More Than That

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Austin's POV

Walking in my house, I throw my jacket onto the couch in the living room. I walk to the kitchen, going straight to the fridge to grab me a water bottle. As I spot one behind the milk, I take it out and uncap it. I bring the bottle to my lips, taking a sip. I re cap it and head inside my room

My room was so empty. Usually, me and Madison would lay down and cuddle, giving kisses here and there as we watch our comedy movies. But that wont happen anymore, considering she's seeing that Matthew kid. I swear, I just wanted to choke that kid endlessly. If I ever find out he laid a finger on her, I would definitely be in jail.

I place my water bottle, watch and bracelet my Mema gave me on my dresser. As I walk to my closet, I start to untie my tie. I remember when Madison tried to untie my tie once.


"No Madison Baby, you pull that down" I say, showing Madison how to untie my tie. She giggles, doing as I say. I smile, gripping onto her tiny waist. I pull her closer to me so that her arms rest on my chest. I turn us around to only pin her up against my closet door. She looks up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"I love you" I say, moving a piece of her beautiful brown hair away from her eyes. She smiles, standing on her toes to place a kiss on my lips. "I love you too. I always will." I pick her up, her legs wrapping around my torso to bring her to my bed. I plop her down on the bed and finish undoing my tie myself. "How about we order some Chinese food and cuddle" she says, sitting on her knees wrapping her arms around my neck. "Sounds perfect baby girl"


I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I just really miss her. I miss having her in my arms, having her lips on mine, having her snuggle into me when she feels cold. I miss all of it. But, once again...I screwed everything up.

I take my work clothes off, only to put a white v-neck and my New York Yankee bottoms. I grab my bottle of water and work my way to my bed.

I place the water onto the table next to my bed, only to pick up the house phone. I dial the number me and Madison always used to call "Hello, China town, do you need a delivery?" (That's the name of the restaurant where I live lol) I smile, thinking of how me and Madison always ordered from this place "yea can I have Chicken..." And that's how I spent the rest of the day. Eating Chinese take out on the bed, watching comedies, imagining Madison right by my side.


Madison's POV

"Madison sweetie, please eat!" My other shouts at me as I play with my meat balls on my plate. I just sigh, starting to play with my spaghetti. "I'm not hungry" I mumble, placing the fork down. "You haven't been the past two days! You eat less Madison! What's going on?!" 'A lot of things. Things that I wish could change for the better'

"Mom, I do eat. I've just been stressed with all the school work" I lied. She sighs, getting off her seat to grab my plate. "Okay. If your hungry, foods in the microwave. If it's not in there no longer, it will be in the fridge." I nod my head, getting up off my seat to walk up the stairs to my room.

I open my bed room door to see home work scattered across my desk. I walk up to the mess, bringing my work all together. I was way to tired to finish homework. I create a pile and shove it into my binder. I'll deal with it tomorrow.

I walk into my bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I remember when I was at Austin's one time, he tried to braid my hair.


As I sit on Austin's kitchen counter, our lips moving in sync, Austin's fingers start to run through my hair. "It's so soft" he mumbles on my lips, making me break away from laughing. "Okay weirdo." "It's true baby! It's like silk sheets that smell like strawberries." He says, making me shake my head.

"Can I braid it?" I look at him confused yet amused. "Braid it? Babe, can you even braid my hair?" "Yes, watch let me try" I shrug my shoulders, turning around on the counter. I cross cross my legs and move back so my back was pressed up against Austin's chest.

"Okay, what do I do first?" I just laugh, turning back around to hop off the counter. "Forget it Austin!" He just chuckles, grabbing my hand to pull me against him. "I love you Madison" I smiles placing my tiny hands on his cheeks. "I love you too" I squish his cheeks and stand on my toes to place a kiss on his squished lips.


I wish I can go back. Back to when we were happy like that. Back to when no one can come in between what we had. Back to when I was happy. With out Austin, I'm horrible. I want him back. I really do.

But sorry isn't going to be enough. I'm going to need more than that.


My Teacher, Mr.Mahone (Austin Mahone)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt