"Here Goes Nothing"

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Madison's POV

(Not edited)

Sitting there for a few more minutes, I finally head downstairs to see Austin in the living room watching "really?... Spongebob?" He looks up at me with a smile "yes. No one is ever to old to watch spongebob" I just giggle as I take a seat next to him. He smiles as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I look up at him and smile back.

His eyes. His eyes were what I was paying attention to the most. The way they sparkle... It's like watching the sun set. "Babe... Did you hear me?" I hear Austin say. 'I guess I've been staring at his eyes so much I wasn't paying attention' "Uh no. Can you repeat what you said." He just chuckles as he nods his head. "I said I ordered a cheese pizza. It would be coming in a few." I nod my head and face the TV.

As we sat here watching Spongebob for another 10 minutes, we hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?!" Austin shouts from the couch. "It's pizza!" I hear behind the door. "Hold on! Babe" I look up at Austin. "Grab my wallet from my room." "Sure" I get up from the white, soft couch and head to his room. I walk in to see it on top of his desk. I grab the wallet and head back out to the living room. "Here you go" I say handing him his wallet. "Thank you Maddie. hey, while I go pay for the pizza you can go to the kitchen and wait there." "Okay." He smiles as he walk towards the door. I turn around on my heels and walk into the kitchen.

'Where does he keep the plates?' I mumble, searching through the cabinets. I thought as he payed for the pizza I would set the table up but the problem was I couldn't find the plates. "Hey Austin!" I shout from the kitchen. I start to walk out to the living room. "Do you know where the plate-" I say but soon freeze when I see who's at the door. "Madison what are you doing at Mr.Mahone's house?" It was Lauren.

"Uh... Um.... Uh..." 'Jesus Madison say something!!' I was so scared at the moment. If I tell her the real reason why I'm hear 1, she won't be my friend anymore 2, she might tell the school 3, she might tell my parents and lastly 4, put Austin in jail. "... I'm hear to study?" I say in a high pitched voice. I look over at Austin to see him breathing a little to fast. I then look over at Lauren. She just stared at me with an eyebrow raised. "Oh cut the shit Madison! I'm tired of you lying to me!" Lauren all of a sudden snaps. "Now... Be a good friend for once and tell me the Real reason why your here." I look back at Austin to see him shaking his head no. 'Well, here goes nothing' "I'm here because..."

Well, that's all your getting for now!! I LOVE doing cliff hangers!

Comment what you think she's going to say.

Comment what you think Lauren would do!

Ig- RockingAroundClark

My Teacher, Mr.Mahone (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now