My hands darted out clutching her thighs tightly as I yanked them downward, forcing them to lay flat. Manuerving my body I took the position hanging over her as I peered down at her beautifully tortured features. Greedily I ran my hands under her shirt, letting my fingers trail along her heated ivory skin, savoring the smooth feeling.

Her emotions were in overdrive as the slightest of my touches was making her moan out loudly. I pulled her shirt upward as she wiggled herself from the constricting fabric. Reaching out she too took a hold of the hem of my shirt yanking it over my head with one swift tug. "I'm sorry this is happening to you" I mumbled honestly as I brought myself down in order to plant small kisses along her neck. This is all my fault. I didn't give two shits that Carter went through this especially not after what he did earlier today but now...watching Jamie go threw it killed me.

"It's not your fault" she assured me being breathless from her pleasure filled pants and her pain fueled cries. When I was about to rebuttal her nails pierced my shoulder blades only to scrape down to my waist line. A tingling pain eloped through my already sore back as I snapped up and stared into her dark orbs that now resembled small plump blueberries. "I promise" she muttered ramming her core into mine and lighting a fire within me.


* Carter Stone *

"Carter" Lynn whispered as we laid on our backs in the leaf covered dirt and stared up into the darkening sky.

"Yeah" I mumbled turning my head to the side to catch her already stealing a glance at me. Seeing she was caught she shot her head back upward in an attempt to make me believe she had been star gazing the entire time.

"Did you really hit Nate?" She questioned nervously after an additional moment of silence. I gulped loudly not wanting to admit my flaws.

"Yeah, I did" I answered uneasily as she tugged on the hem of my shirt that was covering her entire upper body. "Over and over" I added sitting up and focusing my gaze out at the tree covered area. "It felt nice" I admitted as I bit on my lip wishing I didn't say that. I know hitting him was wrong. I know doing so with a weapon was weak. I know doing it when his back was turned was a pus move. But, that didn't change the fact that it felt empowering. Each swing was filled with all my pent up aggression, hate, heart ache, betrayal and anger, and it was all directed at Nate.

Most importantly, I know that my actions only made things worse. My brother despises me, Trent probably thinks I belong in a looney bin and Jamie... I can guarantee she will hate me. "You had to" Lynn stated pushing her body up next to mine. "He's torture you for weeks Carter. You had to show him enough was enough."

"But Jamie-"

"But Jamie nothing" she interjected in a harsh tone. "We have been through this. Where was she when Nate attacked you? She left with him, remember?" She reminded me as if I could ever forget that, it was a huge smack in the face.

"She may have left with him but I know she still loves me. Nate can do whatever he wants to persuade Jamie that he's her mate and that he loves her more than I do but, nothing will change the simple fact that I am her mate and she will always love me."

"Nothing changed" she muttered speaking about my connection with Jamie. It's true sleeping with Lynn helped for the moment. Even though I no longer feel Jamie as a part of me from her choosing Nate, we will always have an a special bond. One that no one can break not even the most powerful Alpha in existence. "You'll always love her..." she trailed off sounding disappointed.

"I don't understand" I gulped reaching over and grasping her chin, slowly I turned her face forcing her to look directly at me. Once she was facing me I noticed the single silent tear falling from her cheek. "What is it that you want?"

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