I'm Okay (Kaidou Shun)

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Does anyone else remember this show? I found it on YouTube and nearly cried and head banged at the same time. Memories.

Moving on from that, this is the hypochondria prompt so if I get anything wrong feel free to correct me cause it may seem a bit over exaggerated for story purposes.

The day was like any other. The cool, crisp autumn air blew through the town as students walked their ways to school. Among these students was Kaidou Shun, a handsome loner that no one seemed to be able to figure out.

The bandages wrapped around his hands concealed a power greater than this world; a power someone would do anything to get their hands on. He was the barrier that held the very fabric of the-


Kaidou blinked as his inner monologue was interrupted. He glanced over to see a teenager frantically wiping his arms with wipes.

"Do you have any idea how may germs are on your arm?! You could give my hives just by brushing past me!" The teen angrily yells at the surprised girl.

She waves her hands. "I-I'm sorry! But I don't think you'll get hives-"

"Oh god, oh god! I'm going to get hives, and then I'll turn red, and then I won't be able to breathe-" The (h/c)-nette clutches at his chest as he heaved.

The poor girl next to him just looked terrified.

Kaidou quickly rummage through his bag and retrieved his inhaler and rushed to the boys side. He pulled out one of the wipes and scrubbed at the mouth piece, placing it to the boys mouth after.

His gloves hands came to rest on the inhaler as he sucked in the air. His labored breaths slowly lowered to normal until he took it from his mouth.

"Thank you! I thought I was going to die! And you even cleaned it with a wipe; you must be a angel!" Kaidou blushed and scratched his neck sheepishly.

"I-I dunno about that. I just acted on my instincts." The boy simply waved his hand.

The boy was clad in the normal uniform with added gloves and other hygienic materials overflowing from his bag. Despite thinking he was going to die, his e/c eyes shone brightly, a very lovely match to his h/c hair.

"Nonsense! You're my savior...." he trailed off.

"Oh! Kaidou Shun!" Kaidou responds quickly.

"And I'm Y/n!" He returns cheerfully as he bends to pick up his bag. "Soooo? Wanna walk with me?"

Kaidou blinks with surprise. "Uh yeah! Sounds good!"

The terrified girl just stands there in shock as they walk around her. "What the hell?"

"I've never seen you around before. Are you new?" Kaidou asks as the leaves beneath them gives under their shoes.

"Nope! I've always just taken my classes in the nurses office; it's the cleanest place in the school." Y/n responds happily as he skips a bit.

"Why the change?"

Y/n huffs. "My parents got angry with all the phone calls they got from the nurse so they're making me stay in an actual classroom. Can you believe that?!" He puts his hands on his hips and kicks a rock.

"Oh well I'm sorry-" Kaidou stops short as Y/n steps in front of him, his gaze directly on the red bandages around his hands.

Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now