Chapter 48 "Why Did You Do It?"

Start from the beginning

"Oh," I said. "I don't think you would want to move in here with us. The kids wake us up every night, whether it's because of Nat, or they have nightmares or something."

"I don't mind," he said. "I mean, Nat would probably keep me awake, but, you two have been through a lot, & I think that you guys would need a lot more help with the kids, since you guys are still recovering from what happened the other day."

"I don't think that there is any room left," I said.

"Could I sleep in the closet?" he asked.

"Uh, sure, I don't mind," I said.

"Okay," he said. "Thanks Kenzie!"

I smiled at him. "You're welcome," 

Alex grinned at me & leaned in to give me a hug. I hugged him back. When we let go of each other, we stared at one another. Alex was still smiling at me, leaning his face toward me, until our lips met for a few seconds. What was going on?! Does my brother-in-law have feelings for me? This isn't right. I mean, it's cute, but I'm already MARRIED to Nat. 

I pulled myself away from Alex of embarrassment. "Uh...I-I'm sorry."

"-No, I'm sorry," he said. "I shouldn't have done anything like that. I don't know what had gotten into me!"

Before I could say anything else, I heard Nat behind me moving around on our bed. He raised the covers closer to his neck & began to snore.

"Man, your husband can sleep through anything," said Alex.

I nodded. "He sure does."

"Well, I guess I'll go get my stuff & bring it over here," he said.

"Okay," I said. 

Alex brought in his suitcases into Nat & I's bedroom. I'm still shocked about the kiss between Alex & I. Should I tell Nat about it? Ugh, I just don't know anymore. 

After Alex unpacked his suitcases in Nat & I's room, Polly texted me saying that her & Michael were going to bring the kids back to our room within the hour. I guess they were having a little date night of their own. I felt kind of hungry. I looked into the mini refridgorator & I grabbed the kid's leftover container of food we had the other night. After I ate some of their food, I looked at Alex, who was on the other side of the room, checking his Twitter & such. I turned to Nat, still fast asleep next to me, drooling & snoring at the same time. He is seriously the most cutest thing ever when he's asleep! Of course, everything he does are the cutest things ever. I smiled at him, layed down next to him, & tried to take a nap before the kids came back to our room.

I woke up an hour later to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Alex opened the door. Polly & Michael had brought the kids back to Nat & I's room. Right when they brought them inside, Nat woke up. He had a confused, tired look on his face, & his hair was all messy.

"Hi guys," Nat yawned. 

"Hi daddy!" said Jason.

"Did daddy just wake up?" asked Nate.

"Kinda," said Nat.

"We both fell asleep for a little while," I said. "But, Nat probably slept a lot better than me."

Michael came out of the closet. "Alex, why are your suitcases in Nat & Kenzie's room instead of yours?"

"I don't like my room because it's not soundproof at all, & I don't like being alone at night," he said. "I asked Kenzie if I could stay with her, Nat, & the triplets & she said yes."

Nat looked over at Alex, then at me. "Alex is staying in our room?"

"Yes," I said. "Just for a little while though."

"Oh," he said. "Alright."

"It won't be that bad, Nat," I said. 

"I know," said Nat. "I know."

*A couple hours later, Nat, Kenzie, & Alex ordered room service. After they ate their dinner, Alex helped Kenzie & Nat put the triplets to bed. Alex layed down in the bed next to Nat & Kenzie's. He was in the middle of Shane & Jason. Nate slept in the middle of Nat & Kenzie. Once Nat had finished telling the triplets a bedtime story, he had not only put his children to sleep, but he put Alex to sleep as well.*

                                                             *Nat's P.O.V.*

"Goodnight Kenzie," I said giving her a kiss.

She kissed me back. "Goodnight Nat,"

I turned off the lamp on the table, put my mask over my face, turned on my machine, & went to sleep. I was happy that the kids were okay after what had happened a few days ago. I don't know what else I would do if Margaret or Justin hurt them. Besides killing them, that is. Even though I slept almost all day today, it didn't take me very long to go back to sleep when everyone went to bed. Something woke me up around midnight. I turned on my right side. Nate & Kenzie weren't the ones that had woken me up. I turned on my left side. Shane & Jason weren't the ones that had woken me up either. Where was Alex? I took off my mask & walked into the walk-in closet. Alex was sleeping next to the pile of my dirty clothes, & was wrapped up in towels that were hanging up in the bathroom. I grabbed an extra blanket from Kenzie & I's bed & covered him up with it. Then afterwards, I got back into Kenzie & I's bed & fell back to sleep. 

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