Kuboyasu Aren x M!Police Cadet!Reader

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Title: Seeing is Believing
Aren was walking through the park, when he noticed a young woman being harassed. He saves her, and the police come, along with a very skilled police cadet. Aren is immediately entranced with said cadet, which leads him to beginning a happy relationship with said cadet. What happens when his friends don't believe him?
Aren's POV~
I was taking a stroll through the park. School was beginning to stress me out, so I sometimes take a stroll through the park to clear my thoughts and nerves. I had just gotten to the end of the path, when I heard a woman's voice raising at an alarming manner. "Help! Someone help! Please-mph!" I heard her frantic voice and immediately ran over to see what was happening. What I come to see is an overly drunk man holding her against the wall, hands going into very inappropriate territory. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I shout at the man to stake away his attention. "I'm trying to keep the ladies *hic* voice down what do ya think?!" He drunkenly yells back, hands loosening. "That is no way to treat a lady! Or anyone for that matter!" The man takes his hands away from the lady, and staggers over to my. I nod my head to the left telling her to leave. The drunkard comes running at me, waving his arms around frantically. Once he gets close enough, I sweep my leg under his feet, taking him to the ground. I climb on top of him, holding down his arms. I hear police sirens in the distance, getting closer by the second. I see two police cars come into my eyesight, along with a motorcycle. Two officers come out of each car taking the man out from under me and handcuffing him. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and turn to meet one of the most handsome people I've ever seen. He has shining  (e/c) eyes and soft looking (h/l) (h/c) hair. "Hello sir! I'm here to ask for your side of the story for the report!" He asks me with a smile on his face. "Can I ask you something?" I ask after we finish. "Well, you just did!" He laughs. "But yeah, you can." "How did you become a police officer so early?" He laughs again. "I'm not an officer." "Really?!" "Yeah. I'm just lucky enough to be able to be top of my classes at the police academy. So they let me come along on cases to get a feeling and help out if they have their hands full." He explains as we walk over to his bike. "Woah! Nice bike!" "Thanks! Saved up and paid for it myself!" As he starts to get on I panic. "U-uh hey wait!" I say a little to loudly. "Can I-uh get your number to talk to stay in touch?" I ask awkwardly, face burns bg in the process. "Sure! The names y/n!" He hands me a slip of paper, waves, then drives off.

~Time Skip~

Third Person POV~

And those numbers did not go to waist. The talked and met up so often they became the best of friends. And eventually developed feelings for each other. Lucky for them, Aren was not one to shy away from a challenge. When he confessed he borrowed your bike and brought you to a secluded picnic under the stars. That night was spent with kisses and and newfound bonds. In fact, one of Aren's favorite things to do was brag about how cool his boyfriend was to his friends. Even though none of them believed him, even the infamous psychic Saiki (pretend he's not able to lol). Boy what a surprise they were in for.

Y/N's POV~
I was currently meeting my boyfriend at our favorite cafe. I saw his purple hair over the edge of the booth, so I waved my hand to get his attention. He speed walked over to me, sliding to sit next to me. Next thing I know, he falls face first into my chest, grumbling all the while. I laugh and pet his head. "What's up grumpy pants?" He mutters incoherently into my chest. I comb my fingers through his hair, waiting for an answer. "Do you ever just want to sucker punch your friends in the face?" "Not particularly." He lifts his face "I do!" He places his face in my neck, nuzzling, wanting attention. "And why is that?" He looks me in the eyes. "They don't believe you exist!" I raise an eyebrow. "Why would they think that." I take a sip of my drink as I ask. "Apparently, it's not possible for me to have a hot, smart, funny police cadet boyfriend." He takes the drink from my hand, angrily drinking. "Aw, my angry baby~" I kiss all over his face ending in his lips. "Yeah, yeah..." he glances to the side, defeated. " I think I may know how to help..." I say, smirking.

~Small Time Skip~
"Come on dude! Your 'boyfriend' isn't coming! For the last time!" Kaidou laments. I sigh, tapping my foot. "He's coming I tell you!" "Sure buddy." Nendou looks away, most likely thinking about ramen. And Saiki.... well he just stands there with the same emotionless stare as always, yet with a doubtful aura around him. Suddenly, there's a rumble of an engine in the distance. We see a motorcycle turn the corner, coming to a stop in front of us. The man on the bike takes off his helmet, revealing my loving boyfriend. Nendou and Kaidou's jaws drop, while Saiki's eyes widen slightly. "Hey babe! Ready to go?" Y/N's cheerful voice rings out in the silence. "Of course~" I saunter over to him kissing with short lived passion. He hands me an extra helmet. I climb on behind him, gripping his midsection tightly. "See you guys later!" I wave sassily, nuzzling against my boyfriend's back.


"So did our little plan work?" Aren weakly nods his head. "A little too well. They keep asking if you can give them a ride!" His head is currently in my lap, complaining about his friends. " I mean, I wouldn't mind-" "No way!" He springs up from my lap, startling me. "I am not sharing you with my friends!" He clambers into my lap, straddling me. He gives me an air stealing kiss, making me smile. I kiss back. He pulls away eventually to my dismay. He pulls my head to his neck, kissing my head. "Who knew you would be so selfish?" I giggle into his neck. "I only am when it comes to you~"
Donezo! Sorry it took some time to update, I was helping my aunt! Hope you like it.

1121 words

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