Forgive And Forget

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Madison POV

"Matt, this looks pretty crazy" I say, stepping foot out the car. Matthew gets out as well and places his shades on. He looks over at me and smiles. "I know, if anything you'll have me by your side the whole time" I smile back at him as I link my arm with his.

Matthew locks the car and we start to walk up to the loud yet crazy house. "Stay by me okay?" He says before pushing us into the house.

Stepping foot inside, the smell of alcohol and smoke hits my face. "YO MATT" I hear a voice shout. Matthew turns around to spot one of his friends. "AYE JACK!" Matthew shouts, bringing him into a bro hug. Once he pulls away Matthew wraps his arm around my waist.

"Who's this pretty lady?" Jack asks, staring at me with a smile. "I'm Madison but you can call me Maddie." "Well Maddie, it's nice to meet you." I give Jack a smile.

"The drinks out back?" Matthew asks Jack as he now unwraps his arm from my waist to Intertwine
our hands together. I blush, looking down at the floor. "Uh yeah, in the blue cooler." "Okay man, see ya" with that, Matthew pulls me out to the back yard.


"Want one?" Matthew asks, pulling a bottle of mikes hard lemonade out the cooler. I shake my head a no. "Shouldn't you be drinking something non alcoholic you know, since your driving?" I shout over the blaring music. "It's just one drink. It won't affect me any way." He says, popping the cap off the glass bottle.

I stare at him, bringing the glass towards his lips to take a huge sip. Matthew pulls the glass away from his lips and starts to speak. "Wanna go dance?" I look at him crazily.

"Matthew, I can't dance! I'll embarrass myself in front of everyone" he chuckles, grabbing my hand with his free one. "Well then, I'll teach you. Come on beautiful" I blush as he pulls me inside to the living room to see a bunch of sweaty girls and boys dancing.

Matthew takes a huge gulp of his drink before setting it onto a table. Once his hands were free, he pulls me towards him. My back pressed up against his chest. "Just move your hips to the music. Thats all you need to do." He whispers in my ear, his hot breath hitting my neck making me shiver.

So that's exactly what I did. Moved my hips against Matt with the beat of the music.

As I continue to move my hips, Matthew starts to leave kisses on my neck. I tense up remembering the way Austin used to do the same. His plump, pink lips on my skin gave me such a tingly feeling. The way Matt does it...I don't feel anything.
I quickly pull myself off his body and turn around to face him. "I'm gonna go get a drink" I say and rush out back.

After pushing my way out back, I take a seat on a swinging bench. I sigh as I place my head in my hands.

I tried. I tried to forget about Austin but I just can't! No matter what I try to tell myself or what ever I do to not think about him...he comes back into my mind.

'Because you love him! You want to be with him! You know what he did was hurtful and you know sorry isn't going to be enough but just forgive and forget! Forget about what happened that night and move on. The past is the past. It's done with. Worry about the future. Go...go Forgive him. Give him another chance.' My mind screams at me.

I take my face out my hands and get up. I walk back into the house to spot Matthew in the kitchen with Jack laughing. Matt looks over at me and smiles. "You got your drink?" "No actually I uh, just sat outside and thought about something's" "like what?" He asks, leaning on the counter. 'Like why I'm here when I should be forgiving Austin'

"I'm sorry Matthew but, I have to go"
I place a quick kiss on his cheek and start to rush out the front door ignoring him calling my name. Running at least 5 blocks, I call Lauren.

"Hello?" Her voice rings through the phone. "Lauren, I need you to pick me up from jacks party." "Cool. Hey, maybe when I drop you off home we can watch-" "I'm not going home." "Then where am I dropping you off?" A smile spreads across my face as I answer her question. "Austin's"

IG- RockingAroundClark

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