Hairo Kineshi x M!Cheerleader!Reader (Fluff)

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Title: Show Offs
Kineshi loves you with all his heart. Especially when you show off some of your moves to his friends, effectively making their jaws drop.
Hairo's POV~
"Why do we have to come! This is completely unnecessary! I could be eating right now!" Kaidou's grumbles, picking at his bandaids. "Come on guys! We just have to pick up my boyfriend then we can go to get ramen!" I yell back while bunny hopping. We come upon the gym, I stand up and stretch. We walk through the door. "5!6!5,6,7,8!" We come upon the cheerleading team, practicing their preps ⬇️

 "5!6!5,6,7,8!" We come upon the cheerleading team, practicing their preps ⬇️

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And low and behold, there is my boyfriend, at the top of the stunt. "I didn't know your boyfriend was Y/n!?" I smirk at Nendou's surprise. Y/n L/n, head cheerleader and my boyfriend. "Kineshi!" Y/n waves from up above. "Ready? 1,2,3,4!" The bases below dip low and toss him into the air. He does 3 corkscrew turns and falls into their arms. He jumps from their arms and into mine, smothering my face in kisses. "Uh hi Y/n." Kaidou looks just as flustered as he is around Teruhashi! Y/n waves and jumps from my arms. "Hey guys! Did you like what we did?" He asks cheerfully, still attached to my arm. " It looked so simple!" Nendou says stupidly. Me and Y/n raise an eyebrow, glancing at each other. "Oh yeah? Can you do a backward roll into a basket, into a v-sit down to a smush, up to a liberty turn, quarter cradle and barrel roll?" (That is something I do in my routine lol) My friends blink their eyes stunned. "Oh I know! Come here Hairo!" He pulls me over to the center of the mats. He whispers in my ear as my smile grows. "Ready? 5,6,7,8!" Y/n places his foot in my lowered hands. I dip and push him above my head while he does a heel stretch. I turn in a circle, Y/N doing different flexibility poses all the way. I dip once more and send him flying into air, doing a backflip. I catch him setting him to the ground. "Did that look easy, Nendou?" Y/n says sassily, hands on his hips. "Uh duh uh" He stammers dumbly along side a slightly impressed Saiki and blushing Kaidou. Y/n hands me a towel, grabs his bag and my hand and starts leading us toward the door. "Come on guys, I'm starving!"
Here's an extra I just came up with after practicing for cheerleading! Sorry if you don't get some of it lol. See ya later!

419 words

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now