Saiki Kusuo x M!Deaf!Reader Pt. 2

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I laugh as Saiki narrowly avoids a bone crushing hug from Nendou. What are you laughing at? 'At your lack of social skills' I quickly sign back. Oh says you. I giggle and smack his arm lightly, gaining a rare smile. 'I'll see you later!' Saiki waves and walks his own separate way. I walk quietly back home, a smile plastered to my face.

I open the door to be met with my sister swishing her small socked feet back in forth in her chair, homework placed in front of her. 'And how was school?' I tap her on the shoulder and sign. She smiles her gaped smile. 'Really good! I got a ride from my friend today too!' I glance around the room and notice that indeed our mother is not there. 'Do you want anything to eat?' I walk over to the fridge and pull out some food to eat. 'No. I'm having a sleepover with my friend.' I set down the stuff with a raised eyebrow. 'Momma's gonna pick me up then go stay with some friends for a girls night.' My hands form fists. 'And no one told me?' Her eyes widen. 'No! I'm so sorry bubba!' Her eyes fill with small tears after she says the nickname, signing our own original sign. I sigh and sit down next to her and pull her into my lap and kiss her head. 'Look here shorty, you just forgot. People forget sometimes.' I sign in front of her face, telling her to relax. She nods and settles back against my chest. Her head whips up as the door opens, showing my mother clad in office clothes. She waves at us happily and gives us a kiss on our heads. 'Did she tell what's happening?' I nod. My mom sighs. 'I'm sorry! I forgot!' I nod. 'It's okay. I know you are working hard for my benefit.' The worry in her eyes fades. 'Thank you. We will get that hearing aid soon.' I nod a smile. 'Now go on shorty! Go get pretty!' She jumps out of my lap and rushes to her room. My mom laughs and walks after her, setting her purse down. My smile drops and I walk to my room and shut the door. I flip on to my bed a sigh. This will be a long night.

Blaring sirens.

A pounding headache.

Crying people.






I jerk awake. I pitifully choke out a sob. I clutch at my eyes and shudder, attempting to put a cap on my emotions. I suddenly hear a quiet thump. I look up and sniffle, meeting bright purple (edit- I just got around to actually looking at the comments and pictures of Saiki... his eyes are purple >-<) eyes. I let out a sigh of relief when I realize who it is. He quickly pulls me into a hug. I bury my face in his shoulder and let loose.

I cried for a good ten minutes.

I finally let out my last sniffle and look into his eyes. He wipes my tears and puts his forehead against mine. Feeling better? I glance up and look into his eyes. For the first that night I realize that Saiki is holding me.



I blush and remember something.

My huge crush!


I see Saiki blush. I feel his arms around me tighten as he pulls me closer. I see him close his eyes peacefully, so I follow. We are a peaceful stand point until I feel something soft touch my lips. I jolt slightly as I feel his lips get closer. I kiss back as best I can, making him smile into the kiss. He pulls back and kiss my last stray tear. Do you want to talk about it? I take a shuddering breath and nod. He lays us back on my bed and pulls me on top of him. I snuggle myself into his neck and begin. 'I was in a car accident when I was 10.' A back rub. 'All because someone wasn't aware of their surroundings.' I feel Saiki's grip on me tighten. 'I was trapped in the car flipped over with a pounding headache and my slowing depleting hearing.' He kisses my head, comforting me further.  'They didn't get me out for about an hour. I was stuck in there believing I was going to die.'  I look up to see Saiki's sympathetic eyes. I nuzzle my nose against him. 'But if that didn't happen I wouldn't have been able to meet you and have such a connection!' I sniff and let a few more tears fall, trying to brighten the mood. How're you so optimistic? 'I have to be. Otherwise I wouldn't be anywhere.' He nods and smiles. Let's get some sleep. You've had a long enough night 'Okay'. He turns me so I'm facing him and pulls me into my neck and kisses my temple. Goodnight. 'Night.'

'How's that?' I shake my head. 'I'm good' My doctor turns on the hearing aid. "How's that?" I gasp and slap my hand over my mouth. "I c-can h-hear you!" I say with an unused voice. "Bubba?" I turn to my sister. "H-hey shorty!" "B-bubba!" She runs into my grasp and cries into my chest. "Hi mom." She hugs us both with power, kissing my head repeatedly. "Can I go see Saiki?" She nods and leads me to the car and turns the radio on. For the first time in 6 years, I can actually enjoy music. We pull up to his door and I bolt to it, my footsteps thudding on the ground. I knock on the door, my fingers tingling. Saiki opens the door, already knowing what's about to happen. "Come on!" I grab his hand and rush to his room and shut the door. I pull him into my lap and stare at him. "C-can you say something?" Something. "N-no! Say s-something!" He looks reluctant but nods. He pulls his face closer. "I-I love you~" His shy, scratchy voice melts my heart. Then I realize what he said. "L-love?" He nods, his burning face snuggled into my neck. I squeal loudly, then stop, realizing my girlish mistake. I hear an adorable snort emit from my boyfriend. "I-I love you t-too!" He lifts his head and smashes his lips against mine, sighing happily. I can actually hear his sighs. I am beyond happy. Saiki pulls away and kisses my nose, making me giggle. "Boys! Come eat~" My lip trembles at the sound of his mother's voice. Come one, let's go eat. I nod and begin my new sound savoring journey~

Wowee. Two parts in one day. I thought I might as well put out two cause I would most likely be watching Netflix comedy specials all day so why not be productive. I should be putting out a new chapter for my new one shot book soon! Bye!

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon