Demonitize Me Baby (Kusuo Saiki)

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Saiki won't be a psychic in this one and a bit ooc so I apologize for that.

The first few paragraphs are an introduction to the characters story and all that Jazz then I'll put a little bit if you want to skip it but you might get a bit confused with some things.

It was a bit hard to make considering I didn't know where the story was going but I think it's decent.

"Salutations my sweets! I'm Sweetly Sinful and I welcome to you sinner central!"

I wink to the camera and throw a salute. I was currently making a new video for my channel.

You heard me right, I said channel.

My name is Y/n L/n and I'm a Youtuber.

I started my channel at the ripe age of 19 with hopes to be big and pockets emptied by college debt. I originally planned to go to school to be a designer but realized half way through that it costed way more than a broke kid could afford.

Meanwhile, my friends own channels skyrocketed. Kaidou Shun, a voice actor and artist , currently standing at 700,00 thousand subscribers. He's re-enacted anime's, iconic pop culture moments, Disney and drawn anything you can imagine.

And Teruhashi Kokomi, story time and DIY Youtuber with 2.5 million subscribers. This girl has practically had everything happen to her. Crazy fans, insane Uber drivers, and one or two tornadoes. If you want to spill the tea and make a koozie for it too, she's your gal.

So when I expressed my financial problems to them, Sweetly Sinful was born.

I started out with simple videos showing some of my designs I made and a few song covers here and there. I eventually got a small following- about 5,000- when I made a video reacting to a video that recently went popular.

I remember watching in awe as my video takes in 3 million views with comments full of compliments that I would've never thought of receiving. I practically blew up. I went from a few thousand subscribers to over half a million.

This also came with a few problems.

What we saw in nice and sweet compliments we also saw in harsh and bitchy ones. People started calling us the 'Triad of Terrible'. Kaidou was seen as childish and delusional, Teruhashi was fake and two faced, and I was seen as an attention seeking whore.

I'm mean I guess they're not wrong.

~Intro End~

So that's where it leads me to now; 3 years in and reaching the goal of 800,000 subscribers. I was doing one of my classic reaction videos of a video made on me.

"So sinners, I have some good news!" I clap my hands and smile. "We're famous! The one and only Pink Psychic has made a video on mwah-"

"And us!"

"And my side hoes." Teruhashi snickers off to the side.

"He made a conspiracy video on me and I have no idea why. Like, I'm pretty sure I've never even mentioned the guy in one of my videos." I sigh and adjust the rings on my fingers. "But hey if he wants my finger up his ass I'll gladly oblige. So let's get started!"

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now