Saiko x Koboyasu x M!Reader (Polyamorous Pt 3)

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Here is the third and final polyamorous relationship!

Sorry this was kinda late, I was at my cheerleading nationals. Once agin sorry for weird spelling errors cause I'm in the rickety train again...

Walking to School

Y/N's POV~


I groan as I slap my alarm clock, shutting it off. I sit up and lazily rub my eyes. I kick my legs over the side of my bed and walk over to my closet. I get dressed, grab an apple and head out the door. I walk down the street, munching on my apple, minding my own business, when I suddenly see a limo pull up to the side of me. I raise a brow, apple midway to my mouth. The back door opens, revealing my silver-haired boyfriend. "Y/n! Come into the limo before it's too late!" "Late for what?" "You may get robbed!" He waves his arms around in frantic motions "Poor and greedy people resort to doing that!" "Yes, Metori, I do realize that...." I sigh as my sentence trails off. "Even so, I'm not getting in the limo. It's a nice day for walking to school, and I don't plan to waste it!" He grumbles and ducks his head into the car, says something, then clambers out, standing in front of me. "I guess I'll have to protect you then." "With what?" He opens his pocket to show a golden taser, incrusted with diamonds. "Really?" "Yes! Now let's go!" He grabs my hand and squeezes it tight, walking in the direction towards school. As we walk Metori gets closer and closer to my side, practically clinging to my arm. "Ah! Y/n! What is that?!" "That's a dog." "Are you sure it's not a rat?!" "Yes." I wrap my arm around his waist pulling him even closer to me. His hand grips my shirt frightened by passerby's. As we were about halfway there, we here a voice calling our names. "Y/n! Metori! Hey!" We turn to see our other partner, Aren. Metori breaks from my grasp and runs into Aren's arms, trembling. "Aren! Aren! Why is your home so cruel!?" He hesitantly wraps his arms around the shaking male, looking in my direction puzzled. "He insisted he 'protect' me from robbers as we walked." He nods his head squeezing him tighter. Metori makes a noise in the back his throat and snuggles closer into his chest. I walk over I grab Metori's arm pulling him closer to me. "How about we walk like this? So you're safe!" He nods his head meekly, clutching our arms close.

We had just gotten far enough to see the school in the distance when we were shoved into a nearby alleyway. "Koboyasu! I have finally found you!" We look up to see a rough looking teen cracking his knuckles loudly. "What do you want?" Aren growls menacingly in his direction, pushing me and Metori behind his back protectively. "I'm here to fight! What else?" The teen cocks a brow, getting closer. I feel Metori tremble in the grasp I have him in, hand slowly inching down. I look into his scared yet determined eyes confused. He pulls Aren to the side, whipping out his taser and firing. The male shakes as his eyes roll to the back of his head, falling to the ground. "D-don't threaten me or my boyfriends a-again!" The fallen boy nods his head quickly and runs off. I laugh with relief as I hug my rich lover whom drops his taser and nuzzles into my arms. "I told you I could protect you." I kiss his head "Never doubted you for a minute." I feel another pair of arms wrap around us, kissing us. "You were so brave! I'm so proud of you!" Aren says happily, kissing Metori's head. I nod along in agreement. "Next time we are taking the limo to school! No questions asked!"

Lunchie Munchies

Metori's POV~

I waltzed into the lunch room, scanning the crowd for my lovers. I found them in their usual spot, munching on their school bought food. I scowl in disgust as I sit next Y/n, looking at his tray of mush. "Blagh! Are you actually eating that?!" The stop mid conversation as they hear my pointed question. "I mean, yeah." Y/n replies shrugging, shoveling more muck into his (smexy) mouth. Aren simply nods along, holding out a spoonful to me. "You want me to try it!?" He nods, holding it closer. "I only eat the finest and most expensive foods! Not peasant grub!" The stare at me with an unamused expression on their faces, retracting the spoon. My brain turned frantic, thinking I've upset them. I hurriedly reach out and yank the spoon from his hand, forcing it into my mouth, chewing. I slowly chew the overpriced food, scared as to what it taste like. Surprisingly, it's decent. I open my eyes to see my surprised partners staring back at me. I flush realizing how overdramatic I was acting. "Was it terrible? Did it make you want to throw up? Do you think you'll die!?" Y/n questions, obliviously teasing me. I lightly slap his arm and shake my head. Aren stands up and sits down next to me, putting me between them. They give each other a glance and a nod and proceed to lay their heads on my shoulders, continuing to eat. I kiss both of their heads. "Do you think you'll have it again?" Aren asks playfully putting more food towards my face. I snort. "Never."

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