart, drawing another small sob from me. I step out from behind the tree and bolt towards the crying Metori. I run right into him, causing him to fly backwards at the impact. He falls flat on his ass, me crying into his chest in his lap. His arms wrap around me tightly, bringing me closer to his pounding heart. I lift my head and wipes his tears with my gloves hands as he wipes mine. We laugh through our tears, resting our foreheads together. "D-does this mean you like me again?" He asks with a broken voice, more tears pouring down his cheeks. I laugh softly. "I don't think I ever stopped." He lets out a soft sigh of relief. He leans his back on to the cold ground, me still seated in his lap. I snuggle my head into his neck, finally relaxing after an eventful day. I lift my head to see Metori's eyes closed, clearly tired. I lean up and lightly kiss his lips, drawing a surprise yelp from him. I laugh against his lips. "Sorry. Did I surprise you?" I mumble against his lips, giving him another light peck. "Don't apologize! I've been wanting to do that forever." I laugh once more and rest against his chest, listening to the relaxing sound of his rhythmic breathing. I sigh, nuzzling against him in contentment~

Extra Ending~

"A-achoo!" A loud sneeze resonates through the empty nurses office, followed by the also as loud sound of a nose being blown. "Probably wasn't the best idea to lay in the snow for hours huh?" I asks in a nasally voice to my boyfriend. He shakes his head miserably, letting out another loud sneeze. I snuggle under the blanket that was thrown over me, pulling it tighter around us. He kisses my head as he tugs me closer, edging me to close my eyes for a much needed nap. We had just gotten comfortable when a certain someone came busting through the door. "Hey guys! I got you some ramen!" Nendou busts through the door, waking us up with a start. We both simultaneously grumble and hide under the covers. We giggle as we nuzzle our nose together, getting warm with each other's love~


This was surprisingly one of my favorite ones to write. Next one should be for Nendou via a request. Bye bye!

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now