Gonna Be Hella Fun

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Madison's POV

I look at my mother and back at Austin's mother. Back at my mom annnnddd back at Austin's. I was just so confused. 'How did they even meet?!' "You see, when I was visiting aunt Jenny, Michele was over baking cookies at her house. You know, for aunt Jenny's cooking club" 'wtf?...did she read my mind?!' I just nod my head, acting like I knew about my aunt having a cooking club. "So as Michele was over, we started to talk and the topic of having kids came up!" 'Oh lord... I can imagine her embarrassing me.' "That's when I found out my son was your teacher! Isn't he one of the best teachers ever?!" Michele, chimes in making me smile. "The one, the only" I say with a smile. 'Don't forget... His body is the best too! ;)'

As I continue to sit here, staring at my mom and Michele talk while sipping coffee from there mugs I got tired. "Hey mom?" She stops talking and turns her head in my direction. "I'm kind of getting tired. I'm gonna head upstairs to the shower and then go to bed" she lightly smiles, placing her coffee cup on the counter. She walks around the counter and engulfs me into a hug. "Okay sweetie. Good night princess" I smile as I place a kiss on her cheek. "Okay mom. Love you."

I start to walk but soon stop, forgetting Michele was there "nice meeting you again" I politely say to her. She smiles as she gets off her stool to bring me into a hug. " it was nice meeting you too Maddie!" She pulls away and looks at her watch. "It's kind of getting late. I should just head out to see my son and head back home." Michele bids my mother a goodbye as she grabs her purse from the living room. " I'll show you out" my mother says to michele, as I walk upstairs to my bathroom.

Once I step foot into the bathroom, my phone rings. I take my phone out my back pocket to see 'AUSTIN xo 😘' across my screen. I smile as I press the answer button.

"Hey Babe!" I say happily into my phone. "Hey Baby. Whatcha up to?" I hear him say, as he chews into something. "Well, I'm about to take a shower. What are you up-" I say but soon stop when I hear an all too familiar voice through the phone. "Your bathrooms really big. Bigger than my living room" that voice I hated the most... Ms.monterey

"Austin?" I say through the phone, clearly annoyed. It took him a while to answer. "Yes Baby?" "Who are you with?" "Oh uh... With a friend that's all. Listen I uh have to go now. I'll talk to you later. I love you" "I love y-" beeeeepppppp was all I heard. I sigh, slamming my phone onto the bathroom sinks counter.

Why? Why did he lie to me?! Why couldn't he just tell me he was with her?! "UGHHH!" I yell, hitting the toilet bowl. 'This is going to be some relationship'


History. That's what I have now and I've been ignoring every single word Austin was saying. Oh by the way, guess who's sitting int the back "taking notes" ?! You guessed it! It's Ms.Monterey I mean... If you didn't guess that... I'm sorry but your stupid.

I continue to tap my pencil against my text book due to the fact Ms.Monterey kept looking at Austin like he was a piece of meat. Her eyes focus on me and she gives me a light smile. I just sigh as I turn back to the front of the class room to zone out. Pretty soon, class ended. I collect my stuff and shove it in my bag.

"Madison, may I have a word with you?" I turn around to see Austin. He looked annoyed. 'Same way how I felt about you lying about hanging out with Ms.Cheese yesterday!' I sigh, turning on my heels to walk to him. "Ms.Monterey, excuse us for a moment?" She nods her head with a smile as Austin pulls me into the office he has in his class room. "Listen, if your-" I start but get cut off by Austin. "What's your problem?! Why did you ignored the whole day!?" 'Well, this conversation is gonna be hella fun'


My Teacher, Mr.Mahone (Austin Mahone)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin