You Know You Dont Want To

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Madison's POV

It was finally last period meaning I had to see his face. I wasn't ready yet to face him but I had no choice. I had to get that paper signed. I shut my locker door and head to the main office to gets the slip.

"Hi, My name is Madison Claire. I spoke to Ms.Ryan Early in the morning about a slip I need to get from her. Is she available at the moment?" I say to a women in her mid 40s behind the desk. "Let me check. As for now, you may take a seat" I sigh, walking to the uncomfortable chairs.

I throw my bag onto the floor and plop myself down, crossing my legs. "Yes Ms.Ryan her name is Madison. Okay. Good Bye" I hear the lady say through the phone. "Ms.Claire-" I look up At the lady. "She's ready to see you" I smile, picking my bag up and rushing into her office.

"Hello Ms.Ryan" I say, entering her room. "Good after noon Ms.Claire you can grab a seat" I close the door behind me an walk up to the leather chair. I take a seat and cross my hands on my thighs.

"So, tell me once again... Why do you want to switch out of Mr.Mahone's class?" Hearing his name made me cringe, Just remembering what he did to me. "Like I said, my history grades have been really bad due to me not paying attention. I thought maybe if I switch to a more, how do you say..." "Experienced? Someone who's been here longer?" Ms.Ryan says, cutting my sentence. "Yes! That one! I just think that maybe if I was with a teacher who was here more longer, I would work harder." I know, it makes no sense but I really just need to be out that class.

Ms.Ryan looks at me confusingly, hesitating if she should give me the paper or not. As she stares at me or a few more seconds, she sighs opening a draw to her desk. She pull something out. It was a paper with 'DISMISSED' stamped in red. My eyes glowed with joy.

"Now Ms.Claire I expect you to do better this time." Ms.Ryan says, signing the paper. "Okay, You start your new class on Monday with Mr.tyson for this week, you'll have to be with Mr.Mahone due to notifying Me.Tyson about this. Here's the slip. Get Mr.Mahone to sign it and bring it back." I smile, holding the treasure in my hands. "Thank you so much Ms.Ryan! I promise, I will do way better" now that I'm away from him...


Walking to class was about 3 minutes but I wasn't complaining. Less time to see him. Sadly, about 2 minutes later, I reached the class. I turn the knob to see Austin at his desk, pulling on his hair as students work independently on their sheets of paper. I close the door behind me, making a noise causing people to stare.

"Sorry I was late. I had to get this from Ms.Ryan" I say, placing the paper down on his desk. Austin looks up at me with wide eyes as he holds the paper in his hands. "Wh-Why?" He whispers so only I could hear. "I don't want to talk about it" I say, bobbing my head to the students. "Can we talk about it in my office" "how about we won't talk about it at all? You know what you did to make me not be here looking at you" with that, I turn on my heels and walk to my seat.

As I get myself situated, Austin comes up to me with work sheets. "The front and back. Text book pages 243-247" with that, he turns back around and heads to his desk. I just can't wait to get out of here. 'Deep down You know you don't want to.'


My Teacher, Mr.Mahone (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now