Kusuo Saiki x Sick!M!Reader

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The new Avengers trailer looks fucking awesome

Requested by @TheSexyuke


"I just don't understand why I was the one that had to get sick! I was more bundled up then you were! This is the stupidest-"

The (h/c)-nette made a gagging noise as a spoonful of medicine was pushed into his mouth. Shut up and take your medicine you whiny baby. The male narrowed his red, swollen eyes and retreated back into his burrito of blankets. "I'm not whiny!" He then huffed. "That medicine sucks." There it is. "It does!"

The psychic simply rolled his eyes and walked out of the room to go retrieve more supplies for the his "drastically ill" boyfriend. "Kusuo! There you are! I need you to use your powers to make me better." Saiki's eyes slowly trailed over to the pathetic man next to him.

Or in other words his father.

I can't do that. His fathers hands went onto his hips. "Why not?!" I'm making soup. He quickly walks over to the cabinet and pulls out some quick and easy soup, then opening it and placing it a pot (is that how you make soup? I don't like soup so I don't know). He heats up the pot relatively fast and thoroughly stirs it until it seems cooked enough.

"Oh thank you Kusuo! You're my favorite psychic son-" said son briskly brushes past and climbs the stairs to his boyfriend, leaving his 'poor' father to slide to the ground.

He pushes open the door to find an even bigger burrito than before, sprinkled with large pillows throughout. Where did you even get those? A sniff. "I have my ways." Saiki fondly rolls his eyes and sets the bowl down on the nightstand. He then pulls one blanket away to reveal a shivering Y/n, nose practically running a marathon (ha jokes.). Are you going to eat your soup? Y/n nods and reaches out his shaking hands.

Saiki huffs and pushes the hands back down and climbs inside the blankets, pulling the bowl in afterwards. Alright you big baby, open up. Y/n pitifully opens his mouth and accepts the warm spoon, comfort practically surrounding him. Saiki allows a small smile to grow on his lips and feeds another spoonful. The sick male practically inhaled the warm liquid, his body finally retaining at least a little warmth.

Saiki sets down the bowl and wraps his arms around Y/n, his overbearing heat soothing the worn body between his arms. "I may be a whiny baby," a yawn breaks his sentence "but at least I have you to take care of me." Saiki's smile grows a bit wider.

And I have you.


A shorter one but I still thinks it's pretty cute.

Also Marvel is coming out with a Loki tv show. It's not relevant to this but I just thought I'd share.

I'm too hyped for Avengers lmao

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora