Want Nothing To Do With Him

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Madison's POV

Walking down the streets to head home was a bit blurry due to me crying my eyes out. Here and there I would get whistles due to what I was wearing but I just ignore it, gripping onto my jacket tighter. 'You knew you couldn't like him yet your ass goes and starts a relationship!' My mind speaks, making me walk faster.

I had a whole bunch of mixed emotions right now. I just couldn't think! 'You knew this wouldn't last long. Not even when he started to hang out with that bitch'

"MADISON!" I hear, continuing to walk. "MADISON OVER HERE!" I just sigh, still walking. Soon, I start to hear honks of a car. I turn around and spot Lauren in her car. She waves her hand and steps out of her car. She comes running worriedly to me. "What happens Maddie?! Why are you cry- ...did he do something to you?!" This was why Lauren was a great friend of mine. I knew I didn't have to explain to her on what happened. She just knows.

I just stare at the ground and let more tears free. "It's okay Maddie, don't cry. He's too much of a dick to cry for." She says, bringing me into a hug. "Let me take you to my place and get you cleaned up." I just nod my head, getting into her car.


"I can't believe him! Why would he do that to you?! Especially on your anniversary!" Lauren shouts, wiping some tears off my face as I sit on her bed. "Oh that's another thing...he forgot it was our anniversary." Lauren becomes wide eyed. "I swear to god. If my boyfriend forgot our first month anniversary...I will shove flowers and boxes of chocolate up his-" "okay okay Lauren!" I say, chuckling. She just smiles, placing the tissue on the dresser.

"Do you know what your going to do for his class?" Shit... I forgot I was in his global history. "I'll just...change. I'll say I don't pay much attention in his class so I can change into a class I can pay more attention to." "That's pretty good." "Yea...I can't say 'well, me and Austin just got out of a bad relationship. He cheated on me, his student with a teacher who's last name is cheese. P.s. The bitch smells like cheese too' " Lauren just chuckles, opening a bag mixed with Candy. She takes out an almond joy an throws it at me. Almond joys were my favorite.

"Well, that would be a bad thing to say. Especially you could get in deep trouble. Wouldn't want that happening." I nod my head in agreement. As I chomp on my almond joy, my phone starts to ring. "Shit, it's my mother!" I rush I my coat and pick my phone up without looking at the caller ID knowing it's her. "Hey mo-" "Madison listen, I love you Baby girl please I'm so-" I immediately hang up my phone and throw it on top of. My jacket. "Guessing it wasn't mom" I Shake my head with a sigh. This was going to be harder than I thought.


"Lauren, Madison get up!" I groan, sitting up and stretching. I rub my eyes to see I was on Lauren's bed. 'I must of fell asleep here' I look to my right to see Lauren sleeping. I giggle at the sight. I decided I would wake her by pushing her off the bed. As she rolled off the bed, a loud Thud could be heard. "W-what who w-what...Madison!" I just die out laughing making me fall off the bed. "Oww" I say groaning. "Get your butts off the floor and get dressed" Lauren's mom, Beatrice says with a chuckle.

I get up off the floor and rush to Lauren's closet. "Of course Madison! You can use my clothes." I just giggle, looking at all of her shirts. "Lauren, don't you have t-shirts with out Shawn Mendes, 5sos or Justin bieber?!" "Hey! Don't be hating on da biebs! His hair is ma LYFE!" I roll my eyes, grabbing a smiley face t-shirt and black high waisted jeans. I go to her sock draw to find Justin Bieber socks. "You've got to be kidding me" I mumble under my breath. "What did I say Madison?!" I drop the socks and back away. "No hating on the Biebs. Got it."


Once reaching the school, we park the car and head to our lockers. I haven't seen Austin yet which was a great start to my day. "Since I have Austin last, I'll just get the slip from there." I whisper to Lauren as she nods her head. We close our lockers up and start to walk to class. 'I hope I only have to see his face last period. I want nothing to do with him'

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