Life So Complicated

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Madison's POV

It was only 3 more minutes until the period ended. Sitting on this uncomfortable seat, looking at this dumb work sheet, I tap my pen to the sound of the clock ticking. "Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tap Tap Tap" was all to be heard in the class room. Pretty soon, the bell rings saving me from my boredom.

I get off my seat, gathering my papers and text books to throw in my bag. Once the papers are zipped up in my bag, I walk up to Austin's desk to grab my slip. I ignore his presents of him sitting there and just snatch the paper. A I start to walk to the door, Austin speaks. "The paper isn't signed." 'He's got to be kidding me' I flip the paper over to see he was right. It wasn't.

I turn around on my heels and slap the paper onto his desk. "Sign it" I say annoyed. I was so fed up with him already. He looks up at me, black circles under his eyes. "I will, until you tell me-" I cut him off. It's a good thing the door was closed cause I was about to go donkey kong.

"Why?! You want to know why when YOUR the reason why I don't want to be here looking at you!? We both know what you did to not make me sit here and see you run your mouth for 45 god damn minutes! I loved you Austin, but clearly... My love wasn't enough for you. It okay, you got a new girl-" now he cuts me off.

"She's not my girlfriend Madison! I told you this thousands of times! I don't love her at all, I love you! For fuck sakes I'm in love with you! Everything about you just lights up my world. Your smile, your gorgeous light brown eyes, your cute giggle, your sweet lips on mine, your small hands intertwining with mine. Madison I don't want to lose you. I know what I did with Marie was a big mistake. I couldn't go to sleep or eat since that night Knowing you would probably hate me, it hurts. I love you Baby girl, and I always will. That's why I'm going to fight. Fight for your love. I don't want to lose you. Never in a million years."

I stand there, taking that all in. 'He's in love with me' was all that kept going through my mind. "Please baby, don't cry." Austin says, moving the pad of his thumbs across my cheeks. I guess I was so much into thought I haven't realized salty tears were falling from my eyes. I hesitantly look up at Austin to see his eyes filled with guilt. "Madison, please say-" "just sign the paper" I say, cutting him off once again. I just needed to get out of here. I couldn't stand here because if I did... I would probably fall back into his arms.

He sighs, nodding his head. His hands leave my face to grab the paper from my hands. He turns around and lays the paper on his desk. He picks up a pen and scribbles 'A Mahone' "here, it's signed" I walk to grab the paper. "I love you. And trust me, I will find a way. A way for you to be in my arms again" Austin says, placing the paper into my hands. He places a kiss on my lips making my stomach twirl. I couldn't stand here any longer. I rush out the door so he won't see the tears about to rush down my face.


It's been a week in Mr.Tyson's class. He's actually not that bad. He would make jokes here and there and sometimes act out what were learning about with the students. I've been doing better too. Getting my homework done, copying more notes then before. The good thing about this class is that I made a new friend. His name is Matthew. Matthew was on the basket ball team. He was pretty cute too. Blonde hair, green eyes. I could get used to sitting with him.

"Psst, Madison" I hear Matthew whisper shout to me. I slightly turn my head around to face him. "Yeah?" "How would you like to go to a party with me? It's at one of my boys house, Jack. Anyone's invited." I smiled, nodding my head a 'yes' "great! Here's my number and the date of the party. I'll pick you up at 8:00 just text me your adress"

As I'm about to speak, the bell rings. He smiles, passing the paper to me. I shove it in the back of my jean pocket an start to collect my things to pack up. "Come on, I'll walk you to your locker" I smile as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. We start to head out.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Bye beautiful" Matthew says, leaning in to place a kiss on my cheek. As his lips come in contact with my skin, Austin passes by. He just looks at me with a sad face.

Matthews lips move away from my cheek, making me pay attention to him. " bye mat. See ya tomorrow." With that, I was left alone by my locker wondering why the hell Is my life so complicated!

My Teacher, Mr.Mahone (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now