Kaidou Shun x M!Reader

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I ate all my lunch already T-T

Here's a short little one I thought of while sitting and down waiting literally a century for lunch to end (with mild editing after)


A huff.


A puff


"Ugh! What?!" I pout and poke his cheek. "I'm bored!" He draws his eyebrows together in frustration. "Really!?" I nod, my head laying dejectedly on his shoulder afterwards. "Are you done with your work yeeet?" I ask, head tilting up to meet his eyes. "Nooo! I'm not!" He says, eyes sadly going back to his papers. "Uuuugghhhh!!" I slide off the bed and on to the floor slowly. He rolls his eyes and smiles a bit.

Then an idea hits me.

"Jet Black Wings!" His head whips up "sAvE mE fRoM bOrEdOm!" He groans and slams his head on the table. I giggle and climb back on to the bed, head laying in his lap. "How about now?" He lifts my head of his lap and on to a nearby pillow. "No." I gasp dramatically "Did you just demote me to a pillow!?"


I my turn my back to him and deepen my pout, pillow mushed against my face. "Shun thinking he can ignore me." I mumble "Will you be my new Shun, pillow?" I hear a small snicker behind me "Will you be quiet? I'm trying to cuddle Shun-pillow!" I tilt to the side and curl up in a fetus position, cushion pulled against my chest.

Time to wait...

~10 minutes later~

"Are you done yet?"





"Nuh Uh!~"


"Alright!" I chuck Shun-pillow across the room and into the wall. I stomp back over to the bed and take the homework out from under his pencil. "Hey! Y/n!" I march over to the door and fling it open. I walk over to railing and throw it over the side. "YEET!" The folder sails down to the ground and lands with a satisfying 'Slap!'. I skip back into the room and shut the door behind me. I walk over and lift Shun from his spot on his bed and into my lap, laying back with him on my chest. "Y/nnn.." "Yes?~" I say as I nuzzle my nose into his fluffy hair. He sighs and wraps his arms around my neck. "Can you turn the lights off?" I smile serenely and flip off the lamp, pulling Shun closer to my body, sharing my body heat.

"Night night Shun-pillow~"
There's a little comedy one for funsies.

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora