Hairo Kineshi x M!Cheerleader!Reader Pt.2

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Here is a short part two for Hairo's! This one will focus on the fact that Kaidou was blushing in the last one, insinuating that he has a crush on the reader. Hope you like it, next one is another request! (Ps read the end note please!)

Hairo's POV~

I sat on the bleachers of our gym, watching my boyfriend and his team practice their routine. "Ready? Ok!" Y/n's loud and cheerful voice rings out in the gym, signaling the start. Music begins to play, sending the team into the first part of their dance. I watch with a smile as they leap across the mats, landing with precision. I hear the gym doors open suddenly, drawing my attention. I look over to see familiar powder blue hair coming from behind the stacked up bleachers. Kaidou timidly glances out from behind them, searching with a light red face. My head swims with confusion. Why was Kaidou here? What, or who, was he looking for? His eyes then land on my partner, sending looks of battling nervousness and joy. Wait..... does Kaidou like Y/n? I think back to the first time they met and recall a very red faced Kaidou. My fists grip harder onto the plastic seat, a competitive fire beginning to light in my soul. He thinks he can get Y/n? Well guess what? Ive already won that competition. I watch Y/n finish with my secret plan brewing in my head. He walks over with his bag slung across his shoulder. "Hey Kineshi!" He happily waves at me, giving me a quick kiss. I hear a small grumble emit from Kaidou's direction.

Hairo: 1

Kaidou: 0

"Hey babe quick question. If someone else liked you, would you still be with me?" His happy demeanor changes into a puzzled one. "Well, yeah. I mean, you are my boyfriend. Plus it would be rude." He ends with a shrug of his shoulders, taking a swig if his bottled water. He takes the bottle from his mouth. "Why does someone like me?" "Maybe~" His eyebrow raises. "You seem quiet perky about it." I smirk and wrap an arm around him. "Well this is just a competition in know I'll win regardless so why shouldn't I be happy?" He gives a chuckle, running a hand through his hair. "Of course you made it a competition! I'm not even surprised!" "Really?" "I mean yeah, you even made sex a competition! Like who has a competition to see who can come the most!?" I flush red and drop my arm, hugging myself.

Y/n: 50

Hairo: 0

He stops us and grabs my hands. "Regardless of that. You don't have to worry about a thing. I like you more than you will ever know! You are the favorite part of my day after all!" I smile happily a kiss him, melting him in my arms. "Say, why don't we go home and have another competition?~" (I just provided you with your daily cringe. You're welcome) I shudder and nod my head enthusiastically.

Hairo: 1000

Kaidou: 0.000


There's a quickie for today.

Okay, down to the real business. This morning we hit 5k reads! Thank you all for giving my book a chance! I really appreciate it! After my next chapter there are going to be some announcements so look out for that! See you later! 💙

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